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D68 (28/01/2021): First official day of week 6 in bloom and first official day (second in reality) of pre harvest flush. The smell is strong when I open the tent! It does not take long for the whole room to smell dank and even outside the room. - temp: 24-25C light ON ; 20-22C light OFF - no water - RH: 49-52% light ON ; 49-50% light OFF D69 (29/01/2021): I did a first proper flush today by running approximately 2.5 gallons of water trough the medium. There is still a lot of nutrients in the medium. I might do the exact same flush tomorrow. The PH of the run off is high (around PH7-7.1). This is an other reason to flush again tomorrow. I also reduced the light ON schedule by two hours. So now 18h hours ON and 6 hours OFF. I will continue reducing the ON period until they are ready for a complete dark period. I also try to reduce the air temperature. - temp: 24-25C light ON ; 19-20C light OFF - water: PH6.4, 135PPM, 2.5 gallons each - run off: PH7 and 680PPM for Glue Gelato ; PH7.1 and 560PPM for Banana Kush - RH: 47% light ON ; 48-53% light OFF D70 (30/01/2021): I did a second flush since I was not satisfied with run off PPM of yesterday. Today, the run off PPM is under 300 which is what I wanted. The run off PH is still high with 7.1. Banana Kush is ripening with the pistils slowly turning brown. Glue Gelato look sooooo yummy and I can't wait to harvest it. There is a small color change in some leaves but I'm expecting more in the next days. - temp: 23-24C light ON ; 19C light OFF - water: PH6.4, 125PPM, 2.5 gallons each - run off: PH7.1 and 260PPM for Glue Gelato ; PH7.1 and 250PPM for Banana Kush - RH: 46% light ON ; 46-48% light OFF D71 (31/01/2021): Glue Gelato is changing color. I'm checking trichomes everyday on both girls and no amber yet. - temp: 23-24C light ON ; 19C light OFF - no water - RH: 45% light ON ; 49-50% light OFF D72 (01/02/2021): Well well well...the clock is ticking for those girls. Glue Gelato is now having a couple of amber trichomes. Banana Kush don't have any. Overall Banana Kush has less trichomes and fluffier buds. This girls is not ready yet but I will need to chop her down at the same time has the Glue Gelato because my drying space is the tent I'm growing in. I will try to push the Banana Kush to ripen faster by lifting up the lamp at 16 inches from top bud and by reducing of 2 hours the day period for a 16 hours light ON and 8 hours light OFF. But at least all Banana Kush trichomes looks milky. - temp: 23-24C light ON ; 18-19C light OFF - water: PH6.2, 123PPM, less then a gallon each - run off: PH7.4 and 200PPM for Glue Gelato ; PH7.4 and 287PPM for Banana Kush - RH: 45% light ON ; 40-45% light OFF D73 (02/02/2021): I gave water probably for the last time today. Trichomes on Glue Gelato are starting to amber on top buds. Not a lot of amber but you can see that all the trichomes are starting to degrade by curling down slowly. Trichomes on Banana Kush are not amber at all but they all look milky. Glue Gelato is ready to harvest but Banana Kush need more time. It's tough to make a decision to chop or not since they are not at the same stage of growth. I want to place them in a complete 48 hours of darkness before harvest. 