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Freunde der Sonne :) KURZE INFO DER LETZTE EINTRAG HIER IST IMMER DER AKTUELLLSTE NACH DATUM NACH UNTEN SOLLTEN UNTEN SCROLLEN UM ZU VORHIERIGEN EINTR'GE ZU GELANGEN : <3 WEEED wollte dir ein text drücken :) hab mich vertippt... aö ich bin heute eine Bewustseinsstufe beim Grown aufgestiegen ! Endlich kann man jetzt Täglich meine Real Talk oder Reaktion ViD/PIC anschauen. Absofort werde ich meinen GARTEN anderts wahr nehme wer rein schaut kann Exklusive Tipps für seinen Garten gebrauchen. Gerne bin ich für Fragen offen und ich helfe wenn ich kann fals nicht findet sich in der Gruppe immer jemand. DER GRUND IST DAMIT ICH NACHVOLLZIEHEN KANN WAS ICH FALSCH GEMACHT HABE BZW UM WISSEN ZU MANIFESTIRE UND GEWISSE GEDANKENVERBINDUNGEN GESACHFFEN SIND. IM GRUNDE MEIN GROWTAGBUCH ICH TEILE MEINE GEDANKEN MIT EUCH GLEICHGESINNTEN UND WÜNSCHE ALLEN EINE ERFOLGREICHEN GROW brO cRypto666 2 minutes ago cRypto666 <LIEBE> BRUDER ICH LADE DIE VIDEOS UND BILDER NOCH HOCH UND ICH BIN MIR EIGENTLICH SICHER ES KÖNNTE DIR GEFALLEN VIEL SPAß AUF QEEN SEED GIBTS WIRKLICH GUTE BLOGS MIT TOURTORIALS FÜR NEULINGE/ANFÄNGER . Konnte mir so mein Verständnis und Grundlage die fürs grown wichtig ist gut lernen und Aneignen ! WIRKLICH VIELE UND GUTE INFOS !! es ist soweit heute beginnt Woche 1 ... BEVOR WIR STARTEN, WICHTIG WASCH DIR GRÜNDLICH DIE HÄNDE UND BENUTZE GUMMIHANDSCHUE BEIM ARBEITEN! SEHR WICHTIG! Ich freue mich das ich heute wieder das Gärtnern begonnen habe und eine Hällfte der Samen in der Erde sind. Kennt ihr das Gefühl der Vollkomenheit wenn man sich im Garten beschäftigt ? Für mich ist das Therapie und für euch? Ich spiele mit dem Gedanken anstatt Samen zu growen mir einfach eine Mutterpflanze Anschaffe um mir meine Stecklinge zu ziehen ! Dafür brauch ich aber noch ein anderes Zelt und eine Lampe. Die Mütterpflanze kann dann erst mal wachsen und ich kann nebenbei noch mal ein Durchgang mit Autos schaffen bevor die Steckis fertig sind. Wenn es soweit ist gebe ich euch bescheid wenn ich Samen und Setup bei mir stehen. So jetzt aufs eigentliche zurück. Ich habe heute erst mal mein Setup geprüft und so gut wie möglich desinfiziert. Es ist verdammt wichtig das nach jedem Durchgang sauber gemacht wird also zb Zeltwände, Boden, Topfe, Boxen, Wasserbehälter. Habe ich gemacht und habe meine ersten Samen in Anzucht Erde gesetzt, befeuchtet, markieren und in die Box. Wände und Deckel mit zersteuber befeuchten und ab unter die Lampe. WICHTIG MACH DIE ERDE NICHT SO NASS ! DAS GEFÄLLT IHNEN NICHT SONDERN HALTE SIE AM BESTEN FEUCHT IN DEM DU ABEND / MORGEN EIN BISCHEN WÄSSERST! ICH STELLE DIE LAMPE AUF CA 40 cm zum Boden ein bzw der Box. Ein gewisser abstand muss sein um die Fläche komplett zu Beleuchten. Da meine Lampe dimmbar ist muss sie nicht ganz oben hängeng sondern Kann näher an die Pflanzen ran und Stelle den Dimmer auf 20 %. Das reicht anfangs in dem Stadium völlig aus, muss aber dann später angepasst bzw hoch geschraubt werden! Lüfter I läuft 24/7 und sorgt für optimale Bedinungen! WICHTIG LAMPE 20/4 HELL/DUNKEL (REGLER STEHT AUF 20 % LICHTLEISTUNG) DANN HABEN WIR ES EIGENTLICH SCHON GESCHAFFT UND ALLES RICHTIG GEMACHT! Ich versuche schon so viel wie möglich von meiem Wissen an euch weiter zugeben bzw auf Papier zubringen, ist aber NICHT IMMER ZU 100% Möglich, da es einfach zu viele Informationen sind ! Bei fragen einfach fragen und die Comiunity hilft sicher !!! KOMMT ZEIT KOMMT RAT ... ich hab 2 