🏆 Last chance to vote!
Hatte leichten Pollen Flug im tent... Eine von den Damen hatte Nüsse bekommen, hab sie alle versucht zu entfernen aber leider war es nicht so erfolgreich! Ich hoffe jetzt nur das es mein grow nicht zu sehr schadet😓
Week 3 has passed✔️ LST always with Ennio Morricone🏻‍♂️ She’s doing very well growing at fast pace with a beautiful green color on the leaves🔥 For the nutrients Plagron as always💜 Foliar spray Plagron vita race once a week💦
OG 4Q24 Flower Week 5 (Plant Week 8) Orangegasm (Fem) [ IRIE Genetics ] 12/12 @ Bolt (Day 21) Germination: 20 November 2024 #3A Earliest Harvest Date: 9 February 2025 #3B Latest Harvest Date: 19 February 2025 _________________________________________ Start of Week: [Wed Jan 8, 2024 CR2 4Q24 29:F:4:1] End of Week: [Tue Jan 14, 2024 CR2 4Q24 35:F:4:7] OrangeGasm Fertigation: - MAX: EC: [ 2.7, mS] - LightIntensity Optimal: [ 850, µMol/m2/s] ______________________________________ Lighting Strategy - As we’ve 3 Distinct Levels, Tops, Mediums, Bottoms - Our tops are within 15” of the light, the Mains 25” - GOAL is to Reduce LIGHT DISTANCE, as Long as TOPS are NOT LIGHT DISTRESSED. - Tops will be 1200+ µMol/m2/s - Mediums ~ 850 µMol/m2/s - Bottoms: 500 µMol/m2/s We Want OPTIMAL (850 µMol/m2/s) At the SECONDARIES of TALLEST PLANTS. - Secondaries are the stems with flowers emerging from the Two Mains - ~ 12 - 14 Flowers per STEM. __ Wed Jan 8, 2025 OG 4Q24 29:F:4:1 Refresh Reservoir, 4 Gallons Filtered/pH’d TAP Water, ph: 7.2, EC: 0.3 mS/cm   Environment Temp: RH: VPD: PPFD: EC: [ 2.7, mS/cm] Evaluating Runoff EC vs CHOSEN EC (Delta EC) ∆: - IDEAL: Within 200 ppm, ≤ 0.4, mS/cm - Acceptable: 200 - 300 ppm, ≤ 0.4 - 0.6 mS/cm. - CAUTION: 300 - 400 ppm, ≤ 0.6 - 0.8 mS/cm - DANGER: 400 ppm, 0.8 mS/cm - [x] Post Grow Diaries Refresh Reservoir: - [x] Primer A&B: [ 72.1, ml] - [x] SLF-100: [ 40, ml] - [x] pH UP: [ 1, ml/gal] - [x] Photosynthesis Plus: [ 24, ml] - [x] 4 Gal Filtered Tap, pH’d to 7.4, EC: 0.3 - No Silica until we have 2 MORE Days Clear Filter (Xeribird Manifold Filter) - EC: [ 2.7, mS/cm] Monitor Filter - [x] Some indication of beginning PSP film (Started PSP Today)
IF THIS Continues - it’s PSP … ;-( Runoff: - [x] 2 Gallons. # We ran 2 Extra Minutes, adding 50% to the overall feed. IFF 30 seconds delivers ~380 ml, then the 2 Minutes yields a couple more gallons . . . We’ll Know THURSDAY NIGHT (No Add’l Fertigation Events beyond programmed 8). - [x] EC: 3.5 - [x] EC Delta: 0.8 (400 ppm) # CAUTION LEVEL __ Thu Jan 9, 2025 OG 4Q24 30:F:4:2 Reclaim Dehu # @1400 - [x] 1 Gal Refresh Reservoir: 1 Gal Dehu - Primer A&B: [ 20, ml] - SLF-100: [ 5, ml] Monitor Filter # @1900 - [x] If Clear Filter - Start Silica . . . - Filter has BARELY any Buildup - But Pink (PSP?) Film. No Affect to Fertigation Runoff - Amount: [ 1, Gal] - EC: [ 3.3, mS] - EC ∆: [ 0.6, mS/cm]: Acceptable REDUCED Fertigation Time to 25 Seconds from 35. __ Fri Jan 10, 2025 OG 4Q24 31:F:4:3 Runoff - 1 Gal, ec: 3.0, ec delta: 0.3-ideal Defoliation - [x] Remove All FAN LEAVES up to the Penultimate Node (Leave TWO Sets of Fans At Top, for now . . .) - [x] Remove FIRST nodes ABOVE TOP, all plants - [x] Pick up 4 Gallons of ‘purified water’ Refresh Reservoir - 2 Gallons, EC: 2.7 - [x] Primer A&B: [ 40, ml] - [x] SLF-100: [ 10, ml] __ Sat Jan 11, 2025 OG 4Q24 32:F:4:4 Runoff - Amount: [ 1250, ml] - EC: [ 3.5, mS/cm] - EC ∆: [ 0.8, mS/cm]: Caution We’ll leave the feed volume at 20 seconds as long as plants are happy. Raise to 25 sec if else. __ Sun Jan 12, 2025 OG 4Q24 33:F:4:5 Reclaim Dehu - [x] [ 1.4, gal] Refresh Reservoir - Amount: [ 1.4, gal] - EC: [ 