1h less light today for a 15h light ON and 9h light OFF. The lamps are now at 20 inches. - temp: 23-24C light ON ; 18-19C light OFF - water: less then a gallon each - RH: 45% light ON ; 40-45% light OFF D74 (03/02/2021): Glue Gelato is ready for 48h of darkness. I will take her out of the tent and place her in an other room without light. I will try to maintain a proper environment in this room and if it smells to strong or if the condition are not good I will replace her in the tent and both will start the 48h darkness. The idea is to give Banana Kush 2 more days to ripe and swoll more. After 48h, I will chop Glue Gelato and place her in the tent to start drying. Banana Kush will then start her 48h darkness. I don't know if this strategy is good but I will monitor everything closely and react if something is wrong. - temp: 22-23C light ON ; 19C light OFF - no water - RH: 47% light ON ; 43-45% light OFF
Gracias al equipo de AnesiaSeeds, Marshydro, XpertNutrients y Trolmaster sin ellos esto no sería posible. 💐🍁 Sticky Boof: Prepárate para dejarte llevar por Sticky Boof, nuestra última obra maestra que está poniendo el listón muy alto para los amantes de las índicas. Nacida del legendario cruce de Super Boof y Cadillac Rainbow, Sticky Boof es una potente planta con un asombroso 80% de dominancia Indica que promete una relajación sin igual. Prepárate para un viaje épico con el asombroso 37,5% de THC de Sticky Boof. Sumérgete en una cosecha abundante con Sticky Boof, que produce hasta la friolera de 500 g/m² en interior y 800 - 900 g por planta en exterior. Esta variedad es generosa y está lista para llenar tu alijo de cogollos de la mejor calidad. Sticky Boof es todo rapidez y eficacia, acelerando el tiempo de floración en sólo 7 u 8 semanas. 💡TS-3000 + TS-1000: se usaran dos de las lámparas de la serie TS de Marshydro, para cubrir todas las necesidades de las plantas durante el ciclo de cultivo, uso las dos lámparas en floracion para llegar a toda la carpa de 1.50 x 1.50 x 1.80. 🏠 : Marshydro 1.50 x 1.50 x 1.80, carpa 100% estanca con ventanas laterales para llegar a todos los lugares durante el grow 🌬️💨 Marshydro 6inch + filtro carbon para evitar olores indeseables. 🍣🍦🌴 Xpert Nutrients es una empresa especializada en la producción y comercialización de fertilizantes líquidos y tierras, que garantizan excelentes cosechas y un crecimiento activo para sus plantas durante todas las fases de cultivo. Consigue aqui tus Nutrientes: 💻 Trolmaster Tent-X TCS-1 como controlador de luz, optimiza tu cultivo con la última tecnología del mercado, desde donde puedes controlar todos los parametros. 🍣🍦🌴 Xpert Nutrients es una empresa especializada en la producción y comercialización de fertilizantes líquidos y tierras, que garantizan excelentes cosechas y un crecimiento activo para sus plantas durante todas las fases de cultivo. Consigue aqui tus Nutrientes: 📆 Semana 5: Definitivamente se ha adaptado muy bien a su hábitat natural, voy con dosis muy suaves de nutrientes ya que ellas tienen prácticamente todo lo que necesitan. El canto de las aves la pone feliz. Poco que agregar, buen sol y buen tiempo 😍
6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣****Week8 Bloom6****6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣ 12/4/24 Water20L+Agsil21 10ml+Bloom 150-160ml+Core 70ml PH 5.9 EC 2.5 Runoff Tray PH6 EC3.2 ⛺️ PH5.9 EC3.2 13/4/24 Water 30L+Agsil21 15ml+Bloom 230ml+Core 120ml PH5.9 EC2.5 Runoff Tray PH 6.1 EC 3.4 ⛺ PH 6 EC 5 14/4/24 Water 30L+Agsil21 15ml+Bloom 200ml+Core 100ml PH 5.9 EC 2.4 Runoff Tray PH 6.1 EC 3.6 ⛺️ PH 6 EC 5 15/4/24 Water 20L+Agsil21 10ml+Bloom150ml+Core 70ml +Calboron 10ml PH 5.9 EC 2.5 Runoff Tray EC 3.8 PH 6 ⛺️ EC 4 PH5.9 16/4/24 Water 30L+Agsil21 15ml+Bloom 230ml+Core 120 ml Runoff Tray PH 6.1 EC4 ⛺️ PH 5.8 EC4 17/4/24 Water 20L+Agsil21 10ml+Bloom 160ml+Core 95ml PH5.9 EC 2.5 Runoff Tray EC 3.6 PH 6.1 ⛺️ EC 4.2 PH 5.8 18/4/24 Water 28L+Agsil21 13ml+Bloom 180ml+Core110ml PH 6 EC2.5 Runoff Tray EC 3.5 PH 6 ⛺ EC 4.8 PH 5.6 (Flush with thrivegens)
