I didn't use the Bio-Grow and Bio-Bloom the whole week because of slight nutrient burn in the tips of the leaves on the upper part of the plant. I asked on a forum (grower.ch) what it might be, and they said it probably is too much potassium. I really do hope it will get better with time, but right now it has gotten a little bit worse, although it still is a minor inconvenience.
I really thought that it is very hard to feed too many nutrients with biological fertilizer, but I had not thought about the soil. It seems that the prefertilized soil must be the problem here. Next week, I'll use just the Bio-Bloom at 50% of the recommendation and won't use Bio-Grow anymore. I do hope that it won't get worse. She is in bloom and needs nutrients. There seems to be a little lack of them since one leaf on the bottom is turning slightly yellow, so she is redistributing nutrients.
I need to look for new soil, and also I'm going to change my approach to fertilizing in the upcoming grow.
Other than that, she is now too tall with her 118 cm to keep her on my window, so she hasn't and won't see the real sun again. She got a lot more buds this week, and I really enjoy looking at her beautiful flowers. She has a very nice and sweet smell too.
I am really thinking about setting up the grow tent in my apartment and not in my basement, just to take a look at how the plants are doing. I love plants, always have, but cannabis is just the most fascinating one.