2.7, mS/cm2] - The Rooted Leaf Primer A&B, SLF-100, Photosynthesis Plus Runoff - Amount: [ 0, ml] - EC: [ n/a, mS/cm] - EC ∆: [ n/a, mS/cm]: Warning __ Mon Jan 13, 2025 OG 4Q24 34:F:4:6 - [x] Defoliate Rear 4 Plants __ Tue Jan 14, 2025 OG 4Q24 35:F:4:7 Runoff: - Amount: [ 2, L] - EC: [ 4.0, mS] - EC∆: [ 1.3, mS/cm2]: DANGER - [x] Raise Fertigation to 40 Seconds per Event - [x] Reclaimed 1 Gal Dehu - [x] Res Refresh 1 Gal @ 2.7 mS/cm2 - [x] Primer A&B, SLF-100. - [x] Cleaned Manifold Filter with H2O2 - The Bio film embeds in the mesh. Has to be destroyed to remove it seems. Replaced and Checked
OG 4Q24 Flower Week 5 (Plant Week 8) Orangegasm (Fem) [ IRIE Genetics ] 12/12 @ Bolt (Day 21) Germination: 20 November 2024 #3A Earliest Harvest Date: 9 February 2025 #3B Latest Harvest Date: 19 February 2025 _________________________________________ Start of Week: [Wed Jan 8, 2024 CR2 4Q24 29:F:4:1] End of Week: [Tue Jan 14, 2024 CR2 4Q24 35:F:4:7] OrangeGasm Fertigation: - MAX: EC: [ 2.7, mS] - LightIntensity Optimal: [ 850, µMol/m2/s] ______________________________________ Lighting Strategy - As we’ve 3 Distinct Levels, Tops, Mediums, Bottoms - Our tops are within 15” of the light, the Mains 25” - GOAL is to Reduce LIGHT DISTANCE, as Long as TOPS are NOT LIGHT DISTRESSED. - Tops will be 1200+ µMol/m2/s - Mediums ~ 850 µMol/m2/s - Bottoms: 500 µMol/m2/s We Want OPTIMAL (850 µMol/m2/s) At the SECONDARIES of TALLEST PLANTS. - Secondaries are the stems with flowers emerging from the Two Mains - ~ 12 - 14 Flowers per STEM. __ Wed Jan 8, 2025 OG 4Q24 29:F:4:1 Refresh Reservoir, 4 Gallons Filtered/pH’d TAP Water, ph: 7.2, EC: 0.3 mS/cm   Environment Temp: RH: VPD: PPFD: EC: [ 2.7, mS/cm] Evaluating Runoff EC vs CHOSEN EC (Delta EC) ∆: - IDEAL: Within 200 ppm, ≤ 0.4, mS/cm - Acceptable: 200 - 300 ppm, ≤ 0.4 - 0.6 mS/cm. - CAUTION: 300 - 400 ppm, ≤ 0.6 - 0.8 mS/cm - DANGER: 400 ppm, 0.8 mS/cm - [x] Post Grow Diaries Refresh Reservoir: - [x] Primer A&B: [ 72.1, ml] - [x] SLF-100: [ 40, ml] - [x] pH UP: [ 1, ml/gal] - [x] Photosynthesis Plus: [ 24, ml] - [x] 4 Gal Filtered Tap, pH’d to 7.4, EC: 0.3 - No Silica until we have 2 MORE Days Clear Filter (Xeribird Manifold Filter) - EC: [ 2.7, mS/cm] Monitor Filter - [x] Some indication of beginning PSP film (Started PSP Today)
IF THIS Continues - it’s PSP … ;-( Runoff: - [x] 2 Gallons. # We ran 2 Extra Minutes, adding 50% to the overall feed. IFF 30 seconds delivers ~380 ml, then the 2 Minutes yields a couple more gallons . . . We’ll Know THURSDAY NIGHT (No Add’l Fertigation Events beyond programmed 8). - [x] EC: 3.5 - [x] EC Delta: 0.8 (400 ppm) # CAUTION LEVEL __ Thu Jan 9, 2025 OG 4Q24 30:F:4:2 Reclaim Dehu # @1400 - [x] 1 Gal Refresh Reservoir: 1 Gal Dehu - Primer A&B: [ 20, ml] - SLF-100: [ 5, ml] Monitor Filter # @1900 - [x] If Clear Filter - Start Silica . . . - Filter has BARELY any Buildup - But Pink (PSP?) Film. No Affect to Fertigation Runoff - Amount: [ 1, Gal] - EC: [ 3.3, mS] - EC ∆: [ 0.6, mS/cm]: Acceptable REDUCED Fertigation Time to 25 Seconds from 35. __ Fri Jan 10, 2025 OG 4Q24 31:F:4:3 Runoff - 1 Gal, ec: 3.0, ec delta: 0.3-ideal Defoliation - [x] Remove All FAN LEAVES up to the Penultimate Node (Leave TWO Sets of Fans At Top, for now . . .) - [x] Remove FIRST nodes ABOVE TOP, all plants - [x] Pick up 4 Gallons of ‘purified water’ Refresh Reservoir - 2 Gallons, EC: 2.7 - [x] Primer A&B: [ 40, ml] - [x] SLF-100: [ 10, ml] __ Sat Jan 11, 2025 OG 4Q24 32:F:4:4 Runoff - Amount: [ 1250, ml] - EC: [ 3.5, mS/cm] - EC ∆: [ 0.8, mS/cm]: Caution We’ll leave the feed volume at 20 seconds as long as plants are happy. Raise to 