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Después de germinadas las semillas, la planta comenzó a crecer rápido. Las hojas espigadas agarraron fuerza. A pesar de ser la misma cepa (las semillas venían juntas en el mismo packaging), una de las dos se disparó en su crecimiento y la otra está algo estancada. Por ahora, las plantas se ven sanas, con un lindo color verde.
Week 6 for the Oreoz from Super sativa seeds club. Amazing strain, the buds are hard as rocks and explode in trichomes. This strain is a must! I hope super sativa seeds club add this one to their catalogue after they completely finished their testings.
This weed smoked so nice and is packing in ThC will grow again
Hallo zusammen 🤙. Heute ist ihr letzter Tag morgen wird geerntet. Sie riecht richtig schön nach Zitrone und Haze richtig geil 🤤🤤🤙 Rabattcode für den BIOTABS-Webshop https://biotabs.nl/en/shop/ GDBT420, damit erhalten Sie 15 Prozent
Woche 3 Anfang der Woche, an Tag16 bekamen alle vier Ladys ein topping. Alle vier Ladys haben das topping sehr gut überstanden und haben schöne Seitentriebe entwickelt. Alle Ladys haben ein sehr kräftiges Wachstum und wachsen fleißig. Bis auf minimale Höhenunterschiede, weisen alle ein bisher ein recht gleichmäßiges Wachstum auf. Mitte der Woche wurden die beiden unteren Paare Fanleaves entfernt und an Tag 21 dann auch das obere Paar. In der kommenden Woche gibt es nur noch leichtes LST. Alle Triebe werden so gebunden das kein Trieb über dem anderen liegt und alle Triebe gleichmäßig an Licht kommen. Viel Zeit bleibt dann auch nicht mehr bis es in die Blüte gehen muss um rechtzeitig fertig zu werden. Der VPD war in dieser Woche halbwegs optimal. Die Temperatur im Zelt war tagsüber um 24-25°C und die Luftfeuchtigkeitum die 60-65%. Angestrebt in diesem Stadium sind 60-70% Luftfeuchtigkeit und ungefähr 25-26°C. VPD: 0.6-0.9 kPa ________________________________ Düngen : Gegossen wird mit Wasser das 24/7 mit einer Aquariumpumpe in einer 10L Gießkanne in Bewegung gehalten wird. Davon wird soviel genommen wie es die Ladys verlangen und mit dem einen oder anderen Zusatz versetzt. Je nach Stadium der der Ladys. Ab ungefähr Woche 5 wird mit 10% vom Topfvolumen gegossen. Das ganze wird in zwei bis drei Teilen mit einem Abstand von 20-30min gegossen. Tag15 gab es nach dem anfeuchten der Oberfläche vom Substrat 1ml/L PowerRoots, 1ml/L PureZym als Zusatz. Das ganze wurde auf einen ph-Wert von 6.0 gebracht. Jede Lady bekam 450ml. Tag 17 gab es 1ml/L PowerRoots, 1ml/L PureZym als Zusatz. Das ganze wurde auf einen ph-Wert von 6.0 gebracht. Jede Lady bekam 450ml. Tag 20 gab es 1ml/L PowerRoots, 1ml/L PureZym und 1g/L BioEnhancer als Zusatz. Das ganze wurde auf einen ph-Wert von 6.1 gebracht. Jede Lady bekam 400ml in den Topf und 100ml Wasser mit ph-Wert 6.0 in den Untersetzer damit im Substrat keine trocknen Stellen entstehen. ________________________________ Höhe gemessen ab Substratoberfläche #1   14cm #2   19cm #3   14.5cm #4   14cm Licht Watt:        60W (50%) Abstand: 40cm ppfd:        350 DLI:           24
Week 6 for the Oreoz from Super sativa seeds club. Amazing strain, the buds are hard as rocks and explode in trichomes. This strain is a must! I hope super sativa seeds club add this one to their catalogue after they completely finished their testings.
79 days!!!!! and the harvest is already harvested :) The whole growth until week 6 went very well, then the girl got a little worse, (I think it's my mistake, which I described in previous weeks), but besides all that she managed to ripen perfectly, matured stiff flowers, full of shiny sticky trichomes with a very, very sweet aroma ;) 210 gr of wet buds, I also collected a lot of sugar leaves from which I will make bubble hash :) I can't wait to taste it :) this is my first trip with Sweetseeds Looking at the flowers I understand that I will definitely repeat it :) I will leave more feedback after the smoke review:) good luck to everyone.