Monate Infos eingeholt und Produkte verglichen ! Auf Queen Royal Seeds gibt es gute Anfänger Tipps sogar teilweise mit Video. Mir hat das sehr geholfen mein Grundwissen aufzubauen. BEVOR IHR DAS GÄRTNERN ANFANGEN KÖNNTE MACHT DIR GEDANKEN WO DEINEN GARTEN STEHEN KANN. #1 AM BESTEN IHR HABT EIN GARTENZIMMER DER NUR ZUM GÄRTNERN BENUTZT WIRD IST DIE BESTE LÖSUNG DA DU DEINE UMGEBUNG VIEL LEICHTER SAUBERHALTEN KANNST #2 DU KANNST DEIN GARTEN AUCH INS WOHN. BZW SCHLAFZIMMER STELLEN WENN DU KEINE MÖGLICHKEIT HAST EIN GARTENZIMMER ZU MACHEN. DAS IST NICHT DIE PERFEKTE UMGEBUNG ABER WENN DU ABLUFT RAUSLEITEN KANNST DANN MACH ES ! DU KANNST ES AUCH IN DEN RAUM STRÖMEN LASSEN MUSST DIR ABER BEWUST SEIN DAS ES EVTL DAS SCHIMMELN IM RAUM ANFÄNGT! IST MIR SCHON PASSIERT ! LEITE SIE WENN MÖGLICH AM BESTEN RAUS ! ACHTE DAS DARUF DAS DEINE LUFTFEUCHTIGKEIT UND TEMP KONSTANT BLEIBEN UND ES NICHT EINMAL ZU WARM UND EINEMAL ZU KALT... IHR WISST SCHON SORGE FÜR EINEN KONSTANTE UMGEBUNG IN DEINEM GARTEN. DIE WAHL DER SAMEN IST AUCH WICHTIG DA ES SORTEN GIBT DIE EINE WARME UMGEBUNG EINE KONSTANTE ODER EINE EHER KALTE UMGEBUNG. AM BESTEN IHR PASST EURE SAMEN EURER UMGEBUNG AN HEIST DU WOHNST IN EINEN LAND WO ES EHER WARM IST ALSO 25-30 ° C dann WÄHLE AUCH EINE PASSENDE SORTE AUS! MEHR GIBTS ERST MAL NICHT ! BIS ZUM NÄCHSTEN MAL!
I am very satisfied with the results as of right now. We have had an incredible amount of rain in the Northeast US. I laid about 2 in of pea gravel at the bottom of the whole I Dug. Seems to be holding up okay. I put in 5 lb of nature's choice super soil concentrate from Amazon, sub cools recipe mix ed with roots organic potting soil at the bottom three or four inches maybe. I filled the rest with roots organic potting soil and a mix of my homemade vermicompost. She is stayed green and super healthy praying all the time. I may need to top dress mid flour maybe. Happy growing
Germination date 🌱 12/07/2021 Day 8 22/07/2021 Strain 🍁 SinCity seeds YUZU SORBET (Purple yuzu x whitenightmare) THC% • Unknown 💡 Mars Hydro FC4800 • Power draw 480W + 5% • Max coverage 5 x 5 • LED 2070pcsSamsungLM30B1&Osram660nm • Max Yield 2.5g / watt • Noise level 0 DB • Removable Driver +2m cable • Daisy chain (multiple lights) 🇬🇧 🇺🇸 PROMO CODE • (ORG420) DISCOUNT 👍🏻 ⛺ Mars Hydro 120 x 120 x 200cm 📤📥 AC infinity 6inch 💧 10lt dehumidifier ❄️ 3.1kw air con system 💉 Nutrients GreenBuzzLiquids Organic Grow Liquid • 1-4ml until 2wk flower Organic Bloom Liquid • 2-4ml flower stage Organic More PK • 2-4ml +wk3 of flower Organic Calmag • 1-2ml/lt whole grow Fast Plants Spray • first 3days at night lights off More Roots • 2-5ml veg +2wks flower Fast Buds • 5ml +wk2 of veg until 1wk flower Humic Acid Plus • 2-5ml whole grow Growzyme • 2-5ml whole grow Big Fruits • 2-5ml flower stage Clean Fruits • 5ml flush 1wk Ph powder Root Gel Living Organics PROMO CODE • organicnature420 15% off ✌️🏼 🥥 Growing Media • Coco Coir Notes 📝 Easy first week Plants look good and so does the mrs 😆 .. even better now the ac is in so one complete grow room. Lights doing it's job and Mars have kindly given me a promo code so if you want a cheeky discount use code (ORG420) 👍🏻Lowered it down to 70cm and will keep it there to get some stretch. New Nutrients I haven't had a problem with, the fast plant Spray is decent and I'm loving the pH powder. Gives you extra gains aswell being Organic. Thanks for all the love likes and comments and will update in a couple of days Happy growing fam ❤️🌱🍁👍🏻
