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Приветствую, коллеги! 💚💛❤️ В этот раз я захотел вырастить сативадоминирующий сорт, Strawberry Cream от SumoSeeds как раз подходит: "Прямо из района Эр-Риф Марокко, эксклюзивный гибрид Goji Haze с Strawberry Haze, знаменитой фруктовой сативой от Арьена из GHS. При курении этой красотки будет замечен приятный сладковатый аромат клубники." Звучит интригующе.😏 Теперь пару слов о проращивании: обычно после замачивания в стакане воды(RO water), я проращиваю семечки во влажных ватных дисках и зип-пакете(так мне легче контролировать нужную влажность). Но при этом способе нужно следить за корнем, есть риск вростания в ватный диск, что и случилось с одной из семечек. В этом случае извлекать семечку нужно предельно аккуратно(см. видео). Видимо в следующий раз я попробую менее рискованный способ проращивания. Ах да, перед стаканом с водой я слегка подпилил семечки по острой грани маникюрной пилочкой. Итого: 23.01(вечер) поместил в стакан с водой 24.01(утро) поместил в диски 25.01(утро) появились корни 25.01(вечер) корни ≈1см. посадил в кокос 26.01(вечер) взошли На всякий случай отметим, что чуть позже взошла растишка из правой(на фото) семечки, и она же была заметно крупнее. Кокос(уже с перлитом, спасибо линейке Plagron) я зарядил слабеньким компотом(A+B-2, B52-1, CalMag - 0.5 pH5.9 ppm514), полетели! Спасибо, что заглянули, и будьте здоровы! 🙏 Продолжение следует ...😶
Week 10 is over, the girl is definitely not the most beautiful in general appearance, but I can safely say that her aroma is one of the most delicious to my nose, it is a really sweet smell, I think she is already counting the last days of her life, although I will try to keep her while she is still green :) Yes, in this growth I probably made a mistake by giving her Advancet Nutriens Macro, and before that she was using Biotabs, Lesson for me - Use only one Manufacturer :) the flowers are full of sticky trichomes :) Good luck to everyone.
Week 10. The girl is looking a little red, with the next watering I will give her an epsom salt mixture, I hope this will help solve the problem, in general every day the daisies look brighter :) Everything is fine, good luck to everyone.
RadicalJuice – Week 4 Update A few days ago, I top-dressed the soil with some homemade organic fertilizer – a mix of worm humus, infected biochar, horn shavings, and a natural universal fertilizer. The plant is responding really well and thriving! 🌿🔥 Unlike my previous hydro grows, where nutrients were directly fed to the plants, this time, the focus is on feeding the microorganisms in the soil. I’m only watering with pure water and letting the soil life provide the nutrients – the goal: the most flavorful cannabis possible! 🍇💎 🚀 Want to be part of the RootJuice community? Send me a message to enter the giveaway! I’ll be selecting a few testers who will receive one liter for free – only shipping costs need to be covered. Testers should share their results here on GrowDiaries! 🙌🔥 --- RadicalJuice – Woche 4 Update Vor ein paar Tagen habe ich die Erde mit etwas selbstgemachtem organischem Dünger aufgefrischt – einer Mischung aus Wurmhumus, infizierter Bio-Kohle, Hornspänen und einem natürlichen Universaldünger. Die Pflanze nimmt das super an und wächst prächtig! 🌿🔥 Im Gegensatz zu meinen vorherigen Hydro-Grows, wo die Nährstoffe direkt zugeführt wurden, liegt hier der Fokus darauf, die Mikroorganismen im Boden zu füttern. Ich gieße ausschließlich mit Wasser und lasse das Bodenleben die Nährstoffe bereitstellen – das Ziel: das geschmackvollste Cannabis überhaupt! 🍇💎 🚀 Wer Teil der RootJuice Community werden will, kann mir eine Nachricht schreiben, um in den Auslosetopf zu kommen! Ich werde bald einige Tester auswählen, die jeweils einen Liter gratis erhalten – lediglich die Versandkosten müssen übernommen werden. Die Tester sollten ihre Erfahrungen hier auf GrowDiaries teilen! 🙌🔥
Plant at 4 weeks. Green and healthy leaves. I have only been watering once a week because the soil has remained moist with the humidity control of the greenhouse.
S2 beans are looking good. Will probably chop this weekend (so week 9 day 1-2) testers are good. Still feeding pk just slightly less so adding ph down again. I have stopped using ph down in flower as the soluble pk brings water down to 6.7 and beautiful. Nugs are pretty huge. Feels well above 30%.
So week 4 of flower is in the books and things are going well. Noticing a cal/mag issue in the jehovas witness but not the others. Growth has been strong and the fatality has taken over she has outgrown my five foot tent so am moving everything to a brand new 5x5 that’s 8 feet tall so I’m hoping I can spread them out some and allow light to reach the middle canopy because I have lollipopped all the lower larfy bullshit. Looking forward to a strong finish.
