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*=UPDATE=* Smoke Report *=UPDATE=* Harvest Totals **Smoke Report and effects** to follow after cure, May 10th ish. This was my second ever indoor grow, and compared to my last grow I have learned a lot. My goal this time was to get about 1.5-2oz a plant, up from my previous goal of 1oz a plant from last grow. Best part is I got to my goal!!😁 Next goal will be 2oz+ a plant. This was the last time I will be using my homemade grow tent, it was compromised out of recycled Styrofoam, miss-tint paint and glue, it provided me what I needed to get the job done one a extreme budget but it is preventing me from doing more. The main problem I ran into this grow was humidity control/space. The fan broke half way through and I was too lazy to get a new one as I figured I'll wait till I get a real tent. This mind set enabled some mould to flourish and that is why I had to harvest early. I felt if I let the plants go 2 more weeks, I would have hit 2oz a plant, it was only a few grams away, however if I kept going with the mould I would have been down to 1oz after all the rot was cut out from both plants, that shit fucks up your grow fast if you don't manage your air circulation. So the main things I learned: 1) I was underfeeding my plants in there 2nd half of life, thus the buds from the previous grows and this one suffered a bit. This grow does have the most dense buds I have ever grown, but it could have been better. 2) PH is key, I still did not have a PH meter but was blindly altering the PH of my water by adding in some citric acid, not only to neutralize the chlorine but also lower the PH a bit. When I did test the soils PH using a soil testing kit, it was lower then previous grows. This helped get more nutrients into the plants and grow bigger. previous grows the PH was 7-7,5 ish 3) You can get an "ok" harvest off of blue lights, my grow was under seven 18" 6500k 18w sunblaster LEDs, and I thought they would never get over 1oz a plant because they don't have the best spectrum for cannabis in flower, among the other dumb things I do as a novice grower. but they worked out just fine, still going to upgrade in time with proper lighting in the 3500k range. 4) Once the plants get bigger and buds start to becoming more dense, the air circulation is needed, its is not longer optional for a budget grow in a shity homemade tent. 5) Defoliation works. my plants have ruffly the same amount of buds, however the plant that I fiddled around with mainlining and defoliation had bigger fatter buds vs popcorn nugs like the opposite plant. 6) Fungas gnats are annoying, fuck them, use nematodes to kill them flat in there tracks. 7) Getting better at making edibles. :) So other then that, the only real differences between this is last grow is lower PH in tap water, more lights, slightly bigger pots, bit more feed and different genetics from a different breeder. I followed everything else ruffly the same. My own hydro break down from lights alone is below. I did not notice any big difference between the two plants and there phenotypes, I was meaning to take a clone and try and grow it outdoors again but forgot and that was my last of the seeds. I was surprised that one of them was a male. not even hermi, full blown male. I'm not into breeding or I would have kept him, Yields: Plant # 1 - male, killed Plant # 2 - 42.1g bud, 13.15g trim (1 .49oz, 0.46oz) bigger fatter buds Plant # 3 - 45.1g bud, 13.15g trim (1.59oz, 0.46oz) smaller nugs, almost all popcorn. =Overall - 87.2g total bud, ave 43.6g a plant. 26.3g trim ave 13.15g a plant. Smells: plants 2-3 - both smelled the same, in the beginning they had a lovely sexy lemon sent, then in the end it just turned into something else, I think some of the moulds in the tent altered it a bit. Will wait till after cure to see what its like, I noticed some changes in just drying and having them in the jars for two days now. Now that the cure is all done and finished the two strains smell a bit different in there respective jars but there smoke is almost identical. plant #2 or pheno #1 is more of a classic OG Kush smell to me, its earthy, herbal and pungent. Hints of pine in there with lemon bit woody. plant #3 or pheno #2 is more of a bright one, It's sweet smelling with berries in it, some hints of almost floral like in it, not quite rose or lavender something else, not what I was expecting at all. I like this smell better vs the other plant. Smoke Report It took its sweet time but I finally got it in. I myself do not smoke, so I relay on my roomie for this part of the report, they are a long time smoker 10+ years. They have reported that the smoke smooth and easy going, they would