Germination date 🌱 12/07/2021 Day 8 22/07/2021 Strain 🍁 Ethos Genetics Banana Hammock R1 (Mandarin Sunset x Grapegod) THC% • Unknown 💡 Mars Hydro FC4800 • Power draw 480W + 5% • Max coverage 5 x 5 • LED 2070pcsSamsungLM30B1&Osram660nm • Max Yield 2.5g / watt • Noise level 0 DB • Removable Driver +2m cable • Daisy chain (multiple lights) 🇬🇧 🇺🇸 PROMO CODE • (ORG420) DISCOUNT 👍🏻 ⛺ Mars Hydro 120 x 120 x 200cm 📤📥 AC infinity 6inch 💧 10lt dehumidifier ❄️ 3.1kw air con system 💉 Nutrients GreenBuzzLiquids Organic Grow Liquid • 1-4ml until 2wk flower Organic Bloom Liquid • 2-4ml flower stage Organic More PK • 2-4ml +wk3 of flower Organic Calmag • 1-2ml/lt whole grow Fast Plants Spray • first 3days at night lights off More Roots • 2-5ml veg +2wks flower Fast Buds • 5ml +wk2 of veg until 1wk flower Humic Acid Plus • 2-5ml whole grow Growzyme • 2-5ml whole grow Big Fruits • 2-5ml flower stage Clean Fruits • 5ml flush 1wk Ph powder Root Gel Living Organics PROMO CODE • organicnature420 15%off ✌️🏼 🥥 Growing Media • Coco Coir Notes 📝 Easy first week Plants look good and so does the mrs 😆 .. even better now the ac is in so one complete grow room. Lights doing it's job and Mars have kindly given me a promo code so if you want a cheeky discount use code (ORG420) 👍🏻Lowered it down to 70cm and will keep it there to get some stretch. New Nutrients I haven't had a problem with, the fast plant Spray is decent and I'm loving the pH powder. Gives you extra gains aswell being Organic. Thanks for all the love likes and comments and will update in a couple of days Happy growing fam ❤️🌱🍁👍🏻
Germination date 🌱 12/07/2021 Day 8 22/07/2021 Strain 🍁 Humboldt Purple Matcha (2nd time (Sherbinski x HSO) THC% • Unknown 💡 Mars Hydro FC4800 • Power draw 480W + 5% • Max coverage 5 x 5 • LED 2070pcsSamsungLM30B1&Osram660nm • Max Yield 2.5g / watt • Noise level 0 DB • Removable Driver +2m cable • Daisy chain (multiple lights) 🇬🇧 🇺🇸 PROMO CODE • (ORG420) DISCOUNT 👍🏻 ⛺ Mars Hydro 120 x 120 x 200cm 📤📥 AC infinity 6inch 💧 10lt dehumidifier ❄️ 3.1kw air con system 💉 Nutrients GreenBuzzLiquids Organic Grow Liquid • 1-4ml until 2wk flower Organic Bloom Liquid • 2-4ml flower stage Organic More PK • 2-4ml +wk3 of flower Organic Calmag • 1-2ml/lt whole grow Fast Plants Spray • first 3days at night lights off More Roots • 2-5ml veg +2wks flower Fast Buds • 5ml +wk2 of veg until 1wk flower Humic Acid Plus • 2-5ml whole grow Growzyme • 2-5ml whole grow Big Fruits • 2-5ml flower stage Clean Fruits • 5ml flush 1wk Ph powder Root Gel Living Organics PROMO CODE • organicnature420 15% off ✌️🏼 🥥 Growing Media • Coco Coir Notes 📝 Easy first week Plants look good and so does the mrs 😆 .. even better now the ac is in so one complete grow room. Lights doing it's job and Mars have kindly given me a promo code so if you want a cheeky discount use code (ORG420) 👍🏻Lowered it down to 70cm and will keep it there to get some stretch. New Nutrients I haven't had a problem with, the fast plant Spray is decent and I'm loving the pH powder. Gives you extra gains aswell being Organic. Thanks for all the love likes and comments and will update in a couple of days Happy growing fam ❤️🌱🍁👍🏻