16.2.25: I decided to check out the lower canopies of all plants to see if I need to get rid of any foliage. I did get rid of a few small branches and leaves. However, whilst I was doing this, I saw more garden pegs from my LST remaining. There were about 6 or more in Pink Mist alone. Additionally, on Watermelon, there were some left in, too. I'm so annoyed to see that because the plants are really stretching, and I could've potentially disrupted this by leaving the pegs in for all this time without realising it. 🤞 that I haven't compromised things too much. We'll see. I watered today with 2ltrs of dechlorinated water PH'd to 6.3 containing the following nutrients; ♡ .8g Green Leaf Nutrients PK booster ♡ .5g Ecothrive Biosys I ordered quite a few things for the garden. I got Greenleaf Nutrients Sea K(elp) and Mega Crop Parts A+B. To go with their PK Booster I got last month. I'm excited to try it all together. Next run, maybe just using these. We'll see how it goes. 18.2.25: The plants are going crazy for water! Everything is getting used right up so fast! Today, I decided to add some more Black Strap Molasses to add some carbs and other micronutrients. I'll add the jar with the label in the photos section above. I watered a very small amount to each plant. What I put in: ♡ Black strap molasses 150g ♡ 2g Sea K(elp) Greenleaf nutrients. I dissolved everything in 4ltrs of dechlorinated water PH'd to 6.4. 19.2.25: I received the majority of the garden purchases that I made. I'm still waiting for the Ecothrive Life Cycle. I wanted to top dress, but it's been delayed unfortunately. I am using my Greenleaf nutrients products which I bought on Amazon. I got the Mega Crop 2 part system Part A and Part B. I have the Sea K(elp), and the bud explosion PK booster. I really wanted to get some of their sweet candy asking read many positive reviews. Unfortunately, for me, this is unavailable to buy currently. So that's a little disappointing. I needed to do a good watering so when my nutes were delivered today, I got excited 🤗 I watered 2ltrs of dechlorinated water per plant, PH'd to 6.4, containing the following nutrients: ♡ 1g Mega Crop Part A ♡ 1g Mega Crop Part B ♡ .5g Sea K(elp). The plants drank this up within a few hours. I'm going to try and hold off on watering in hopes that my Ecothrive Life Cycle will arrive so I can top dress and water it in then. 20.2.25: My Ecothrive Life Cycle arrived yesterday, and the plants are ready for their top dress and a good watering in. I have some Biobizz Light Mix, Canna Coco,and perlite. I'm going to use this as a base to mix my amendments in. I'm going to fill my 5 gallon bucket with about 4.5 gallons of my top dress mix. I will distribute this across 6, 4-5 gallon pots. Then I will water in well with Greenleaf nutrients Mega Crop Parts A+B and Sea K(elp). I've made a crude attempt to video mixing my top dress. Don't listen to the audio. lol, my YouTube didn't stop playing whilst I recorded this 😂 So anyway, I added the following amendments to the above base mix of 4.5 gallons; ♡ 3 TBSP Ecothrive Life Cycle ♡ 3 TBSP Vitalink Bat Guano ♡ 3 TBSP Ecothrive Charge ♡ 1 TBSP RHS Mycorrhizal Fungi granules ♡ 6 TBSP Ground Cinnamon.
16.2.25: I decided to check out the lower canopies of all plants to see if I need to get rid of any foliage. I did get rid of a few small branches and leaves. However, whilst I was doing this, I saw more garden pegs from my LST remaining. There were about 6 or more in Pink Mist alone. Additionally, on Watermelon, there were some left in, too. I'm so annoyed to see that because the plants are really stretching, and I could've potentially disrupted this by leaving the pegs in for all this time without realising it. 🤞 that I haven't compromised things too much. We'll see. I watered today with 2ltrs of dechlorinated water PH'd to 6.3 containing the following nutrients; ♡ .8g Green Leaf Nutrients PK booster ♡ .5g Ecothrive Biosys I ordered quite a few things for the garden. I got Greenleaf Nutrients Sea K(elp) and Mega Crop Parts A+B. To go with their PK Booster I got last month. I'm excited to try it all together. Next run, maybe just using these. We'll see how it goes. 18.2.25: The plants are going crazy for water! Everything is getting used right up so fast! Today, I decided to add some more Black Strap Molasses to add some carbs and other micronutrients. I'll add the jar with the label in the photos section above. I watered a very small amount to each plant. What I put in: ♡ Black strap molasses 150g ♡ 2g Sea K(elp) Greenleaf nutrients. I dissolved everything in 4ltrs of dechlorinated water PH'd to 6.4. 