say it was a bit smoother then my previous grow of OK Kush CBD and Blackberry. the only noticeable differences between the different phenos is that pheno #1 is more pungent that phoneo #2 but over all the smokes flavours and quality are the same just brighter in phone #2, I feel these are a bit off from the original seeds I grew back in the day from my first ever grow but still high quality. this was rated as a equal balance of sativa and indica feels on smoking but the smells where leaning towards sativa a bit. m0use +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Cost + Time Analysis Of Growing Cannabis. m0use’s Breakdown +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Light Schedule === growth: 18h on 6h off flower: 12h on 12hr off GROWTH: 35days 5am-11pm-on -- 11pm-5am-off --- Cost of kwh with on-peak "20.8c", mid-peak "14.4c" and off-peak "10.1c". 5am - 7am -- 2hr @10.1c/kwh off-peak 7am - 11am -- 4hr @20.8c/kwh on-peak 11am - 5pm --6hr @14.4c/kwh mid-peak 5pm - 7pm -- 2hr @20.8c/kwh on-peak 7pm - 11pm -- 4hr @10.1c/Kwh off-peak --- 6h @10.1c/kwh 6h @20.8c/kwh 6h @14.4c/kwh --- Using the previous c/kwh numbers above I can find out the daily cost of the lamps in the 3 peak periods. growth and flower 6h x 10.1c/kwh = 60.6c/kw * .126 kw = 7.64c off-peak 6h x 20.8c/kwh = 124.8c/kw * .126 kw = 15.72c on-peak 6h x 14.4c/kwh = 86.4c/kw * .126 kw = 10.89 c mid-peak The "h" hours and "kw" kilowatts cancel out and we are left with a value of "c" cents per peak period add all the peak periods up and you get your cost of running the lights in cents per day c/d --- growth : 7.64c + 15.72c + 10.89c = 34.25c/d FLOWER: 52days === 8am-8pm-on -- 8pm-8am-off --- Cost of kwh with on-peak "20.8c", mid-peak "14.4c" and off-peak "10.1c". 5am - 7am -- 0hr @10.1c/kwh off-peak 8am - 11am -- 3hr @20.8c/kwh on-peak 11am - 5pm --6hr @14.4c/kwh mid-peak 5pm - 7pm -- 2hr @20.8c/kwh on-peak 7pm - 8pm -- 1hr @10.1c/Kwh off-peak --- 1h @10.1c/kwh 5h @20.8c/kwh 6h @14.4c/kwh --- Using the previous c/kwh numbers above I can find out the daily cost of the lamps in the 3 peak periods. growth and flower 1h x 10.1c/kwh = 10.1c/kw * .126 kw = 1.27c off-peak 5h x 20.8c/kwh = 104c/kw * .126 kw = 13.10c on-peak 6h x 14.4c/kwh = 86.4c/kw * .126 kw = 7.77c mid-peak The "h" hours and "kw" kilowatts cancel out and we are left with a value of "c" cents per peak period add all the peak periods up and you get your cost of running the lights in cents per day c/d --- flower : 1.27c + 13.10c + 7.77c = 22.14c/d Lights === LED’s I use are 18w each and I have 7 lamps on an aray. 18w*7 = 126w | 126w/1000 = 0.126Kw growth: 18h/d lights on * .126kw lights hydro use = 2.27kw/d flower: 12h/d lights on *.126kw lights hydro use = 1.51kw/d G:79.45 + F:78.52 = 157.97kw for the entire grow. Cost growth : 7.64c + 15.72c + 10.89c = 34.25c/d flower : 1.27c + 13.10c + 7.77c = 22.14c/d The time my lights where on in the grow for 12 weeks and 1 day, or 85 days. growth: 35d * 34.25c/d = 1,198.75c ÷ 100 "100c in a dollar" = $11.99 flower: 52d * 22.14c/d = 1,152.28c ÷ 100 "100c in a dollar" = $11.52 the "d" days cancel out and we are left with a total cost of the lights for my 85day grow. 11.99 + 11.52 = $23.51 Using the regular calculation of grams harvested divided by watts used is not accurate to me, it does not account for all the time the lamps are on, the length of grow to the over all cost. The calculation that makes sense to me is this, harvested dry weight of usable cannabis buds/trim/keif/whatever in grams divided by total kw used. Could also combine it with grams per total single use costs “anything you used only for this grow and wont reuse in the next, or fractions of multi use items like fertilizers if they ½ full” and see how much you’re investing per gram. "kw" ÷ "g" = kw/g "$" ÷ "g" = $/g I have harvested 4oz or 113.5g on 157.97kw, this includes buds and trim in mycase. 157.97kw ÷ 113.5g = 1.39kw/g of usable cannabis. I’d still try and aim for under 1kw/g. $23.51 ÷ 113.5g = $0.20g The other ratio would have been, 113.5g to 126w = 0.9g/w just shy of the 1 mark. So in total, it cost me 20c per 1g I grew in light electricity alone. Not to bad. legend, kwh = kilowatt per hour kw = kilowatt w = watt h = hour c = cents $ = dollars d = day LED= Light Emitting Diode
Update 30/10 Purple : going well 2nd week of flowering perfectcly. Only issue : cal/Mag or ph deficiency New pH meter and adding the new biobizz cal/mag Master : the topped one is now really at the same rythme.. I defoliate a lot to try how she will react to be honest I am disappointed and I would ear space by loosing her... I don't know! So far expecting a nice yield from 2/3 Guys do you have any idea about when to harvest the purple?
