~Week 6/ 36-42 days from sprout
~VPD: Given up but keeping it decent. Growing in cold basement so having high humidity in the room is a no-no
~Plants DLI increased closer to 45 for these last few weeks of veg. Will close out around 50 next week, and then drop before flower.
~First top-dress end of next week
~Watering as needed, about every 5-6 days. Plants should be watered on the 18th. That will be 5 days since last watering. Might push it to the 19th though because with drop of temps means plants metabolism slows and they use less water.
Day 36 notes: Looking great. Soil still very moist. Looking to water on day 39. Also increased the DLI closer to 45, and I want to push it to 50 closer to the flip to flower. Other than that training continues. Did some more super cropping and leaf tucking. Also my clones are not looking good. This is understandable as the temp and humidity has dropped considerably. Will watch them the next couple days and if none of them shoot roots then they will be outta here. I have a small tent specifically for clones coming the 20th, in 4 days.
Day 37 notes: Did a lot of training today. My hope is to fill out most of the tent, if I have to have empty space I want it to be less than 8x8 inches. Grow is going well otherwise. Will be feeding on the 19th if all goes as planned. Some more red on the stems and petioles but it is still minor. Quite a bit of super cropping today. Also temps are all around and VPD is kind of screwed over right now. Also the plants smell really fruity now and smell a bit gassy. Smell really coming on strong. Also, even though they are not yet flowering, my hands were sticky today after handling them for LST, super cropping, and leaf tucking. Temp has been all over the place the past few days. Need to get it under control. Would prefer the conditions to stay at around 80F 60RH or 85F and 70RH. Not possible with my current setup though. 2-4 days until next watering. Soil was still quite moist today.
Day 38 notes: Looking good today. Did not do anything but peek my head into the tent and take some pictures. Temps are doing well, and I tried to get humidity up. Currently at 80F/39RH. I would prefer 80F/60RH. Will water tomorrow or the day after depending on what I see when I go check them tomorrow. Still no roots on the clones, but there are some very small what looks like the start of roots. I am going to let the clones sit in the cloner until they die or I need to clean the cloner for my real clones.
Day 39 notes: Maybe one of the most expected days so far. Expected to water the plants day 40, but they desperately needed water today. My blueberry plant also started peeling away from the main stem at 2 nodes. I am guessing my training was a bit too tight. The training was initially fine, but after the plants grew a bit more the ties were no longer at the tip, this caused the point of pressure to change and essentially ripped the plant apart at the seams. I need to keep this in mind next time. I did reattach the branch that had fallen off, but I do not know if it will live. If not, then I will actually use that branch for clones. Speaking of clones, all of mine are dead lol. Basically my high-ass forgot to turn the cloner back on after checking for roots. It was off for 24 whole hours. Came back today and clones are dead. Anyways its cool. I am going to throw these clones out, set up my new cloning tent, and after cleaning my cloner I will start a new batch of clones. The Blue Cheese in the front of the tent smells like straight dead skunk dumped in the tent lol. No matter what Ill be keeping some clones of that plant, at least for the smell alone. Not much to add otherwise. Next time I have to water I will readjust the LST ties.
Day 40 notes: Great day today. All of the plants have recovered well from lack of water. Will be watering them in 3-4 days again. At this point, the plants are big enough to switch to flower, but I want to try to wait another 20 days. In 2 weeks I am going to defoliate and take off any of the lower growth. It is at this time that I will go ahead and take some new clones. I disposed of the dead clones today after checking for roots. 4/14 ended up rooting. That's actually pretty nice given the fact that they were in hellish conditions. Clones would like 80F/60-80%RH. These clones were at 80F/30RH. I could have technically saved the 4 that rooted, but they would not have had the vigor that they should have. Also temps have been kind of way off again. Today it was in the opposite direction. Earlier was too hot and not humid enough. Today, the tent was too cold and too humid lol. I'll keep watching it but the plants are mainly very healthy. My cloning tent also arrived today and I got it setup and installed a light in there.
Day 41 notes: All good today. These plants are growing like a weed lol. The smell is intense now. Smells like a tent in flower. VPD was pretty good yesterday at 77F and 60RH and its the same way today. Will be taking clones in 12 days, and flipping to flower in 19 days. I am pretty excited because these plants are looking great so far.
Day 42 notes: Did not do much today. A bit of leaf tucking, but that's it. Will be watering either tomorrow, or the day after. Soil is still pretty moist about an inch down. Also taped the injured branch on the blueberry, and removed all of the ties from it. I will be doing some more training in a couple of days when I water. Plants have a very strong smell overall. I am definitely excited to flip these babies into flower and start weaving them through the trellis net about 1 week after I flip them.
End of week summary: Overall was a great week. There were a couple of interesting things I ran into this week but nothing wrong with the plants. These plants are gonna be beasts by the time I flip to flower. Also fimming on the Blue Cheese in the front definitely did not work. I have heard that it is not always successful.
Misc. comments: DLI meter malfunctioning. Will just eyeball it from now on. If plants seem stressed then I will lessen the intensity. Want to run a batch of 5 Blue cheese clones next time. Could also do the blueberry which has responded great to training. Need to get a couple of clip on fans to improve my air circulation. Investing in a better trellis net would also be wise. Going to wait to do all that until I start my raised bed cannabis garden next year in my 4x4 and 3x3 tents. I will likely also purchase either a 4x4, or a 5x5 specifically for drying plants. I would also then need to get a filter, intake and outtake, and a couple of clip on fans. Humidifier and dehumidifier I pretty much already have. I would also like my grow area to be built in a way that I can very easily maintain proper VPD.