25 sec if else. __ Sun Jan 12, 2025 OG 4Q24 33:F:4:5 Reclaim Dehu - [x] [ 1.4, gal] Refresh Reservoir - Amount: [ 1.4, gal] - EC: [ 2.7, mS/cm2] - The Rooted Leaf Primer A&B, SLF-100, Photosynthesis Plus Runoff - Amount: [ 0, ml] - EC: [ n/a, mS/cm] - EC ∆: [ n/a, mS/cm]: Warning __ Mon Jan 13, 2025 OG 4Q24 34:F:4:6 - [x] Defoliate Rear 4 Plants __ Tue Jan 14, 2025 OG 4Q24 35:F:4:7 Runoff: - Amount: [ 2, L] - EC: [ 4.0, mS] - EC∆: [ 1.3, mS/cm2]: DANGER - [x] Raise Fertigation to 40 Seconds per Event - [x] Reclaimed 1 Gal Dehu - [x] Res Refresh 1 Gal @ 2.7 mS/cm2 - [x] Primer A&B, SLF-100. - [x] Cleaned Manifold Filter with H2O2 - The Bio film embeds in the mesh. Has to be destroyed to remove it seems. Replaced and Checked
Week 3 has passed✔️ LST always with Ennio Morricone🎵 She’s doing very well growing at fast pace with a beautiful green color on the leaves🔥 For the nutrients Plagron as always💜 Foliar spray Plagron vita race once a week💦
Week 3 has passed✔️ LST always with Ennio Morricone🎵 She’s doing very well growing at fast pace with a beautiful green color on the leaves🔥 For the nutrients Plagron as always💜 Foliar spray Plagron vita race once a week💦
Week 18 (Week 10 Flower) Grow Diaries Report – Part One: Wrapping Up the Journey 🌱 Pre-Harvest Reflections This week has been a mix of emotions as we approach the final chapter of this grow. Let’s talk about why we made the decision to pre-harvest portions of the Gorilla Melon and Papaya Zoap. While both plants have been incredible performers, a few buds on each started showing early signs of bud rot. This is an unfortunate but natural challenge when growing such dense and resin-packed colas. The decision to harvest those sections early was made to protect the rest of the crop and ensure quality and integrity for the remaining flowers. Vigilance is key in a packed garden like ours, and careful monitoring ensured the rest of the room remained safe and thriving. 🌈 A Symphony of Colors and Frost The grow room is a visual masterpiece this week, with shades of deep purples, vibrant greens, and golden hues taking over. The fading is absolutely breathtaking, showcasing the natural progression of the plants as they near the end. Combine this with the insane level of frost blanketing the buds, and it’s safe to say this is one of the most beautiful gardens I’ve ever cultivated. ✨ Spectrum Management: The Secret to Stunning Results The current lighting setup is a game-changer: • 50% whites to maintain overall balance and structure. • 100% reds for enhanced ripening and color development. • 100% UVs to boost resin production and amplify those trichome levels. The ThinkGrow LEDs paired with the TrolMaster spectrum control system have truly unlocked the garden’s full potential. Watching the plants sparkle under this setup feels like seeing stars on a clear night—magical and unforgettable. 🌟 Quick Recap: The Journey So Far From seed to this incredible moment, this grow has been a testament to precision and passion. From germination to veg and through flowering, every detail was carefully tuned, every decision made with intention. Along the way, we navigated challenges like pests, mold, and environmental shifts, proving that adaptability and dedication are essential. And here we are, ready to bring this journey to a close with nothing short of perfection. Week 18 (Week 10 Flower) Grow Diaries Report – Part Two: The Tools That Made It Possible 💡 ThinkGrow LEDs: These lights have been the heartbeat of the grow, delivering unparalleled spectrum control and efficiency. The ability to fine-tune every stage of the plant’s life cycle has been a game-changer. 