Germination date 🌱 12/07/2021 Day 8 22/07/2021 Strain 🍁 SinCity seeds Frosted Biscotti (Biscotti Sundae x Whitenightmare) THC% • Unknown 💡 Mars Hydro FC4800 • Power draw 480W + 5% • Max coverage 5 x 5 • LED 2070pcsSamsungLM30B1&Osram660nm • Max Yield 2.5g / watt • Noise level 0 DB • Removable Driver +2m cable • Daisy chain (multiple lights) 🇬🇧 🇺🇸 PROMO CODE • (ORG420) DISCOUNT 👍🏻 ⛺ Mars Hydro 120 x 120 x 200cm 📤📥 AC infinity 6inch 💧 10lt dehumidifier ❄️ 3.1kw air con system 💉 Nutrients GreenBuzzLiquids Organic Grow Liquid • 1-4ml until 2wk flower Organic Bloom Liquid • 2-4ml flower stage Organic More PK • 2-4ml +wk3 of flower Organic Calmag • 1-2ml/lt whole grow Fast Plants Spray • first 3days at night lights off More Roots • 2-5ml veg +2wks flower Fast Buds • 5ml +wk2 of veg until 1wk flower Humic Acid Plus • 2-5ml whole grow Growzyme • 2-5ml whole grow Big Fruits • 2-5ml flower stage Clean Fruits • 5ml flush 1wk Ph powder Root Gel Living Organics PROMO CODE • organicnature420 15% off ✌️🏼 🥥 Growing Media • Coco Coir Notes 📝 Easy first week Plants look good and so does the mrs 😆 .. even better now the ac is in so one complete grow room. Lights doing it's job and Mars have kindly given me a promo code so if you want a cheeky discount use code (ORG420) 👍🏻Lowered it down to 70cm and will keep it there to get some stretch. New Nutrients I haven't had a problem with, the fast plant Spray is decent and I'm loving the pH powder. Gives you extra gains aswell being Organic. Thanks for all the love likes and comments and will update in a couple of days Happy growing fam ❤️🌱🍁👍🏻
Ola growmies! O gráfico dos nutrientes corresponde à alimentação do gorila real # 1 (a mais desenvolvida) foram misturados em 2,5L de água. (25/07/2021). Alimentação Royal Cheese 1 e 2 (4L): E.C 0.63 /pH 6.3 BioGrow - 3ml; BioBloom - 1.5ml; TopMax - 4 ml ; BioHeaven - 3 ml; Activera - 3ml; CalMag - 0.5 ml --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alimentação Royal Gorilla 2 (adicionei pela primeira vez o BioBloom) (2L): E.C 0,60 /pH 6.3 BioGrow - 1.5 ml; BioBloom - 0.5 ml; TopMax - 0.8ml; BioHeaven - 1.5 ml; Activera - 1.5 ml; CalMag - 1.5ml - meti mais que nas outras por causa da sua aparencia estranha, não sei o que fazer para melhora-la.. 27/07/2021 - Quebrei outro ramo sem querer da RGorilla #2, o ramo era fraco mas tinha uma folha grande. 27/07/2021 - Retirei algumas folhas secas e amarelas, especialmente na Royal Gorilla 1 e na Royal Cheese 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29/07/2021 - Alimentação Royal Gorilla #1 (2,5L): E.C = 1,02 ; pH - 6.3 - BioGrow - 2,8ml ; BioBloom - 2ml; TopMax - 2,5ml; BioHeaven - 3ml; Activera - 2ml; Calmag - 0,6ml Alimentação Royal Cheese 1 e 2 (4L): E.C = 0,84; pH = 6,2 : BioGrow - 4ml; BioBloom - 2,5ml; Topmax - 5ml; BioHeaven - 4ml; Activera - 4ml; calmag - 0,7ml Alimentação Royal Gorilla #2 (2L): E.C = 0,80; pH = 6,2 BioGrow - 1,8ml; BioBloom - 1ml; TMax - 1,5ml; BioHeaven - 2ml; Activera - 2ml; Calmag - 1,5ml ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31/07/2021 - Tirei algumas cabeças pequenas que nao iam desenvolver e tirei mais umas folhas amarelas das quatro. (as mais secas)
PINK KOSHER#1 (keep in mind I have 2 other kosher) I Am super happy with the outcome on this one ! the bright red /orange hairs on top of the light green/ purple frosty nugs really gave it great bag appeal. I ended up getting 4 OZ!! Out is this 1 plant! I was not expecting to get that much off of only one❤️ The smell on this plant is like cookies mixed with a jolly rancher... idk it’s just bomb / The taste is Of super deep Kush With a hint of caramel/ The effects will make you want to create your own dance while watching spongebob and laughing at the most stupid shit ! SORRY IVE BEEN SLACKING MY PHONE BROKE AND I JUST FIXED IT!!