Day 46, 30th of October 2020: Crazy... I went on holiday only for 6 days so my friend looked after them.... Guys... They fucking grew 20 cm it is crazy look at them I had to do LST and now giving them darkness one day and switch the lamp to 12/12.... They went totally crazy.... The smell is coming as well I bought extraction fan system with filter as well.... It is not a question all good and everything will continue the same way well from next week pump a lot of nutrition ;) Cheers!
Day 46, 30th of October 2020: Crazy... I went on holiday only for 6 days so my friend looked after them.... Guys... They fucking grew 20 cm it is crazy look at them I had to do LST and now giving them darkness one day and switch the lamp to 12/12.... They went totally crazy.... The smell is coming as well I bought extraction fan system with filter as well.... It is not a question all good and everything will continue the same way well from next week pump a lot of nutrition ;) Cheers!
NOTE: THE COUNTING OF DAYS STARTS FROM THE DAY THE SEED STARTS ITS PROCESS, IN THIS GROW DAY 1 WAS THE MOMENT THE SEED GOT INSERTED INTO THE EASY START (i do not recomend this method for experienced growers, but higly recomend it to unexperienced growers that might accidentally damage their seedling's new root as they move them from the germination zone into their next or final pot, with easy start you can just pick up the small cube of soil and place it inside the next pot GENTLY). NOTE: For strain informations, soil recipe and nutrient's stock please do check "Germination Week" as you will find all the information there. (Do not replicate nutrient dosages as these are higly variable depending on the conditions within the grow room or tent, so you may end up damaging or killing your plants even if they are the same strain from the same breeder). --------------------------------------------------------------------___________________________________________________________-----------------------------------------------------------------------_____________________________________________________________________---------------------------------------------------------------- 28/10- All watered with 75ml to 85ml of water with the nutrients in the above concentrations. 29/10- Transplanted now as the soil is in perfect condition between wet and dry and plants start to get a little big for their pots, since i expected them to be rootbound before the day after next watering i decided on transplanting earlier and let them fill the 11l pots right away, i only started in smaller pots as to use a lighter soil since the soil i mixed is for the main pots its some HOT ASS soil. Increased the light's height to maintain plant to light distances. Didn't water yet since i had used water to break down the coco bricks and while mixing the soil the moisture got into all of it, so there is enough humidity to maintain them like this for 1 or 2 more days, i will decide on that tomorrow. Plant height before transplant was 8 to 10 cm, i burried it down to 5 again as to spare some vertical space and try to avoid an emergency tent upgrade (highly unlikely if everything goes well, but i am getting ready for it, because with my luck i may expect 1m plants and somehow have a SOG of 1,4m plants basically clubbing with the light, i hope not, but we never know). 31/10- On these ones i switched it up with 250ml of water per plant with dilluted nutrients in the ratios of: Bio Rhizotonic- 4ml/l pH Perfect Micro- 0.30ml/l Ancient Earth Organic- 1ml/l Followed right after of 500ml of plain water per plant. Seems to have done the trick for GG2, much more colorfull by now, however GG1 is being stubborn and keeps on pushing weird-al leaves, but still pushing leaves, imma keep this one just for the sake of it. if it doesn't work out i can always replace it later on, i just wanna see how her structure at the end of veg is and if she will produce flower, if flower production is there even tho not optimal, i will still grow it just to check out if there is any DNA damages caused by heat that could of modify the cannabinoid profile in relation to the other one.