🌬️ AeroFan System: Consistently circulating air while keeping the environment balanced and mold-free. The AeroFan’s role in preventing hotspots and ensuring even coverage cannot be overstated. 📱 TrolMaster System: The brain behind the operation, the TrolMaster system has provided unmatched control and precision. From monitoring temperature and humidity to dialing in lighting and CO2, it has truly transformed how I grow. 🏕️ Tent-X Setup: The foundation of the grow, this tent provided the perfect space for controlled cultivation. Its design maximized efficiency while keeping everything neat and manageable. 🌡️ Sensors and Monitors: Every parameter was tracked with pinpoint accuracy. From VPD to soil moisture, the sensors ensured every need of the plants was met in real-time. Each tool, piece of gear, and setup component has worked seamlessly together, creating a true ecosystem of excellence. This grow wouldn’t have been the same without them. Ending with Gratitude and Excitement To the community: thank you for joining me on this incredible journey. Whether you’ve been here since the beginning or just tuned in, your support has been everything. From the lovers to the critics, you all push me to grow (pun intended). To the sponsors: ThinkGrow LED, TrolMaster, Aptus Holland, Pro-Mix Soil, and everyone else involved—your products are not just tools; they’re inspirations. And finally, to these plants: you’ve taught me patience, resilience, and the beauty of the process. 🔥 Next Up: Stay tuned for the epic harvest and a deep dive into the final results, from trichomes to yields and beyond. The end is just the beginning of the next adventure. 🌟 Let’s finish this grow strong! 🌱✨ Growers Love. Discount Codes so you can save big on your next check out 💚💚💚 Kannabia - DOGDOCTOR 30% off SeedsmanSeeds - DOGDOCTOR 10% off CannaKan- DOGDOCTOR 15% off terpyz.eu - DOCTOR 15% off The Neutralizer - PORKIT5-DOG 15% off Fast Buds - DOGDOCT 15% off As always thank you all for stopping by, for the love and for it all , this journey of mine wold just not be the same without you guys, the love and support is very much appreciated and i fell honored and so joyful with you all in my life 🙏
 With true love comes happiness 💚🙏 Always believe in your self and always do things expecting nothing and with an open heart , be a giver and the universe will give back to you in ways you could not even imagine so 💚 Friendly reminder all you see here is pure research and for educational purposes only Growers Love to you all 💚💚💚
Week 18 (Week 10 Flower) Grow Diaries Report – Part One: Wrapping Up the Journey 🌱 Pre-Harvest Reflections This week has been a mix of emotions as we approach the final chapter of this grow. Let’s talk about why we made the decision to pre-harvest portions of the Gorilla Melon and Papaya Zoap. While both plants have been incredible performers, a few buds on each started showing early signs of bud rot. This is an unfortunate but natural challenge when growing such dense and resin-packed colas. The decision to harvest those sections early was made to protect the rest of the crop and ensure quality and integrity for the remaining flowers. Vigilance is key in a packed garden like ours, and careful monitoring ensured the rest of the room remained safe and thriving. 