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Hi friends ,👳‍♂️👳‍♂️👳‍♂️👳‍♂️ fifteenth day after switching to flower phase. the flowers are strong. The flower responded very well to the transplanting. I bend the flower every 5 days. This will be a very beautiful harvest if nothing goes wrong. 🤗 Have a nice day and thank you for watching.💚
Well all going good around here. This week will see a significant stretch, now that she is heading towards full flowering. Will stay close and keep removing leaves blocking the light to bud sites. 👍🏻👍🏻🌱🌱
I am loving how strong this sativa strain is. I keep defoliating her to expose as many bud sites as possible. At the same time, I am trimming those side branches with low chances of making it to the top. 🌱🌱👍🏻👍🏻
Вначале недели пришлось 8 основных колл согнуть вбок, чтобы они не убежали сильно вверх. Это привело к тому, что этажи ниже вырвались вперед и теперь у меня получился какой-то огромный забор из колл. По сути у меня получился SoG без использования сетки, а только лишь с помощью подвязок. Мало того, растишка стала наращивать зеленую массу и заняла все свободное пространство бокса. Если честно, я сам в небольшом ахуе. Я знал что у меня будет супер-скоростной гров, но чтобы еще и такой массивный - даже не представлял. Мало того, шишки начали расти прямо из листьев. 😂 Мы абсолютно здоровы. Специально сфотографировал кончик старого листика. Ни единого намека на дефицит или профицит веществ. Увеличил дозу до 850 PPM, в дренаже такой же. Перешел на чистое Bloom питание с добавкой Bud Ignitor. Вообще я прям очень рад этим удобрениями. Растет на нах прям отлично, за PH не смотрю. Одни из причин - лень пойти купить батарейки. С другой стороны TDS показывает постоянный PPM, поэтому уверен, что PH нормальный. Ну и сами листья об этом говорят. Как станет теплее на улице, вытащю бокс на балкон, потому что чувствую, что с таким большим урожаем не справится ни один фильтр, хотя у меня их два. Недавно отключился свет и буквально за пару часов вся квартира наполнилась ароматом. Вот такие вот дела... Спасибо что заглянули!
Some nice progress with this girl now she’s still shooting white pistons but a lot more amber showing on her now hope she starts fattening up over the these next couple weeks before the chop 🤩😋🤞🌳🤩 happy growing to all 👊
Every week I take leaves off. Only the bigger ones tho I water twice a week but fertilise once
Every week I take leaves off. Only the bigger ones tho I water twice a week but fertilise once
Day 36 Flowering: Hi growmies Here we are at the halfway point in the flowering cycle. They will be in full PK swing now and be craving those elements to power more pistils and bud energy. I am giving them their last full Pk warrior 9/18 dosage this feed alongside a 3/4strength Megacrop feed. following feeds will be at half pk 9/18 till last 2 weeks. I am also still using calmag to compensate for the l.e.d and coco leeching that often happens with these combinations. In general they are both very healthy and feeding with no issues I now need to up the watering frequency as they do drink way more now. Mimosa lemon is looking long and lanky still but her potential to fill out over the coming 5 weeks is easy to vision. With her stems all set in place and her projection of where she will join nodes in the coming weeks , I think I need to think about supporting them maybe?. She doesn't have a lot of leaf among the stalky colas and looks very like a long flowering sativa does. Hwr smell is now very clear when touched and even close to the plant, you can smell the limonene from her namesake. A stinky lady is imminent i think. filter at the ready. With around 12 mains all going for Merristem status , she could be a contender for best auto yielder this run. Glueberry is certainly living up to her name if I dare to touch her!!. She is beginning to smell so nicely sweet with a hint of diesel too. I think i did stunt her growth early on with the foolish underwatering error. She recovered really well and does have a lot of buds within her canopy hidden. I will make sure I keep her well aired to avoid any mould issues .
Aquí seguimos, separamos ya los machos y nos quedamos con 5 hembras de las 9 que seleccionamos. Más del 50% muy contento. Durante estas 2 semanas hemos estado luchando contra una pedazo de plaga de mosquitos que hemos sufrido. La cosa parece que mejora pero habrá que estar muy atentos. La floracion va en camino podría ser mucho mejor pero la plaga ha hecho sufrir a las plantas. Iremos actualizando. Buenos humos.