Gracias al equipo de Zamnesia, Marshydro, XpertNutrients y Trolmaster sin ellos esto no sería posible. 💐🍁 Frosted Guava: La Frosted Guava es una cepa índica dominante y súper resinosa, que es un cruce de la Guava y la Frosted Skywalker. Con unas características de cultivo muy versátiles, un aroma exótico y afrutado, y un subidón relajante y lúcido, la Frosted Guava es ideal para cualquier plantación de marihuana. 🌻🚀 Consigue aqui tus semillas: Código Descuento 20%: ZAMMIGD2023 💡TS-3000 + TS-1000: se usaran dos de las lámparas de la serie TS de Marshydro, para cubrir todas las necesidades de las plantas durante el ciclo de cultivo, uso las dos lámparas en floracion para llegar a toda la carpa de 1.50 x 1.50 x 1.80. 🏠 : Marshydro 1.50 x 1.50 x 1.80, carpa 100% estanca con ventanas laterales para llegar a todos los lugares durante el grow 🌬️💨 Marshydro 6inch + filtro carbon para evitar olores indeseables. 🍣🍦🌴 Xpert Nutrients es una empresa especializada en la producción y comercialización de fertilizantes líquidos y tierras, que garantizan excelentes cosechas y un crecimiento activo para sus plantas durante todas las fases de cultivo. Consigue aqui tus Nutrientes: 💻 Trolmaster Tent-X TCS-1 como controlador de luz, optimiza tu cultivo con la última tecnología del mercado, desde donde puedes controlar todos los parametros. 📆 Semana 2: Gran primera semana, ella ha dado un gran estiron estos días, si sigue así será una gran cosecha. Esta semana se practica defoliacion, poda de ramas bajas y se le agrega Sticky Fingers . La carpa está ocupada al 100%, sigue una floracion explosiva gracias a @Marshydro y @Xpertnutrients y @Trolmaster con esta gran genética 💪. Potencia de la lámpara: 70%
Dam these are making me happy! Took clones for future seeds!
Alright, so we're moving along with the grow but some of these ladies seem to be struggling just a little bit more than others... they're definitely growing at a great pace but the foliage just looks rough. I stopped the alfalfa Ferment thinking it might be a little to potent for them right now... we'll see how they look after another week. I'm sure they'll all grow out of the funk. This is my mutant auto and she seems to be doing good with her double heads.
Alright so we're moving along as best we can with some weird looking growth but it's still growth lol. We started the Athena blended line this week but it's still early so we'll see how they look after this week. I'm hoping they grow out of this weird looking foliage. Other than that we're doing great and in a couple more weeks we'll transplant the photos and put them in flower.
Beginning week 3 flower looking great probably hit her with the last of my SFV daddy dust soon
Alright, so we're moving along with the grow but some of these ladies seem to be struggling just a little bit more than others... they're definitely growing at a great pace but the foliage just looks rough. I stopped the alfalfa Ferment thinking it might be a little to potent for them right now... we'll see how they look after another week. I'm sure they'll all grow out of the funk.
Alright so we're moving along as best we can with some weird looking growth but it's still growth lol. We started the Athena blended line this week but it's still early so we'll see how they look after this week. I'm hoping they grow out of this weird looking foliage. I believe it's from too much Alfalfa Ferment so I dropped it when we switched over to synthetic. Other than that we're doing great and in a couple more weeks we'll transplant the photos and put them in flower.
