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La planta aun está en pleno estirón del inicio de la floración, por lo que tengo que ir cropeandola casi a diario para mantener una altura homogénea en las ramas y que no se estire demasiado. Están comenzando a formarse los primeros brotes, aun no tiene un olor intenso pero ya huele a haze y eso es maravilloso... aun le quedan meses de floración pero ya tengo ganas de fumarmela.
March 13, 2019 Update: We’re getting to the end of the road here. The Cream & Cheese CBD is flushing with straight water and will be cut down this weekend. Pics were taken both with lights on and lights off. I used a flash when the lights were off. The first round of pics are with the HPS off and the flash on, the second round is with the HPS on and the flash off. I probably won't update this diary again until I have the test results back and final dry weights for all plants - 10 days or so. 🙏 p.s. I'm starting a couple new diaries next, check em out! 👍
March 13, 2019 Update: Transplanted and moved 6 plants into the Flower room this weekend. I moved 4 Cherry clones, 1 DinaMed seedling and 1 CBD Medi Kush seedling. I also cut clones of the DinaMed and Cherry’s - 3 DinaMed & 12 Cherry clones (check for the new diary). The other clones and seedlings will remain in the veg tent for another month, then I’ll pick 6 more to move into flower. I’d like to keep a 6 plant per month rotation going in flower. Also, switching over to organic feeding. Feeding with Living Water (2-3 ounces of fish tank water per gallon of well water) and also trying Jobe's Organics Fertilizer Spikes for Vegetables 2-7-4. I planted 5 spikes per 5 gallon grow bag. I pushed the spikes down finger depth about 2/3's of the way from the base of the stem to the side of the bag and spread the 5 spikes evenly around the pots. The plan is to just add water from here on out and see how it goes. I have 'high hopes', I recently read "True Living Organics" by The Rev and he seems to be a big fan of spikes and living water. I did change to a new 1000W HPS bulb in the flower room. The old bulb was in use for 3 months. p.s. I'm starting a couple new diaries next, check em out! 👍
I found out that my ph was off too, so the plants look ok if we take all my f ups in count.
I found out that my ph was off too, so the plants look ok if we take all my f ups in count.
March 13, 2019 Update: Transplanted and moved one of the CBD Medi Kush plants into the Flower room this weekend. The other seedling will remain in the veg tent for another month, then I’ll pick the next plants to move into flower. I’d like to keep a 6 plant per month rotation going in flower. Also, switching over to organic feeding. Feeding with Living Water (2-3 ounces of fish tank water per gallon of well water) and also trying Jobe's Organics Fertilizer Spikes for Vegetables 2-7-4. I planted 5 spikes per 5 gallon grow bag. I pushed the spikes down finger depth about 2/3's of the way from the base of the stem to the side of the bag and spread the 5 spikes evenly around the pots. The plan is to just add water from here on out and see how it goes. I have 'high hopes', I recently read "True Living Organics" by The Rev and he seems to be a big fan of spikes and living water. I did change to a new 1000W HPS bulb in the flower room. The old bulb was in use for 3 months. p.s. I'm starting a couple new diaries next, check em out! 👍
Fresh outta darkness. 48hrs of lights out. Chopped and now hang drying in a 2x2 Tent. 70 degrees and 45 Rm. Happy with the results of my first grow.
Only the final straight now will start flushing within the next week. Really not a lot to say at this point other than roll on harvest time!
