So, with these interesting times and what is becoming a fast evolving global catastrophe. I, myself, along with the rest of you ( I hope ) can take some solace in looking after our gardens, to have some peace away from the news, to give our ladies the best care we are able to provide 🌱
If you ever needed any vindication or validation as to why growing your own is best. More than half the world currently in lockdown, and with MJ in short supply, our actions speak for themselves!
Anyway, back to this diary.
I done a lot of work on the room, invested a lot and tried to make everything as automated as possible. Everything runs on smart plugs, the hydroponic system is DIY and is RDWC which is cooled with a Hailea 150a.
6 plants is what I am going for this time, with a shorter veg length compared to the last grow. I prefer to wait until they show their sex, but if they don’t by week 5, I plan on flipping anyway all being well.
I am using 730nm LED’s that come on 15 mins before lights on, turn off during lights on, and then they come back on when lights go out, and stay on for 15 mins. This should enable me to run 13/11 during flower with little risk.
I am also going to add a UVB fixture to my custom rig which will only be used during the final 2 weeks of flower.
I have 3 Alibaba lights attached to a custom rig, they really are awesome lights. I tested the room out with an Apogee SQ-520 par meter (PAR map in pics). I have dimmed them down, so PAR is around 500 across the whole canopy, this will be increased to 1000 once they’re flipped.
I vent from my house, to the room and then outside, this increases the CO2 in the room, which I think helped the yields on the last grow, generally CO2 hovers between 470 and 700 PPM.
My ladies look a little sick, but tbh, I struggle starting out in Rockwool, and things usually correct themselves within a couple weeks.
With the quarantine I have struggled to pick up a humidifier that is capable of maintaining that room, so it has been all over the place since the start.
I have opted to go with Royal Gorilla this cycle, let’s see if it’s as potent as RQS says that it is!
Good luck all and take care...