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Seems all good. Not using any growth technique, just letting the bushes to take form (yield not the biggest objective here). Also not adding nutrients as so far the growth is ok. Added a dehumidifier as the grow room was mad humid. Now stabilizing to 50% RH. Looking forward for the auto to starting flower so I can enjoy some nice high in a 4 weeks!
Ok, so I forgot to take any pics on week two and holiday time week 3 came up real fast. so we are going to skip over any of the week two details. just watered em and they grew. This week we did a nice little transplant into their final 2gal pots. Fortified with a bunch of amendments and Acti-Sol, everything is listed in the video. Any question just let me know. I don't age my medium at all and I think I should start doing this to avoid some other things, I just find it hard to do it in winter time indoors as soil can be stinky with amendments and I like it to stay in the tent under the carbon filter. Medium I used is 40% coir, 30% perlite, 20% compost, 10% vermiculite and 10% worm castings. Then the amendments are added into that at the rate of 30-60ml per 1Gal of medium. This batch has Gaia 4-4-4, Gaia Insect Frass, Giaia Diatomaceous Earth, Gaia Rock Dust, Acti-Sol Seaweed Meal, Acti-Sol Shrimp/Crab Meal, Acti-Sol 4-3-2, Acti-Sol 4-6-8 and Bokashi. Nice little mix, water it in with a bit of magnesium and microbes dissolved into the water. The bokashi should help break everything down and make a bit of a acidic environment for all the meals and rock dust to become available. Roots looked good, not a dense as some runs but still nice. I feel the soil might be a bit hot so will expect some burnage on them hopefully its nothing to crazy. Will ph down with a mix of citric, malic and ascorbic acids. They are in a rate of something like 50-60%/40-30%/5-10%, its written down in my of my notes just can't find the pad ATM. Also more videos vs anything this week. I like em more but processing them is annoying AF. Side note, my lights timer was on 12/12 not 16/8 so it explains why they went into bloom, switch it back and will top the plants next week one they start to reverse their ways and get comfortable in the new pots. Also got ride of the chive seed start as it was looking sad, plus I got a bunch of European chive varieties in the mail yesterday and want to try them out. see if they really have any different taste and what ones I like better. Till next week.
Eccoci di nuovo qui!!! Super eccitato per questa nuova collab con Anesia Seeds, team davvero al top, che mi ha dato l’opportunità di testare questa nuova genetica e di condividere i progressi con tutti voi!!! Come sempre partiamo nei bicchieri per poi travasare.. Questa volta verrà svolto tutto sotto la Lumatek Zeus 465 ProC, mi aspetto molto da questo ciclo!! Purtroppo ho perso i file delle scorse settimane e dovrò reiniziare il report da ora scusate per il disagio Grazie a tutti per il supporto ❤️🍀🔥
Eccoci di nuovo qui!!! Super eccitato per questa nuova collab con Anesia Seeds, team davvero al top, che mi ha dato l’opportunità di testare questa nuova genetica e di condividere i progressi con tutti voi!!! Come sempre partiamo nei bicchieri per poi travasare.. Questa volta verrà svolto tutto sotto la Lumatek Zeus 465 ProC, mi aspetto molto da questo ciclo!! Purtroppo ho perso i file delle scorse settimane e dovrò reiniziare il report da ora scusate per il disagio Grazie a tutti per il supporto ❤️🍀🔥
Z staw is coming along thick and fruity , maybe a few weeks to go so I’ll start feeding her some K. Absolutely loving this strain , I’ve never grown autos in small pots before but I’ve gotta say it’s pretty fun , makes it real easy to train the plant and make a cool plant .
Ok, so I forgot to take any pics on week two and holiday time week 3 came up real fast. so we are going to skip over any of the week two details. just watered em and they grew. This week we did a nice little transplant into their final 2gal pots. Fortified with a bunch of amendments and Acti-Sol, everything is listed in the video. Any question just let me know. I don't age my medium at all and I think I should start doing this to avoid some other things, I just find it hard to do it in winter time indoors as soil can be stinky with amendments and I like it to stay in the tent under the carbon filter. Medium I used is 40% coir, 30% perlite, 20% compost, 10% vermiculite and 10% worm castings. Then the amendments are added into that at the rate of 30-60ml per 1Gal of medium. This batch has Gaia 4-4-4, Gaia Insect Frass, Giaia Diatomaceous Earth, Gaia Rock Dust, Acti-Sol Seaweed Meal, Acti-Sol Shrimp/Crab Meal, Acti-Sol 4-3-2, Acti-Sol 4-6-8 and Bokashi. Nice little mix, water it in with a bit of magnesium and microbes dissolved into the water. The bokashi should help break everything down and make a bit of a acidic environment for all the meals and rock dust to become available. Roots looked good, not a dense as some runs but still nice. I feel the soil might be a bit hot so will expect some burnage on them hopefully its nothing to crazy. Will ph down with a mix of citric, malic and ascorbic acids. They are in a rate of something like 50-60%/40-30%/5-10%, its written down in my of my notes just can't find the pad ATM. Also more videos vs anything this week. I like em more but processing them is annoying AF. Side note, my lights timer was on 12/12 not 16/8 so it explains why they went into bloom, switch it back and will top the plants next week one they start to reverse their ways and get comfortable in the new pots. Also got ride of the chive seed start as it was looking sad, plus I got a bunch of European chive varieties in the mail yesterday and want to try them out. see if they really have any different taste and what ones I like better. Till next week.