**Encontrarás la traducción a español al final de la descripción** From/Desde: 01/03/19 || To/Hasta: 07/03/19 From day/Desde día: 8 || To day/Hasta día: 14 You can find the Gorillas Diary here: ** Podéis encontrar el diario de las Gorilla aquí:** -----IMAGES & VIDEOS----- Video 1: Timelaspe video covering 5 days, from Monday 4th night to Sunday 9th afternoon/night. One second Blackouts on video represents night times. I'm sorry for the dancing of colours specially first days, i will try to do it better next time. The background song is from the old awesome album "Deep Forest" of Deep Forest "Sweel Lullably" song (I think i'm going to use this song for almost all timelapse plant growing videos). -----WEEK SUMMARY----- I'm sorry about the delay updating this week, i traveled to Venice at the end of this week and that's why it's late and i have very few or non photos of the next week. I wish the almost 5 days timelapse video can cover the lack of images for the next week. As you can see the Moneys are growing very equitative, the one that looked small last week is now of the same size as the other one. among the 4 plants shown in the group photos, only one has some kind of problem, and is not a Money maker :). As soon as i could perform a man-lining on any of the moneys i will. LST STRUCTURE: To prevent breaking or making holes in the pot i designed this LST structure in blender and I printed it in 3D. They fit perfectly in the 8l RootPoch pots, so at time i didn't fixed them to the pots. If i see any of the plants lifting the structure i will just add weigh over it. -----WATERING CALENDAR----- 06/03/19 - 1.250 ml with all week nutrients and 1 CO2 tablet over the soil @ 0.4~0.5 E.C. PH5.5 (I'm going to travel to Venice till Sunday so i watered well) *****ESPAÑOL***** -----IMÁGENES Y VÍDEOS----- Vídeo 1: Vídeo TimeLapse que cubre 5 días, desde el lunes 4 por la noche hasta el domingo 9 por la tarde/noche. Los negros de 1 segundo que aparecen en el vídeo indican las noches. Siento mucho las variaciones de color entre los días, especialmente los primeros, la siguente vez intentare tener mejor color y más estable. La canción que suena de fondo es de un album antiguo maravilloso llamado "Deep Forest" de Deep Forest, la canción es "Sweet Lullably" y creo que la voy a usar en todos los timelapses de cultivo). -----SUMARIO SEMANAL----- Siento el retraso en el update de esta semana, me pilló el fin de la semana con un viaje que he hecho a Venecia y por esta razón llega tarde esta semana y de la siguiente tengo pocas fotos, espero cubrirlo bien con el vídeo timelapse que he hecho de casi 6 días Como se puede apreciar, las Moneys están creciendo equitativamente, la que parecía pequeña la semana pasada, se ha puesto a la par con la otra. De entre las 4 plantas que aparecen en las fotos de grupo, sólo una tiene algún tipo de problema, y no es una de las Money. Tan pronto como pueda man-lining en una de las Moneys se lo haré, creo que va a ser en semana 4. ESTRUCTURA LST: Para no agujerear los tiestos he diseñado esta estructura para LST con blender y la he impreso en 3D. Se ajusta a la perfección a los RootPoch de 8 Litros pro lo que de momento no la he fijado al tieso ni suelo mediante nada, si veo que alguna de las plantas la levanta, simplemente pondré peso sobre la estructura. -----CALENDARIO DE RIEGO----- 06/03/19 - 1.250 ml con todos los nutrientes semanales y una pastilla de CO2 sobre la tierra @ 0.4~0.5 E.C. PH5.5 (Como voy a viajar unos días he regado bien)
**Encontrarás la traducción a español al final de la descripción** From/Desde: 01/03/19 || To/Hasta: 07/03/19 From day/Desde día: 8 || To day/Hasta día: 14 You can find the Gorillas Diary here: ** Podéis encontrar el diario de las Gorilla aquí:** -----IMAGES & VIDEOS----- Video 1: Timelaspe video covering 5 days, from Monday 4th night to Sunday 9th afternoon/night. One second Blackouts on video represents night times. I'm sorry for the dancing of colours specially first days, i will try to do it better next time. The background song is from the old awesome album "Deep Forest" of Deep Forest "Sweel Lullably" song (I think i'm going to use this song for almost all timelapse plant growing videos). -----WEEK SUMMARY----- I'm sorry about the delay updating this week, i traveled to Venice at the end of this week and that's why it's late and i have very few or non photos of the next week. I wish the almost 5 days timelapse video can cover the lack of images for the next week. As you can see the Moneys are growing very equitative, the one that looked small last week is now of the same size as the other one. among