Eccoci ragazzi, qua sono passate già due settimane.. Ho voluto aspettare per vedere se la situazione della resina migliorava, ma purtroppo ci sono un sacco di fiori ma poca resina e odore.. Non capisco se il problema sia il fenotipo in se o forse sono i nutrienti che ho esagerato? Eppure la ragazza sembra mangiare nel giusto modo.. Speriamo nelle prossime settimane in un miglioramento altrimenti sarà destinata ad avere poca resina?! Staremo a vedere... Probabilemnte sarà stato qualche mio errore ma vorrei davvero capire cosa ho sbagliato.. Vabbe ragazzi mi dispiace xke la ragazza sembrava davvero promettente.. Alla prossima settimana un buon 420 a tutti voi! 🤞🍀💪😺
She’s finally down 😸 I finished harvesting the lower buds this morning. Most of the buds appeared to have matured. Filled another one and a half hangers, I can’t get over how much this plant has produced. All the buds feel solid to the touch and the trichome coverage is phenomenal. She’s got a really sweet gassy aroma, with a funky backend. I’ve done a final trim on all the top/mid buds, they’re just having a few more days to finish up. Sorry for the lack of pictures, I 100% plan on doing a final smoke report update with an overall yield and plenty of pictures. Made a small test batch of rosin from the final trim, came out fantastic, it’s retained all the smell, it’s ridiculously strong and smokes extremely smooth 😻. I’d like to thank everyone who’s had a look, commented or liked this diary. I hope it’s been helpful in some way 😸. Another fantastic strain by In House Genetics, if you are looking for premium quality flowers grab a pack! —————————————————— SMOKE REPORT & FINAL WEIGHT —————————————————— For some reason it won’t let me add the final smoke report so I’m adding it here underneath 😸🤷‍♂️ hopefully it’ll be seen. I’ve finally got round to trimming the last of the Slurricane and I was amazed with how well she yielded. I got 9 ounces of solid buds that are covered in a ridiculous amount of trichomes! I don’t have any way of testing her but she looks like a 30%+ THC content, absolutely phenomenal buds. I also got 2 ounces of smaller leafier buds that were round the bottom of the plant and a stupid amount of premium quality trim. All this has been frozen to make into Rosin at a later date. The Buds themselves have a unique smell and taste, it’s gassy, but has a strange sweet taste that lingers In the mouth. I’ve never really had anything like it before. She packs an absolute punch! Immediate flushing to the face whether it be Rosin or Flower, I’d say she leans more to the indica side of things, but that could just be me 🤷‍♂️ All the top buds have had a weeks cure and are smoking unbelievably smooth even at this stage 😸 I’m storing some of it in a jar and I’ve posted a pic of the bottom of it, it’s almost completely white from the loose trichomes that have shaken off 😻. The Rosin I’ve made so far has been fantastic and I’ve only used trim, I’ve yet to press any flower, but I reckon she should give some decent returns! Overall she’s ticked a lot of the boxes for things I look for in a decent keeper plant. I’ve got a mother clone vegging so I’ll be running groups in the future. Great plant, great smoke 😻🌱💚
Gracias al equipo de Zamnesia, Marshydro, XpertNutrients y Trolmaster sin ellos esto no sería posible. 💐🍁MAC 1: La MAC 1 es una variedad muy solicitada, creada originalmente por Capulator y distribuida solamente a determinados criadores y cultivadores. ¡Pero ahora ya puedes cultivar este tesoro en casa y disfrutar de sus cogollos densos, jugosos y potentes! Gracias a su densa copa y vigor, la MAC 1 es una opción ideal para LST, poda apical y otras técnicas de entrenamiento (incluido el lollipopping). Cuando entra en floración, las plantas de la MAC 1 se estiran bastante y una vez maduras pueden alcanzar una altura de 160cm en interior y más de 180cm en exterior. De media, las plantas feminizadas de la MAC 1 necesitan un total de 9-10 semanas para terminar la floración, momento en el que estarán repletas de cogollos índica pequeños y compactos. 🌻🚀 Consigue aqui tus semillas: Código Descuento 20%: ZAMMIGD2023 💡TS-3000 + TS-1000: se usaran dos de las lámparas de la serie TS de Marshydro, para cubrir todas las necesidades de las plantas durante el ciclo de cultivo, uso las dos lámparas en floracion para llegar a toda la carpa de 1.50 x 1.50 x 1.80. 🏠 : Marshydro 1.50 x 1.50 x 1.80, carpa 100% estanca con ventanas laterales para llegar a todos los lugares durante el grow 🌬️💨 Marshydro 6inch + filtro carbon para evitar olores indeseables. 