July 28 - August 4 No stopping this girl. She only grew 1/2" this week but those buds keep getting bigger. Finally some smell from the plant. Trichomes extremely clear and short!
7/26 can't believe my old pump tested at 1 watt!! when advertised for 5 gal tank, anyways upgraded to 4 watt, keeping the inch between basket and water, flower nutrients dyed everything brown, res ppm stays around 600-700 lower temps 80-90 degrees ph 5 doing a lot of tucking of fan leaves, some stalks are stretching higher then others, adjusting light as needed, keeping light around 12 inches from canopy 7/30 lots of new growth, having to refill res 2-3 times a week about
7/26 can't believe my old pump tested at 1 watt!! when advertised for 5 gal tank, anyways upgraded to 4 watt, keeping the inch between basket and water, flower nutrients dyed everything brown, res ppm stays around 600-700 lower temps 80-90 degrees ph 5 doing a lot of tucking of fan leaves, some stalks are stretching higher then others, adjusting light as needed, keeping light around 12 inches from canopy 7/30 lots of new growth, having to refill res 2-3 times a week about
Hope you guys had an alright week, the rain and floodings here in Europe has wreaked havoc on my outdoor garden, however this diary isn't about my Chamelauciums, its about that sticky green stuff. and boy this lady has started her stretch! I think I might have made the right call flipping her when I did because I can tell she's going to stretch big. Made adjustments to a couple of things this week; my bucket needed more oxygen, so I got a bigger pump and I have fixed my temperature issue by Literally just aiming an air-conditioner at the back of my tent, where my air pump is and as a result, now my water remains a chill 18 degrees! I also need to start keeping my tent closed, even though I absolutely love watching my plants during the day, some critters have made their way inside, eating at the leaves, for now in veg I don't really mind all that much, but I don't want any creepy crawlies when flowers start forming, those are mine and mine alone, not sharing those with any grasshoppers! I recommend keeping a go pro or something in your tent, its quite fun to observe grow, like how the leaves droop 20 minutes before lights out, and start praying upwards before light comes on, these plants really do get into a sleep like rhythm. doing a diary in general just adds a whole lot to the hobby, whether you do a private catalogue, or public, try it! Thanks for stopping by, I suspect we'll see the first signs of flowering next week, I've never grown this Strain, but I can see a few pre flower pistils forming as I'm typing this. Enjoy your week, as always stay safe and keep growing.
Molto orgoglioso di come sta procedendo,le piante stanno benissimo, la wappa continua a crescere a vista d'occhio e ora posso dire con certezza che sarà la pianta più grande che io abbia mai coltivato. Ormai stiamo entrando nelle ultime settimane di vegetazione dunque procedo nell nebulizzare sulle piante una miscela di alghe e micronutrienti
Molto orgoglioso di come sta procedendo,le piante stanno benissimo, la wappa continua a crescere a vista d'occhio e ora posso dire con certezza che sarà la pianta più grande che io abbia mai coltivato. Ormai stiamo entrando nelle ultime settimane di vegetazione dunque procedo nell nebulizzare sulle piante una miscela di alghe e micronutrienti
sto facendo una fine di ciclo pessimo...pochi risultati dovuti a vari errori... 1 non aver misurato mai ph di acqua(fatto pochi giorni fa era a 8) 2cattiva irrigazione(temperatura acqua soprai 28 gradi) 3 una un uso scorretto dei fertilizzanti mai misurato niente.. 4 arrivare ad agosto non e il massimo da me sto toccando punte di 30 gradi in su 5 stress termici sbalzi termici tempertura giorno e notte uguali 28/30 gradi non riesco a rinfrescare la stanza dove c'è grow
sto facendo una fine di ciclo pessimo...pochi risultati dovuti a vari errori... 1 non aver misurato mai ph di acqua(fatto pochi giorni fa era a 8) 2cattiva irrigazione(temperatura acqua soprai 28 gradi) 3 una un uso scorretto dei fertilizzanti mai misurato niente.. 4 arrivare ad agosto non e il massimo da me sto toccando punte di 30 gradi in su 5 stress termici sbalzi termici tempertura giorno e notte uguali 28/30 gradi non riesco a rinfrescare la stanza dove c'è grow