the 4 plants shown in the group photos, only one has some kind of problem, and is not a Money maker :). As soon as i could perform a man-lining on any of the moneys i will. LST STRUCTURE: To prevent breaking or making holes in the pot i designed this LST structure in blender and I printed it in 3D. They fit perfectly in the 8l RootPoch pots, so at time i didn't fixed them to the pots. If i see any of the plants lifting the structure i will just add weigh over it. -----WATERING CALENDAR----- 06/03/19 - 1.250 ml with all week nutrients and 1 CO2 tablet over the soil @ 0.4~0.5 E.C. PH5.5 (I'm going to travel to Venice till Sunday so i watered well) *****ESPAÑOL***** -----IMÁGENES Y VÍDEOS----- Vídeo 1: Vídeo TimeLapse que cubre 5 días, desde el lunes 4 por la noche hasta el domingo 9 por la tarde/noche. Los negros de 1 segundo que aparecen en el vídeo indican las noches. Siento mucho las variaciones de color entre los días, especialmente los primeros, la siguente vez intentare tener mejor color y más estable. La canción que suena de fondo es de un album antiguo maravilloso llamado "Deep Forest" de Deep Forest, la canción es "Sweet Lullably" y creo que la voy a usar en todos los timelapses de cultivo). -----SUMARIO SEMANAL----- Siento el retraso en el update de esta semana, me pilló el fin de la semana con un viaje que he hecho a Venecia y por esta razón llega tarde esta semana y de la siguiente tengo pocas fotos, espero cubrirlo bien con el vídeo timelapse que he hecho de casi 6 días Como se puede apreciar, las Moneys están creciendo equitativamente, la que parecía pequeña la semana pasada, se ha puesto a la par con la otra. De entre las 4 plantas que aparecen en las fotos de grupo, sólo una tiene algún tipo de problema, y no es una de las Money. Tan pronto como pueda man-lining en una de las Moneys se lo haré, creo que va a ser en semana 4. ESTRUCTURA LST: Para no agujerear los tiestos he diseñado esta estructura para LST con blender y la he impreso en 3D. Se ajusta a la perfección a los RootPoch de 8 Litros pro lo que de momento no la he fijado al tieso ni suelo mediante nada, si veo que alguna de las plantas la levanta, simplemente pondré peso sobre la estructura. -----CALENDARIO DE RIEGO----- 06/03/19 - 1.250 ml con todos los nutrientes semanales y una pastilla de CO2 sobre la tierra @ 0.4~0.5 E.C. PH5.5 (Como voy a viajar unos días he regado bien)
***Video Added March 14th*** March 13, 2019 Update: We’re getting to the end of the road here. DinaMed and all three Cherry’s were cut down on Saturday and hanging. The Critical+ and Cream & Cheese CBD are flushing with straight water and will be cut down this weekend. I’ll be taking samples of the DinaMed and Cherry to the local dispensary for potency testing this weekend. Pics were taken both with lights on and lights off. I used a flash when the lights were off. The first round of pics are with the HPS off and the flash on, the second round is with the HPS on and the flash off. I probably won't update this diary again until I have the test results back and final dry weights for all plants - 10 days or so. 🙏 p.s. I'm starting a couple new diaries next, check em out! 👍
Die Streckung ist jetzt zu Ende und sie werden von Tag zu Tag fetter der Geruch nimmt auch langsam zu 😝 freue mich schon auf die nächsten Wochen 😋gestern habe ich neue seeds geordert auch von DNA Strawberry Sorbet Tagebuch folgt
I go for 7 weeks of veg, done with the LST last week and now i am waiting to get some height 40-45cm and switch to flowering. The broken stem of last week didnt survive. 😪 This week i give 350ppm, 650pmm was too mutch i think. I dont know if the high PPM of Run-Off was from overwatering or overfertilization, so i start to water less frequently every 6-7 days with RO only and see what the Run-Off says, the last time i water with RO only and the Run-Off was 856PPM, now i hope the Run-Off go down to 100-150PPM and start again with nutrients. 😵😵 13/3 Today i set up my second lamp 400watt HPS to check temps...all good! After i put the Co2 bag in grow room, i saw that the plant's can handle very hot temperatures, and i think they like somewere between 29-31C when the temps go high they look very happy, before the Co2 bag in this temperatures they struggled. 14/3 Defoliate all plants and two plants topped for 12 and 9 (the broken one) colas, the other two stays with 8 colas. Water 4 liters RO only and again the Run-Off was at 850PPM. Flush with 20-25liters tap water at 180PPM (Too hard in my town) and the Run-Off go down at 280PPM 💪 Next week i will give very small doses at 300-350PPM and see what is going to happen.