💻 Trolmaster Tent-X TCS-1 como controlador de luz, optimiza tu cultivo con la última tecnología del mercado, desde donde puedes controlar todos los parametros. 🍣🍦🌴 Xpert Nutrients es una empresa especializada en la producción y comercialización de fertilizantes líquidos y tierras, que garantizan excelentes cosechas y un crecimiento activo para sus plantas durante todas las fases de cultivo. Consigue aqui tus Nutrientes: 📆 Semana 2: Gran primera semana, ella ha dado un gran estiron estos días, si sigue así será una gran cosecha. Esta semana se practica defoliacion, poda de ramas bajas y se le agrega Sticky Fingers . La carpa está ocupada al 100%, sigue una floracion explosiva gracias a @Marshydro y @Xpertnutrients y @Trolmaster con esta gran genética 💪. Potencia de la lámpara: 70%
Week 15 going good…not bad …switching to bloom nutrient… and did a ton of defoliating to loosen up the canopy hopefully they won’t grow too much when I flip them to 1212 in a week I’ve seen these plants three times the size. Hopefully I can stunt that growth during the initial stretch by switching to Bloom nutrients early. Defoliating a week before flipping. I may decide to top them more but I probably won Do I have to type here for it to be green this is crazy. I’ve done more than a paragraph now at this point it’s kind of weird that it’s not green be green what the hell can it still not be green
Week 15 going good…not bad …switching to bloom nutrient… and did a ton of defoliating to loosen up the canopy hopefully they won’t grow too much when I flip them to 1212 in a week I’ve seen these plants three times the size. Hopefully I can stunt that growth during the initial stretch by switching to Bloom nutrients early. Defoliating a week before flipping. I may decide to top them more but I probably won Do I have to type here for it to be green this is crazy. I’ve done more than a paragraph now at this point it’s kind of weird that it’s not green be green what the hell can it still not be green
Week 15 going good…not bad …switching to bloom nutrient… and did a ton of defoliating to loosen up the canopy hopefully they won’t grow too much when I flip them to 1212 in a week I’ve seen these plants three times the size. Hopefully I can stunt that growth during the initial stretch by switching to Bloom nutrients early. Defoliating a week before flipping. I may decide to top them more but I probably won Do I have to type here for it to be green this is crazy. I’ve done more than a paragraph now at this point it’s kind of weird that it’s not green be green what the hell can it still not be green
Week 15 going good…not bad …switching to bloom nutrient… and did a ton of defoliating to loosen up the canopy hopefully they won’t grow too much when I flip them to 1212 in a week I’ve seen these plants three times the size. Hopefully I can stunt that growth during the initial stretch by switching to Bloom nutrients early. Defoliating a week before flipping. I may decide to top them more but I probably won Do I have to type here for it to be green this is crazy. I’ve done more than a paragraph now at this point it’s kind of weird that it’s not green be green what the hell can it still not be green
Week 15 going good…not bad …switching to bloom nutrient… and did a ton of defoliating to loosen up the canopy hopefully they won’t grow too much when I flip them to 1212 in a week I’ve seen these plants three times the size. Hopefully I can stunt that growth during the initial stretch by switching to Bloom nutrients early. Defoliating a week before flipping. I may decide to top them more but I probably won Do I have to type here for it to be green this is crazy. I’ve done more than a paragraph now at this point it’s kind of weird that it’s not green be green what the hell can it still not be green
Week 15 going good…not bad …switching to bloom nutrient… and did a ton of defoliating to loosen up the canopy hopefully they won’t grow too much when I flip them to 1212 in a week I’ve seen these plants three times the size. Hopefully I can stunt that growth during the initial stretch by switching to Bloom nutrients early. Defoliating a week before flipping. I may decide to top them more but I probably won Do I have to type here for it to be green this is crazy. I’ve done more than a paragraph now at this point it’s kind of weird that it’s not green be green what the hell can it still not be green