RH is a struggle, it is a hot and wet summer, the dehumidifier is on from time to time but it adds even more heat.
The ORP probe is not calibrated and values are to be taken with a grain of salt.
Values are average of the day.
DATE - °C - RH% (Tent Temp/RH)
20240829 25.9 63.0
20240830 24.3 65.0
20240831 23.1 66.7
20240901 23.7 68.3
20240902 25.4 69.8
20240903 24.4 72.4
20240904 23.5 73.6
20240829 6.07
20240830 6.08
20240831 6.09
20240901 6.00
20240902 6.10
20240903 5.94
20240904 5.95
20240829 21
20240830 49
20240831 9
20240901 62
20240902 122
20240903 115
20240904 59
DATE - EC(us/cm)
20240829 2452
20240830 2396
20240831 2278
20240901 2340
20240902 2319
20240903 2339
20240904 2265
20240829 24.52
20240830 23.96
20240831 22.78
20240901 23.40
20240902 23.19
20240903 23.39
20240904 22.65
DATE - °C (Reservoir)
20240829 22.6
20240830 21.9
20240831 20.2
20240901 21.3
20240902 22.9
20240903 22.2
20240904 21.8