Well a couple issues in the grow room this week. The ladies got much bigger that I had expected! They trippled in size and now I have an issue of them getting a bit too tall. The light I am using says 30-36" above canopy...light is high as it can go and I'm about 28-32 above the canopy. From the info I've looked through I think I had light bleaching going on. I turned the light down 20% and doesn't seem to be happening any more. I am also having a war with the weather. I'm in canada and the weather is all over the place rite now. Drastic temp swings and humidity up and down. Other than this the ladies seem to be rolling along well . Can't wait for the colas to fill ! Staked all the branches in preparation for some hopefully big buds
Going to be harvesting the plants this week. I've been flushing the hydro plants with water and FloraKleen but flushing the coco plants with water and blackstrap molasses, excited to see the difference. I am trying the 24 hours of darkness before cutting them down, this will be my first time doing this but again, I'm excited to try new things and find my growing style. Took the plants out to breathe and took some pics of the BW's and the clones. More to come ***Cut the plants down on day 60 of Flower. I think I could have spread the harvest out over the week but my tent doubles as my drying tent. 😂 I will post my final harvest once my buds are fully manicured and ready for jars.
Day 43 - First day of week 7 today and she looks really good just not sure if she’s really starting to flower yet. I’m hoping this is just typical of the GC strain. Day 44 - No major changes, she’s growing and I’m loving the looks of her. Will continue uploading daily pictures. Day 45 - She’s looking really good and budding more and more each day. Gave her straight pH’d water today and tomorrow and will give her another feeding on Saturday. She’s drinking almost a gallon of water a day. Day 46 - Things are looking good with this girl. Bud sites are growing daily and this thing is a beauty. Gave her another feeding of just pH’d water and will “feed” her tomorrow. Day 47 - ALL is looking good and she’s looking purdy. Gave her a feeding with the foxfarm nutes today. Did a true measurement to the biggest branch and she’s at 25.5”. Will continue to measure each day to see how much she’s growing in a 24 hour period. Day 48 - Looking gorgeous and still stretching. Grew another two inches and is sitting at 27.5” right now. She’s really starting to fill in now and looking forward to the next few weeks. Day 49 - The way thing thing is growing, she’s gonna be a beast. Gave her straight pH’d water tonight and will give her a feeding tomorrow. Looks like she finally stopped stretching, sitting at 27.5” still so hopefully she’ll start putting on the weight.
Day 43 - Starting week 7 and she’s looking good. She’s starting to stretch more every day and flowers are starting to fatten up a bit. Gonna continue with the foxfarm feeding schedule. Can’t wait for her to finish! Day 44 - The room is really starting to smell amazing. Just keeping on with the foxfarm nute schedule until she’s ready to be cut in a couple more weeks. Still plenty of fattening and growing to go. Day 45 - No major changes, she’s just chugging along. Gave a feeding of just water today and tomorrow will be the foxfarm feeding. I love her look and the smell starting to really come from her. Day 46 - No major changes, just continuing to fatten, grow and definitely getting really frosty! Day 47 - What can I say? This thing is an amazing grow and smelling amazing. She just growing and fattening each day. Still to early to really look at the trichs but wanted to look anyway. Got a few decent pics and there’s a few cloudy ones in there. Gave her straight pH’d water today and tomorrow and will give another feeding on Saturday. Day 48 - No big changes, just continuing to fatten up. Held off on watering today, she didn’t really drink munch compared to the GC. Will give her an actual “feeding” tomorrow. Day 49 - All is looking good and she’s plumping up each day. Gave her the foxfarm feeding today. Tomorrow starts week 8 so will continue with the feeding schedule until the end. She’s really starting to smell up the room in my house and loving it.
A very stable environment this week. Everything on cruise control with feedings coming in every other day. All plants do have fading leaves on the bottom that eventually fall off and dry up. Outside temps on the rise which should be challenging with out AC. I do like the fact that the humidity is down due to temp and can keep mildew and mold at bay with minimal effort.