🌈 A Symphony of Colors and Frost The grow room is a visual masterpiece this week, with shades of deep purples, vibrant greens, and golden hues taking over. The fading is absolutely breathtaking, showcasing the natural progression of the plants as they near the end. Combine this with the insane level of frost blanketing the buds, and it’s safe to say this is one of the most beautiful gardens I’ve ever cultivated. ✨ Spectrum Management: The Secret to Stunning Results The current lighting setup is a game-changer: • 50% whites to maintain overall balance and structure. • 100% reds for enhanced ripening and color development. • 100% UVs to boost resin production and amplify those trichome levels. The ThinkGrow LEDs paired with the TrolMaster spectrum control system have truly unlocked the garden’s full potential. Watching the plants sparkle under this setup feels like seeing stars on a clear night—magical and unforgettable. 🌟 Quick Recap: The Journey So Far From seed to this incredible moment, this grow has been a testament to precision and passion. From germination to veg and through flowering, every detail was carefully tuned, every decision made with intention. Along the way, we navigated challenges like pests, mold, and environmental shifts, proving that adaptability and dedication are essential. And here we are, ready to bring this journey to a close with nothing short of perfection. Week 18 (Week 10 Flower) Grow Diaries Report – Part Two: The Tools That Made It Possible 💡 ThinkGrow LEDs: These lights have been the heartbeat of the grow, delivering unparalleled spectrum control and efficiency. The ability to fine-tune every stage of the plant’s life cycle has been a game-changer. 🌬️ AeroFan System: Consistently circulating air while keeping the environment balanced and mold-free. The AeroFan’s role in preventing hotspots and ensuring even coverage cannot be overstated. 📱 TrolMaster System: The brain behind the operation, the TrolMaster system has provided unmatched control and precision. From monitoring temperature and humidity to dialing in lighting and CO2, it has truly transformed how I grow. 🏕️ Tent-X Setup: The foundation of the grow, this tent provided the perfect space for controlled cultivation. Its design maximized efficiency while keeping everything neat and manageable. 🌡️ Sensors and Monitors: Every parameter was tracked with pinpoint accuracy. From VPD to soil moisture, the sensors ensured every need of the plants was met in real-time. Each tool, piece of gear, and setup component has worked seamlessly together, creating a true ecosystem of excellence. This grow wouldn’t have been the same without them. Ending with Gratitude and Excitement To the community: thank you for joining me on this incredible journey. Whether you’ve been here since the beginning or just tuned in, your support has been everything. From the lovers to the critics, you all push me to grow (pun intended). To the sponsors: ThinkGrow LED, TrolMaster, Aptus Holland, Pro-Mix Soil, and everyone else involved—your products are not just tools; they’re inspirations. And finally, to these plants: you’ve taught me patience, resilience, and the beauty of the process. 🔥 Next Up: Stay tuned for the epic harvest and a deep dive into the final results, from trichomes to yields and beyond. The end is just the beginning of the next adventure. 🌟 Let’s finish this grow strong! 🌱✨ Growers Love. Discount Codes so you can save big on your next check out 💚💚💚 Kannabia - DOGDOCTOR 30% off SeedsmanSeeds - DOGDOCTOR 10% off CannaKan- DOGDOCTOR 15% off terpyz.eu - DOCTOR 15% off The Neutralizer - PORKIT5-DOG 15% off Fast Buds - DOGDOCT 15% off As always thank you all for stopping by, for the love and for it all , this journey of mine wold just not be the same without you guys, the love and support is very much appreciated and i fell honored and so joyful with you all in my life 🙏
