Week 6(Bloom):
My vacation was hell for my poor plant 😥 I set up a 7 gallon bucket with a pump and timer. I didn’t test it before I left… The bucket was lower than the plant so I’m assuming once the pump kicked on the rest of the water siphoned into the plant. So she probably took the entire 7 gallons of water on day 1 and staved the entire time I was gone. When I came home she was sitting in about 2 inches of water. The entire tent was flooded. She looked like hell, leaves were showing signs of some deficiencies I haven’t seen before.
I let her dry out for 2 days. It was tough to do, but I wanted to make sure that there was enough air to the roots after that much water for so long. I gave her a full does of nutrients. I really hope she bounces back from this.
With all of that happening she still has matured quite a bit, the buds have sized up a bit. I feel this setback of a week will really affect my yield. Better luck next time I guess, and no more vacations…
I should have taken pictures of it immediately following my return, but it was really hard to stomach. I didn’t want to really show that off. But my current pictures make it look pretty decent. If you look close at the buds in the picture you can really see the damage done.