Ok, so I forgot to take any pics on week two and holiday time week 3 came up real fast. so we are going to skip over any of the week two details. just watered em and they grew. This week we did a nice little transplant into their final 2gal pots. Fortified with a bunch of amendments and Acti-Sol, everything is listed in the video. Any question just let me know. I don't age my medium at all and I think I should start doing this to avoid some other things, I just find it hard to do it in winter time indoors as soil can be stinky with amendments and I like it to stay in the tent under the carbon filter. Medium I used is 40% coir, 30% perlite, 20% compost, 10% vermiculite and 10% worm castings. Then the amendments are added into that at the rate of 30-60ml per 1Gal of medium. This batch has Gaia 4-4-4, Gaia Insect Frass, Giaia Diatomaceous Earth, Gaia Rock Dust, Acti-Sol Seaweed Meal, Acti-Sol Shrimp/Crab Meal, Acti-Sol 4-3-2, Acti-Sol 4-6-8 and Bokashi. Nice little mix, water it in with a bit of magnesium and microbes dissolved into the water. The bokashi should help break everything down and make a bit of a acidic environment for all the meals and rock dust to become available. Roots looked good, not a dense as some runs but still nice. I feel the soil might be a bit hot so will expect some burnage on them hopefully its nothing to crazy. Will ph down with a mix of citric, malic and ascorbic acids. They are in a rate of something like 50-60%/40-30%/5-10%, its written down in my of my notes just can't find the pad ATM. Also more videos vs anything this week. I like em more but processing them is annoying AF. Side note, my lights timer was on 12/12 not 16/8 so it explains why they went into bloom, switch it back and will top the plants next week one they start to reverse their ways and get comfortable in the new pots. Also got ride of the chive seed start as it was looking sad, plus I got a bunch of European chive varieties in the mail yesterday and want to try them out. see if they really have any different taste and what ones I like better. Till next week.
Ok, so I forgot to take any pics on week two and holiday time week 3 came up real fast. so we are going to skip over any of the week two details. just watered em and they grew. This week we did a nice little transplant into their final 2gal pots. Fortified with a bunch of amendments and Acti-Sol, everything is listed in the video. Any question just let me know. I don't age my medium at all and I think I should start doing this to avoid some other things, I just find it hard to do it in winter time indoors as soil can be stinky with amendments and I like it to stay in the tent under the carbon filter. Medium I used is 40% coir, 30% perlite, 20% compost, 10% vermiculite and 10% worm castings. Then the amendments are added into that at the rate of 30-60ml per 1Gal of medium. This batch has Gaia 4-4-4, Gaia Insect Frass, Giaia Diatomaceous Earth, Gaia Rock Dust, Acti-Sol Seaweed Meal, Acti-Sol Shrimp/Crab Meal, Acti-Sol 4-3-2, Acti-Sol 4-6-8 and Bokashi. Nice little mix, water it in with a bit of magnesium and microbes dissolved into the water. The bokashi should help break everything down and make a bit of a acidic environment for all the meals and rock dust to become available. Roots looked good, not a dense as some runs but still nice. I feel the soil might be a bit hot so will expect some burnage on them hopefully its nothing to crazy. Will ph down with a mix of citric, malic and ascorbic acids. They are in a rate of something like 50-60%/40-30%/5-10%, its written down in my of my notes just can't find the pad ATM. Also more videos vs anything this week. I like em more but processing them is annoying AF. Side note, my lights timer was on 12/12 not 16/8 so it explains why they went into bloom, switch it back and will top the plants next week one they start to reverse their ways and get comfortable in the new pots. Also got ride of the chive seed start as it was looking sad, plus I got a bunch of European chive varieties in the mail yesterday and want to try them out. see if they really have any different taste and what ones I like better. Till next week.
forse potrei ancora dargli un piccolo boost di fert se mancano altre 3 settimane ma non saprei
couple more weeks and shes ready for harvest.
Day 1 30/12/24 Monday evening. Started the seed off in de-chlorinated tap water and calmag 3ml to 5L pH 6.4. I will use this water for the rest of the week as sprays and transfer water. Day 2 31/12/24 Tuesday Seed has sunk 🙌 Transferred now to paper towel, sprayed with same water. Covered. Left in cupboard 24hrs untill tap root emerges ✌️ Day 3 01/01/25 Wednesday (Happy NY 🎇💚) Tap root has only just popped!! I will check back in 12 hrs and see if theey have tails Day 4 02/01/25 Thursday Tap root reached 1cm Seed only just cracked. Will leave a further 24hrs for a sustainable tap root. Day 5 03/01/25 Friday Tap root has reach 2/3cm and now been potted up in a 1L pot with cannaterra pro, added perlite, added cococoir, and dynomyco, all watered yesterday to dampen off. . Sprayed top soils today to settle in seeds. Day 6 04/01/25 Saturday Seed has emerged to top of soil level 😁 Moved all seedlings into the auto tent so they can catch the 600w dual hps. Day 7 05/01/25 Sunday The seedlings are here 🙌 She made it through the first week, onwards and upwards 🚀💚 Light spray with de-chlorinated tap water and calmag. Covered with dome. Picture update 📸💚