 With true love comes happiness 💚🙏 Always believe in your self and always do things expecting nothing and with an open heart , be a giver and the universe will give back to you in ways you could not even imagine so 💚 Friendly reminder all you see here is pure research and for educational purposes only Growers Love to you all 💚💚💚
Week 18 (Week 10 Flower) Grow Diaries Report – Part One: Wrapping Up the Journey 🌱 Pre-Harvest Reflections This week has been a mix of emotions as we approach the final chapter of this grow. Let’s talk about why we made the decision to pre-harvest portions of the Gorilla Melon and Papaya Zoap. While both plants have been incredible performers, a few buds on each started showing early signs of bud rot. This is an unfortunate but natural challenge when growing such dense and resin-packed colas. The decision to harvest those sections early was made to protect the rest of the crop and ensure quality and integrity for the remaining flowers. Vigilance is key in a packed garden like ours, and careful monitoring ensured the rest of the room remained safe and thriving. 🌈 A Symphony of Colors and Frost The grow room is a visual masterpiece this week, with shades of deep purples, vibrant greens, and golden hues taking over. The fading is absolutely breathtaking, showcasing the natural progression of the plants as they near the end. Combine this with the insane level of frost blanketing the buds, and it’s safe to say this is one of the most beautiful gardens I’ve ever cultivated. ✨ Spectrum Management: The Secret to Stunning Results The current lighting setup is a game-changer: • 50% whites to maintain overall balance and structure. • 100% reds for enhanced ripening and color development. • 100% UVs to boost resin production and amplify those trichome levels. The ThinkGrow LEDs paired with the TrolMaster spectrum control system have truly unlocked the garden’s full potential. Watching the plants sparkle under this setup feels like seeing stars on a clear night—magical and unforgettable. 🌟 Quick Recap: The Journey So Far From seed to this incredible moment, this grow has been a testament to precision and passion. From germination to veg and through flowering, every detail was carefully tuned, every decision made with intention. Along the way, we navigated challenges like pests, mold, and environmental shifts, proving that adaptability and dedication are essential. And here we are, ready to bring this journey to a close with nothing short of perfection. Week 18 (Week 10 Flower) Grow Diaries Report – Part Two: The Tools That Made It Possible 💡 ThinkGrow LEDs: These lights have been the heartbeat of the grow, delivering unparalleled spectrum control and efficiency. The ability to fine-tune every stage of the plant’s life cycle has been a game-changer. 🌬️ AeroFan System: Consistently circulating air while keeping the environment balanced and mold-free. The AeroFan’s role in preventing hotspots and ensuring even coverage cannot be overstated. 📱 TrolMaster System: The brain behind the operation, the TrolMaster system has provided unmatched control and precision. From monitoring temperature and humidity to dialing in lighting and CO2, it has truly transformed how I grow. 🏕️ Tent-X Setup: The foundation of the grow, this tent provided the perfect space for controlled cultivation. Its design maximized efficiency while keeping everything neat and manageable. 