So, I was going away for a week. Given that I'd been babying these on the daily, I had some trepidations about leaving them for a week through at least two if not three, watering cycles. I engaged the help of a trusted friend to stop by and make sure they were watered and cared for. As I'd been running the tent pretty hot, I wanted to increase the margin of error so I dropped the power down to 75% and raised the light about 6".
Once I came back, the plants were very healthy for the most part. I did begin to get PM on one of the plants as you can see in the photo. So began treating that (defoliation, cleaning, spraying w water, obsessively searching for new spots).
I was very pleased with the way they were crystalizing. The one plant with the super fat colas wasn't as resinated as the others at this point yet she was THICC and dense.