79 days!!!!! and the harvest is already harvested :) The whole growth until week 6 went very well, then the girl got a little worse, (I think it's my mistake, which I described in previous weeks), but besides all that she managed to ripen perfectly, matured stiff flowers, full of shiny sticky trichomes with a very, very sweet aroma ;) 210 gr of wet buds, I also collected a lot of sugar leaves from which I will make bubble hash :) I can't wait to taste it :) this is my first trip with Sweetseeds Looking at the flowers I understand that I will definitely repeat it :) I will leave more feedback after the smoke review:) good luck to everyone.
79 days!!!!! and the harvest is already harvested :) The whole growth until week 6 went very well, then the girl got a little worse, (I think it's my mistake, which I described in previous weeks), but besides all that she managed to ripen perfectly, matured stiff flowers, full of shiny sticky trichomes with a very, very sweet aroma ;) 210 gr of wet buds, I also collected a lot of sugar leaves from which I will make bubble hash :) I can't wait to taste it :) this is my first trip with Sweetseeds Looking at the flowers I understand that I will definitely repeat it :) I will leave more feedback after the smoke review:) good luck to everyone.
79 days!!!!! and the harvest is already harvested :) The whole growth until week 6 went very well, then the girl got a little worse, (I think it's my mistake, which I described in previous weeks), but besides all that she managed to ripen perfectly, matured stiff flowers, full of shiny sticky trichomes with a very, very sweet aroma ;) 210 gr of wet buds, I also collected a lot of sugar leaves from which I will make bubble hash :) I can't wait to taste it :) this is my first trip with Sweetseeds Looking at the flowers I understand that I will definitely repeat it :) I will leave more feedback after the smoke review:) good luck to everyone.
79 days!!!!! and the harvest is already harvested :) The whole growth until week 6 went very well, then the girl got a little worse, (I think it's my mistake, which I described in previous weeks), but besides all that she managed to ripen perfectly, matured stiff flowers, full of shiny sticky trichomes with a very, very sweet aroma ;) 210 gr of wet buds, I also collected a lot of sugar leaves from which I will make bubble hash :) I can't wait to taste it :) this is my first trip with Sweetseeds Looking at the flowers I understand that I will definitely repeat it :) I will leave more feedback after the smoke review:) good luck to everyone.
79 days!!!!! and the harvest is already harvested :) The whole growth until week 6 went very well, then the girl got a little worse, (I think it's my mistake, which I described in previous weeks), but besides all that she managed to ripen perfectly, matured stiff flowers, full of shiny sticky trichomes with a very, very sweet aroma ;) 210 gr of wet buds, I also collected a lot of sugar leaves from which I will make bubble hash :) I can't wait to taste it :) this is my first trip with Sweetseeds Looking at the flowers I understand that I will definitely repeat it :) I will leave more feedback after the smoke review:) good luck to everyone.
79 days!!!!! and the harvest is already harvested :) The whole growth until week 6 went very well, then the girl got a little worse, (I think it's my mistake, which I described in previous weeks), but besides all that she managed to ripen perfectly, matured stiff flowers, full of shiny sticky trichomes with a very, very sweet aroma ;) 210 gr of wet buds, I also collected a lot of sugar leaves from which I will make bubble hash :) I can't wait to taste it :) this is my first trip with Sweetseeds Looking at the flowers I understand that I will definitely repeat it :) I will leave more feedback after the smoke review:) good luck to everyone.
79 days!!!!! and the harvest is already harvested :) The whole growth until week 6 went very well, then the girl got a little worse, (I think it's my mistake, which I described in previous weeks), but besides all that she managed to ripen perfectly, matured stiff flowers, full of shiny sticky trichomes with a very, very sweet aroma ;) 210 gr of wet buds, I also collected a lot of sugar leaves from which I will make bubble hash :) I can't wait to taste it :) this is my first trip with Sweetseeds Looking at the flowers I understand that I will definitely repeat it :) I will leave more feedback after the smoke review:) good luck to everyone.
2nd March - 64th day since germination - Last days before harvest. No feeding, just plain (Ph adjusted & CalMag) water. Think in the next days will be the lasts