🌡️ Sensors and Monitors: Every parameter was tracked with pinpoint accuracy. From VPD to soil moisture, the sensors ensured every need of the plants was met in real-time. Each tool, piece of gear, and setup component has worked seamlessly together, creating a true ecosystem of excellence. This grow wouldn’t have been the same without them. Ending with Gratitude and Excitement To the community: thank you for joining me on this incredible journey. Whether you’ve been here since the beginning or just tuned in, your support has been everything. From the lovers to the critics, you all push me to grow (pun intended). To the sponsors: ThinkGrow LED, TrolMaster, Aptus Holland, Pro-Mix Soil, and everyone else involved—your products are not just tools; they’re inspirations. And finally, to these plants: you’ve taught me patience, resilience, and the beauty of the process. 🔥 Next Up: Stay tuned for the epic harvest and a deep dive into the final results, from trichomes to yields and beyond. The end is just the beginning of the next adventure. 🌟 Let’s finish this grow strong! 🌱✨ Growers Love. Discount Codes so you can save big on your next check out 💚💚💚 Kannabia - DOGDOCTOR 30% off SeedsmanSeeds - DOGDOCTOR 10% off CannaKan- DOGDOCTOR 15% off terpyz.eu - DOCTOR 15% off The Neutralizer - PORKIT5-DOG 15% off Fast Buds - DOGDOCT 15% off As always thank you all for stopping by, for the love and for it all , this journey of mine wold just not be the same without you guys, the love and support is very much appreciated and i fell honored and so joyful with you all in my life 🙏
 With true love comes happiness 💚🙏 Always believe in your self and always do things expecting nothing and with an open heart , be a giver and the universe will give back to you in ways you could not even imagine so 💚 Friendly reminder all you see here is pure research and for educational purposes only Growers Love to you all 💚💚💚
Week 18 (Week 10 Flower) Grow Diaries Report – Part One: Wrapping Up the Journey 🌱 Pre-Harvest Reflections This week has been a mix of emotions as we approach the final chapter of this grow. Let’s talk about why we made the decision to pre-harvest portions of the Gorilla Melon and Papaya Zoap. While both plants have been incredible performers, a few buds on each started showing early signs of bud rot. This is an unfortunate but natural challenge when growing such dense and resin-packed colas. The decision to harvest those sections early was made to protect the rest of the crop and ensure quality and integrity for the remaining flowers. Vigilance is key in a packed garden like ours, and careful monitoring ensured the rest of the room remained safe and thriving. 🌈 A Symphony of Colors and Frost The grow room is a visual masterpiece this week, with shades of deep purples, vibrant greens, and golden hues taking over. The fading is absolutely breathtaking, showcasing the natural progression of the plants as they near the end. Combine this with the insane level of frost blanketing the buds, and it’s safe to say this is one of the most beautiful gardens I’ve ever cultivated. ✨ Spectrum Management: The Secret to Stunning Results The current lighting setup is a game-changer: • 50% whites to maintain overall balance and structure. • 100% reds for enhanced ripening and color development. • 100% UVs to boost resin production and amplify those trichome levels. The ThinkGrow LEDs paired with the TrolMaster spectrum control system have truly unlocked the garden’s full potential. Watching the plants sparkle under this setup feels like seeing stars on a clear night—magical and unforgettable. 