Jan 24th - Unable to get data for this day.
Jan 25th - Unable to get data for this day.
Jan 26th - pH 6.4, PPM 1350, 2.7 EC, Temp 75f, Humidity 40% - Water Change! Keeping the higher pH right now, I lowered the CalMag by 10ml total, and I'm trying to get the VPD under control but I doubt I'll be able to in this closet setup. Next water change I'm going to lower the nutrients in hopes of getting less nutrient burn, and stopping this girl from growing any taller! She tops out at 33.5 inches on her tallest cola, and I have no more room to give it, the lights are as high as they can go. More so than I thought before tbh. Just going to have to run them lower and use more side lighting.
Jan 27th - Unable to get data for this day.
Jan 28th - Unable to get data for this day.
Jan 29th - Unable to get data for this day.
Jan 30th - pH 6.4, PPM 830, 1.7 EC, Temp 77f, Humidity 63% - Water Changed (3gal)! Still kept a higher pH, but I lowered the nutrients to a light feeding schedule according to the FloraSeries feed chart and as well as the amount of CalMag and Sweet Berry.