19.2.25: I received the majority of the garden purchases that I made. I'm still waiting for the Ecothrive Life Cycle. I wanted to top dress, but it's been delayed unfortunately. I am using my Greenleaf nutrients products which I bought on Amazon. I got the Mega Crop 2 part system Part A and Part B. I have the Sea K(elp), and the bud explosion PK booster. I really wanted to get some of their sweet candy asking read many positive reviews. Unfortunately, for me, this is unavailable to buy currently. So that's a little disappointing. I needed to do a good watering so when my nutes were delivered today, I got excited 🤗 I watered 2ltrs of dechlorinated water per plant, PH'd to 6.4, containing the following nutrients: ♡ 1g Mega Crop Part A ♡ 1g Mega Crop Part B ♡ .5g Sea K(elp). The plants drank this up within a few hours. I'm going to try and hold off on watering in hopes that my Ecothrive Life Cycle will arrive so I can top dress and water it in then. 20.2.25: My Ecothrive Life Cycle arrived yesterday, and the plants are ready for their top dress and a good watering in. I have some Biobizz Light Mix, Canna Coco,and perlite. I'm going to use this as a base to mix my amendments in. I'm going to fill my 5 gallon bucket with about 4.5 gallons of my top dress mix. I will distribute this across 6, 4-5 gallon pots. Then I will water in well with Greenleaf nutrients Mega Crop Parts A+B and Sea K(elp). I've made a crude attempt to video mixing my top dress. Don't listen to the audio. lol, my YouTube didn't stop playing whilst I recorded this 😂 So anyway, I added the following amendments to the above base mix of 4.5 gallons; ♡ 3 TBSP Ecothrive Life Cycle ♡ 3 TBSP Vitalink Bat Guano ♡ 3 TBSP Ecothrive Charge ♡ 1 TBSP RHS Mycorrhizal Fungi granules ♡ 6 TBSP Ground Cinnamon.
16.2.25: I decided to check out the lower canopies of all plants to see if I need to get rid of any foliage. I did get rid of a few small branches and leaves. However, whilst I was doing this, I saw more garden pegs from my LST remaining. There were about 6 or more in Pink Mist alone. Additionally, on Watermelon, there were some left in, too. I'm so annoyed to see that because the plants are really stretching, and I could've potentially disrupted this by leaving the pegs in for all this time without realising it. 🤞 that I haven't compromised things too much. We'll see. I watered today with 2ltrs of dechlorinated water PH'd to 6.3 containing the following nutrients; ♡ .8g Green Leaf Nutrients PK booster ♡ .5g Ecothrive Biosys I ordered quite a few things for the garden. I got Greenleaf Nutrients Sea K(elp) and Mega Crop Parts A+B. To go with their PK Booster I got last month. I'm excited to try it all together. Next run, maybe just using these. We'll see how it goes. 18.2.25: The plants are going crazy for water! Everything is getting used right up so fast! Today, I decided to add some more Black Strap Molasses to add some carbs and other micronutrients. I'll add the jar with the label in the photos section above. I watered a very small amount to each plant. What I put in: ♡ Black strap molasses 150g ♡ 2g Sea K(elp) Greenleaf nutrients. I dissolved everything in 4ltrs of dechlorinated water PH'd to 6.4. 19.2.25: I received the majority of the garden purchases that I made. I'm still waiting for the Ecothrive Life Cycle. I wanted to top dress, but it's been delayed unfortunately. I am using my Greenleaf nutrients products which I bought on Amazon. I got the Mega Crop 2 part system Part A and Part B. I have the Sea K(elp), and the bud explosion PK booster. I really wanted to get some of their sweet candy asking read many positive reviews. Unfortunately, for me, this is unavailable to buy currently. So that's a little disappointing. I needed to do a good watering so when my nutes were delivered today, I got excited 🤗 I watered 2ltrs of dechlorinated water per plant, PH'd to 6.4, containing the following nutrients: ♡ 1g Mega Crop Part A ♡ 1g Mega Crop Part B ♡ .5g Sea K(elp). The plants drank this up within a few hours. I'm going to try and hold off on watering in hopes that my Ecothrive Life Cycle will arrive so I can top dress and water it in then. 20.2.25: My Ecothrive Life Cycle arrived yesterday, and the plants are ready for their top dress and a good watering in. I have some Biobizz Light Mix, Canna Coco,and perlite. I'm going to use this as a base to mix my amendments in. I'm going to fill my 5 gallon bucket with about 4.5 gallons of my top dress mix. I will distribute this across 6, 4-5 gallon pots. Then I will water in well with Greenleaf nutrients Mega Crop Parts A+B and Sea K(elp). I've made a crude attempt to video mixing my top dress. Don't listen to the audio. lol, my YouTube didn't stop playing whilst I recorded this 😂 So anyway, I added the following amendments to the above base mix of 4.5 gallons; ♡ 3 TBSP Ecothrive Life Cycle ♡ 3 TBSP Vitalink Bat Guano ♡ 3 TBSP Ecothrive Charge ♡ 1 TBSP RHS Mycorrhizal Fungi granules ♡ 6 TBSP Ground Cinnamon.