Von 12 cuts die ich an meiner 12 Wochen alten Ak47 gemacht habe sind 7 durchgekommen gut verwurzelt und bereit in ein grossen Topf zu kommen. Finde die Genetik einfach klasse und wollte sie mir bewahren es ist das erste mal das ich mit clonen ein grow mache, hoffe klappt alles gut.
What a run!!!! my first grow was a massive success a wet weight of 3696 Grams. 16 colas in total from the V-8 manifolding technique i used on my two ladies. The average weight wet of each cola was 81.2 grams! I have this haul back in my tent ⛺. Excellent air flow not directly at the buds. I have the humidity at 50%. I expect a 10 to 12 day drying period with a 3 week minimum cure. I am taking a short break and starting a new crop of 4. Will be switching to either dwc or autopots. Have sour jack from crop king seeds still looking for an Indica. Will be running two sativa two indica under my twin TSL 2000. Check back for dry weight and pics of this first of many grows from Localbudz.
The nematodes worked great against the fungus gnats and i almost completely got rid of them. Starting to feed her this week. Also started with low stress training this week.
March 9, 2021 (Day 64, Flower 15): Pots were already light today. A day earlier than usual. Watered with 4l per plant with 3ml/l pH Perfect Bloom + 1ml/l pH Perfect Grow + 2ml/l Sweet Raw + 2ml/l Big Bud + 1ml/l Cal-Mag Plus at 6.2 pH. Runoff at 6.4 pH - barely got any this time. May have to look into more water per application. Plants are looking fantastic. Buds are starting to form all over each plant now. Smell is getting stronger. Moved humidifier outside tent because the plants are creating enough of their own humidity I've had to turn on the carbon filter and inline fan. This knocked the average humidity down just a bit which is just fine with me at this point considering my lower temperatures. The stretch already seems to be slowing down a bit. Averaging 45% rH and 70℉. March 10, 2021 (Day 65, Flower 16): Unknown 1 is starting to slow down the stretch a bit, but the other plants keep gaining height. They're becoming a bit more even now at least. Everything is looking great. Averaging 45% rH and 70℉. March 11, 2021 (Day 66, Flower 17): Stretch has definitely slowed now. Pistils are shooting everywhere and buds are forming strong. A few more days and I'll take some fan leaves. Smell is getting really strong and filled my entire house - had to turn up the carbon filter a bit to control the scent. Really liking what I'm seeing so far. Averaging 45% rH and 70℉. March 12, 2021 (Day 67, Flower 18): Pots were light today. Watered with 4l per plant with 3ml/l pH Perfect Bloom + 1ml/l pH Perfect Grow + 2ml/l Sweet Raw + 2ml/l Big Bud + 1ml/l Cal-Mag Plus at 5.8 pH. Plants were really starting to bush out and some of the fan leaf stems were pushing 6"+, so I decided to pull the trigger on my first round of defoliation today. I was going to wait until day 21, but too many bud sites were being covered. The plants look fantastic. Buds are starting to smell amazing. Averaging 45% rH and 70℉. March 13, 2021 (Day 68, Flower 19): Plants are looking great. Tilled top half-inch of soil. Definitely seeing some trichome growth, especially on Unknown 2. Had to turn up my carbon filter as the smell is starting to get out of control. The smell's a mix of gym socks, gasoline, and cream with a hint of sweetness. The smell punches you in the face when you open the tent. I hadn't measured the plants in a few days; Unknown 1 is all the way up to 27" tall. The other plants are lagging behind a bit but the light and air penetration looks great. Averaging 45% rH and 70℉. March 14, 2021 (Day 69, Flower 20): This hobby is great. So much fun opening my tent each day to check on the plants. They're getting more and more smelly. Buds are chunking up a bit and trichomes are starting to form. Everything is looking great. Tilled the top soil again. Tucked a few auxiliary fan leaves away from developing bud sites on Gelato 1 and Unknown 2. Averaging 45% rH and 70℉. March 15, 2021 (Day 70, Flower 21): Pots were light today. Watered with 4l per plant with 4ml/l pH Perfect Bloom + 1ml/l pH Perfect Grow + 2ml/l Sweet Raw + 2ml/l Big Bud + 1ml/l Cal-Mag Plus at 6.5 pH. The buds are starting to frost up and pistils are shooting out everywhere. Turning down humidity another 5-10% the next few weeks. Averaging 45% rH and 70℉. Really excited to see what the next several weeks have in store!