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Que pasa familia , vamos actualizar estas misty gorilla auto de Zambezaseeds, están increíbles, vaya color, como van formando esas flores , añado mega PK(0,5gr),Terminator, tricoma y explotacogollos (0,2gr),todo de la gama AgroBeta, que por cierto contentísimo con los resultados hasta ahora , cubren todas las etapas de principio , hasta el final de la floración. Sigo controlando la humedad en que no suba de 50% la temperatura que no aumente de 27 grados y el ph controlado en 6,2 siempre en cada riego tenga nutrientes o no. Pues lo que veis es lo que hay espero que os este gustando este diario, ya que no soy partidario de poner autoflorecientes en indoor, os traigo el lst en indoor con autos para seguir aumentando los diarios y que os puedan servir de referencia o futuras dudas, un saludo fumetillas y que tengáis buenos humos.
What a week for this girl! After seeing both of my Sweet Seed autos take a hit from my lack of watering with runoff, I decided to take preventative matters with this Gelato plant and flushed her clean with 8 gallons of plain pHed water, and then a final gallon of a light feeding mix. Since doing that 4 days ago, definitely have seen some further discolouration, but as far as I can tell, It's stopped spreading to the new growth, so I'm 'hoping' to be in the clear but you really never know. I got the soil pH up from 5.4 to 6.5, and the ppm down from 1100ish to just under 400 (which is typical ppm for a flushed plant). Going to keep a close eye, but damn do I feel like she went through some serious shock. Bud development has pretty much slowed down, so hoping she bounces back and start stacking, but I also don't know if this is from the shock of the flush, or the low temps I've been faced with this week. Anyway, definitely learned my lesson on this run! Organic growing here I come 😁
Ladies & Gentlemen, We have flowers! They are growing like nuts. Yeahhhhh buddy!
Hi fellow growers, for this first week of flowering, everything went smoothly. She took the defoliation from last week well and kept growing strong. She took 8cm during this first week of 12/12, nothing crazy but I hope she is gonna take more this coming week, so that she has pretty long main branches by the end of stretching. I'm glad the smaller branches that occupy the middle grew well and full up this empty space. I'm tucking daily the fan leaves from the main branches to allow a maximum light to reach the branches from the middle. Last week I was wondering if I had gone too strong on the defoliation and then I read about this schwazzing technique, when one defoliates even more, basically removing most of the leaves, this on the day of switching to 12/12 and then doing this same heavy defoliation 20 days later. So be prepared, in two weeks I'm gonna apply the recommended second heavy defoliation and we'll see how that goes together. 😁 Humidity is around 70% at the moment, it's on the high side but I'm not too worried about it. For the nutrients, I'm still religiously following the biobizz schedule and so far, so good. I started this week to log everyday some basic data about the plant, like height, temperatures and humidity. I guess it would be nice to have a little graph at the end to see the evolution of the plant or whatever one wants to do with the data. I think it's good practice too. -- Stereoscopic pictures -- You might have wonder what the hell are those two pictures where seemingly the same picture is put two times. They actually are stereoscopic pictures or 3d pictures. It's using the same principle as 3d for movies or virtual reality and it tricks your brain into seeing in 3d. Basically each picture is the view from each of our eyes. I made those pictures so it allows to see them in 3d without glasses. Follow along with this little tutorial (The picture "stereoscopy 2" is easier. I find it as well easier on a computer as smartphones have a smaller screen): - Having the pictures in front of you around 30-40cm (15-20cm on smartphones) from your eyes, start crossing your eyes slowly. - Both pictures are gonna move toward the middle. The idea is to make both pictures superpose each other in in the middle. - Start to focus on the superposition in the middle and if necessary, adjust the distance between your eyes and the screen. - Once it's in focus, you will instantly notice it and see my weed in crystal clear 3d! You can then move your eyes in the picture and enjoy it. - With a bit of practice, it becomes quite easy to focus (1-2s only) Even the NASA does it! https://stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov/gallery/crosseyed.shtml Let me know in the comments if you managed it and if you find it cool or not! 😉 Take care everyone and see you next week!
Questa settimana ho deciso di montare una lampada di supporto a LED per poter far arrivare a tutte le piante abbastanza luce, le piante continuano a crescere e i fiori sembra che stiano maturando per bene spero di raccogliere almeno 4/5 piante entro 2/3 settimane,perché alcune sono molto indietro rispetto ad altre.
Flowering started, plant stretching, have defoliated to allow light to lower canopy, light smell in the tent, good smell on touch of stems. Very light purple colour in centre of leaf fan/top of fan leaf stem
✂️Defoliation one more time. ✌️🎃Thank you for checking my cultivation.
The topped gorilla is 55cm, untopped 80cm, pulling it sideways for a few days or a week. All is well, watering at 6.3 this week, big bud and cal mag. With the LED long gone now im in flower, im using a 450w CFL red, for flower, with a reflector. Not planning on doing any defoliation for a while now, wishing i hadnt been so harsh a few weeks ago, trimming. Be careful guys. Have given the plant a slight hst, the 80cm bothered me, im sure it will knuckle up even though i am in flower. Not ideal. My inkbird was £35 well spent. Maintaining the temperature very well. 26* consistently
Day 9: installed this Pro Co2 bucket in my grow tent 2 days ago. Really looking forward to see what this addition brings and if Co2 can really improve a run. Only time will tell Day 12: Everything is going good.. Added Foxfarm Acid Lovers dry fertilizer, scratched it into the top inch of soil about a tbsp and a half and watered good. I checked ph the other day and somehow soil ph was all the way up to 7.0 hopefully this FFAL will drop that a little. Also got some trifold poster boards and stapled sheets of mylar to them to reflect more light. 12/2 Ending week 2 gotta say everything is going as good as I could hope this lady is in full affect first time ever growing this strain and I can tell its a good one. Great genetics can't wait to see end result
Day 65 of flower, not sure when to cut her down yet, but she's looking well!