🌟 Quick Recap: The Journey So Far From seed to this incredible moment, this grow has been a testament to precision and passion. From germination to veg and through flowering, every detail was carefully tuned, every decision made with intention. Along the way, we navigated challenges like pests, mold, and environmental shifts, proving that adaptability and dedication are essential. And here we are, ready to bring this journey to a close with nothing short of perfection. Week 18 (Week 10 Flower) Grow Diaries Report – Part Two: The Tools That Made It Possible 💡 ThinkGrow LEDs: These lights have been the heartbeat of the grow, delivering unparalleled spectrum control and efficiency. The ability to fine-tune every stage of the plant’s life cycle has been a game-changer. 🌬️ AeroFan System: Consistently circulating air while keeping the environment balanced and mold-free. The AeroFan’s role in preventing hotspots and ensuring even coverage cannot be overstated. 📱 TrolMaster System: The brain behind the operation, the TrolMaster system has provided unmatched control and precision. From monitoring temperature and humidity to dialing in lighting and CO2, it has truly transformed how I grow. 🏕️ Tent-X Setup: The foundation of the grow, this tent provided the perfect space for controlled cultivation. Its design maximized efficiency while keeping everything neat and manageable. 🌡️ Sensors and Monitors: Every parameter was tracked with pinpoint accuracy. From VPD to soil moisture, the sensors ensured every need of the plants was met in real-time. Each tool, piece of gear, and setup component has worked seamlessly together, creating a true ecosystem of excellence. This grow wouldn’t have been the same without them. Ending with Gratitude and Excitement To the community: thank you for joining me on this incredible journey. Whether you’ve been here since the beginning or just tuned in, your support has been everything. From the lovers to the critics, you all push me to grow (pun intended). To the sponsors: ThinkGrow LED, TrolMaster, Aptus Holland, Pro-Mix Soil, and everyone else involved—your products are not just tools; they’re inspirations. And finally, to these plants: you’ve taught me patience, resilience, and the beauty of the process. 🔥 Next Up: Stay tuned for the epic harvest and a deep dive into the final results, from trichomes to yields and beyond. The end is just the beginning of the next adventure. 🌟 Let’s finish this grow strong! 🌱✨ Growers Love. Discount Codes so you can save big on your next check out 💚💚💚 Kannabia - DOGDOCTOR 30% off SeedsmanSeeds - DOGDOCTOR 10% off CannaKan- DOGDOCTOR 15% off terpyz.eu - DOCTOR 15% off The Neutralizer - PORKIT5-DOG 15% off Fast Buds - DOGDOCT 15% off As always thank you all for stopping by, for the love and for it all , this journey of mine wold just not be the same without you guys, the love and support is very much appreciated and i fell honored and so joyful with you all in my life 🙏
 With true love comes happiness 💚🙏 Always believe in your self and always do things expecting nothing and with an open heart , be a giver and the universe will give back to you in ways you could not even imagine so 💚 Friendly reminder all you see here is pure research and for educational purposes only Growers Love to you all 💚💚💚
Chuggin along just like her mom. Introduced blackstrap molasses to finish her off before flushing.
Just like Aron Judge the slumb continue. Somehow I went from 100% germination to not even half. Back to the trusted coffee filter and ziplocks and orange Nike shoe boxes ( THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT, CAN'T STRESS IS ENOUGH. ORANGE NIKE BOX) Didn't have space to grow 5 photos in a tent whit 2 photos waiting to flip when the 4 autoflowers are ready. Hope everything works out time wise though. Happy growing ✌️