Not much to say about this real first grow week’s start. Everything looks ok, steady growth at 40% light.
I had to restart the control app a few times, therefore the broken graphs.
At night times, the control software tries to attain optimum humidity rather than optimum VPD. That’s why VPD is dropping when the lights are out. CO2 is back to baseline – really wonder what the reliable values are …
I found I have to silence the blowers when a timelapse photo is being taken. The shaking you see at the beginning of the grow video should not appear, or to a much less degree, in the future.
Day 13 (July 30th) shows good, steady growth. Leaves are a bit spotty, although less then the processed images show. Something to be worried about? I would not currently …
All are developing their 3rd nodes now.
The controlling Raspberry Pi crashed last night when I tried to access it remotely … ;( – looks like the Connect software is in need of an update.
The leaf temperature sensor is now really aimed at lady-to-be nr. 1’s leaves.
Nothing to change that I see. I won’t cut the top yet, just watered the outer circle of the big pots slightly to encourage root growth.
Day 14: Nice growth. First plant is now at 11 cm, and at 12 cm on day 15. Nothing special to report so far, except for I had to move the internal camera a bit upwards to keep little lady #1 in focus.
Day 16 and last day of this week (Aug 2nd): The young ladies are now at about 14 cm tall. Growth looks very compact though. I think the two inside girls will lose their heads next week; I’d still prefer to have one or two more nodes available. Pictures of this day are taken at the end of the plants’ day. Notice their leaves are pointing upwards, which should be a sign that they want more light. I turned the lights up by another 20% for a total of 60 W now. Weather was pretty hot the last days so it wasn’t possible to stay in optimum VPD range but as long as growth is this satisfying I don’t mind.
I will water them slightly at their next day start. Outside plant’s soil humidity might still be at around 58% officially, but drying starts at around 40% with this measurement and the sensors are placed quite closely to the stems so outer soil is dryer. I am preparing the plant water with some additions and a frequency imprint suing some Solfeggio and Schumann frequencies.