The Jedi came down at 11 weeks. The other blackberry came down at 8.5 weeks, for a total production of 2.5zips plus 7.5 zips. I've had to estimate the Jedi at the moment, there was 1050 gm wet weight of trimmed bud on minimal stem. I would expect the dry weight to be 21% of that but I will update the numbers next week.
She is a spacious plant and very branchy but you can continually trim branches as you defoliate throughout the grow, she responds well to both. Floats like a butterfly and hits like a steam train. It's been over two weeks since the Blackberry was harvested and she's all gone now, never even got a chance to dry properly. Basically she kept me going while waiting for this Jedi, who I already knew was going to be soaking with resin. I was hoping for 8 zips total with 4 for each plant but I ended up only getting 2.5 on the blackberry but I got an easy 7.5 of mostly grade a bud so a total of 10 zip for both plants in the same pot. They were expected to mature together but the black berry was a week or so early, so as you can see in the root shots her roots had died and made the Jedi roots rot as well but this shows you the resiiance of the Shallow Water Culture as I do it because of added redundancy, I could not even tell there was a root problem didn't after the Jedi at all but it's good to be away of, I'm back to single pots for a while now.