The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
🐩👤Sirius Black👤🐩 by 🌍🌱WeedSeedsExpress🌱🌍 👤 22.3 ... 👤 23.3 ... 👤 24.3 ... 👤 25.3 beautiful plant, large and vigorous, I hope it takes a dark / red color, it would be fantastic. but I'll try with other seeds eventually 😀 the lamp is really cool, the plants look just fine under Viparspectra 👤 26.3 ... 👤 27.3 All very well, I can't wait for it to start releasing perfumes 👤 28.3 __________________________________________ 👀Are you looking for a good lamp to start?👀 Viparspectra in my opinion has something more than the others, take a look at their site. ➡️ ⏩Use " GDVIP " for an extra discount💯 ____________________________________________________________________________________ 📜👀 A look at the details of what I'm growing 👀📜 🐩👤Sirius Black👤🐩 by 🌍🌱WeedSeedsExpress🌱🌍 📋 Details 📋 ⚧ Gender ▪️ Feminised ➰ Genes ▪️ 70% Indica / 30% Sativa 🎄 Genetics ▪️ Sirius Black 🚜Harvest ▪️ 450 g / m² 🌷Flowering ▪️ 63 - 70 days ✨THC ▪️ 25.0% ✅CBD ▪️ 0.5% 🏡Room Type ▪️ Indoor 🌄Room Type ▪️ Outdoor 🕋Room Type ▪️ Greenhouse 🎂Release Year ▪️ 2020 ____________________________________________________________________________________ 👀📷 Follow the best photos on instagram 📷👀 🔻Leave a comment with your opinions if you pass by here🔻 🤟🤗💚Thanks and Enjoy growth 💚🤗🤟
17.12 F47 I am definitely thinking I mixed up the seeds now. The 2 in the airpots are now likely to be the same strain and I'm guessing royal gorilla because of the purpleing. The 2 in the fabric pots must be cookies gelato. They are taller, greener and way thicker stems. If anyone could chime in and help me out identifying the two strains that would be appreciated 🤦‍♂️ Still no nutes given. Under 12 hours of spiderfarmer light 19.12 Day 49 Noticed some odd (or not) deformeties on the 2 (what I believe to be after the potential mixup) cookies gelato....
17.12 F47 I am definitely thinking I mixed up the seeds now. The 2 in the airpots are now likely to be the same strain and I'm guessing royal gorilla because of the purpleing. The 2 in the fabric pots must be cookies gelato. They are taller, greener and way thicker stems. If anyone could chime in and help me out identifying the two strains that would be appreciated 🤦‍♂️ Still no nutes given. Under 12 hours of spiderfarmer light 19.12 Day 49 Noticed some odd (or not) deformeties on the 2 (what I believe to be after the potential mixup) cookies gelato....
Hello again, It is week 2 and we are cruising along, It took about 3 days for the trans plants to get settled in and start spiting out new nodes, looking at the time lapse they really started to take off an the 15th. Unfortunately I had some old grow data left on the SD card and it did not get the last 4 days, this has been corrected and we should get a full 7 days of time-lapse for week 3 The reboot looks like it is taking off, I hope it will establish its self in the pot this one will be a week behind in VEG so it will not be as big as her sisters, Just Rain water for now PH @ 7.0 leaving the amendments to due their job until week 3 and then I will start with the Emerald Harvest 3 part line at full strength per the feed chart. so far so good. stay safe and Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas and happy 🎄 holiday 🎁 🎅
She started out as the most vigorous grower, but may have been too quick for her own good. She began having deficiencies early on which were easy to address, but they came back intermittently. Ultimately she didn’t thicken up quite as much as I would have liked, but the trichome coverage is much higher than the Sour Kush.
Salve a tutti e ben tornati :) Questo sarà l'ultimo diario che aprirò quest'anno, l'ultimo che darà inizio ad un anno nuovo, con prospettive migliori, lasciandoci alle spalle tutte le disavventure che ci sono capitate durante questo ultimo brutto periodo.. Per cominciare, scopro le carte: io parlo italiano! Siccome sono stanco di scrivere tutto in inglese - sbagliando qualche volta - ho deciso di scrivere tutto usando la mia madrelingua. Ne vado fiero, perchè nasconderlo? ;D Detto ciò, passiamo alla selezione di oggi. Poichè sono un paziente affetto da epilessia, necessito di qualcosa che mi faccia stare calmo, tranquillo. Qualcosa che mi aiuti a combattere gli effetti collaterali del farmaco, come l'insonnia o l'ansia di giorno. Per questo sono andato a caccia di qualche nuova strain, fuori da quelle comuni, che venisse più incontro alle mie esigenze. Finalmente ho trovato! Tre strain davvero indicate per i miei bisogni :D La DC#1 di Doctor's Choice è una strain bilanciata, per un uso diurno, che aiuta a socializzare e a combattere l'ansia e lo stress! La Black Berry OG CBD della Emerald Triangle Seeds è quel che mi ci vuole per aiutare a distendere i nervi, un'indica con rapporto cbd:thc di 3:1 :D La Banana Sherbet di South Seeds, una nuova strain davvero forte, indica, che ti stende, ottima per collassare la sera dopo una lunga giornata ;) Questi semi mi sono stati donati da fantastici breeder che purtroppo non hanno tutta l'attenzione che meritano.. date un'occhiata alle loro seedbank, troverete delle gemme perfettamente compatibili con le vostre esigenze! - Adesso basta chiacchiere, è il momento di parlare di cose tecniche. Germinazione! Come da rito, sono solito lasciare immersi i miei semi per 24 ore nell'acqua. Dopodichè li tengo in un fazzoletto umido, chiuso, finchè non mostrano una buona radice - di solito 24-36 ore. Dopodichè li trapianto nel loro primo contenitore - un 0.8L - dove svilupperanno un bel sistema radicale prima di essere trapiantate nel loro contenitore finale! Finalmente nel fine settimana sono riuscito a trapiantarle. Ho usato un po’ di root complex per stimolare le radici nel jiffy ;)
Another week done some great growth from most, the white widow looks like it might still be decent but that's the joys with autos you never know, I put the megapots and autopots i snuck in without mentioning on with week 3 feed as I done it today end if week 2 along with tucking some leaves & I've been spraying the insides & outsides of the fabric pots trying to keep the moisture up around them I don't know why my temps are so high in the day I just think I need to go LED to be honest it goes down to 25 past 5pm . Anything you guys think I could do on top? Also the plemonade fell over so i had to stand hsr up again should be no problem
Starting the week with a feed. Not much to comment on. Fed at the end of the week. Just TPS and Bloom.
Starting the week with a feed. Not much to comment on. Fed at the end of the week. Just TPS and Bloom.
Typical indica harvest, larger leaves but lots of them. Largest producer so far of the FFT line if you let them go long enough but will foxtail to get that yield 12/19 Having some trouble getting the first plant to dry keeping as much air on it as we can do not want anything going wrong now. Ungodly dense buds 12/22 Weighed both plants just to check on drying and found both lost @1200 grams of water 10-1 was at 500 grams(five days of dry) 10-2 was at 720 grams (three days of dry). 10-1 will be finished tomorrow and 10-2 prob a day after or so 12/23 Yield on FFT-10-1 379 grams or 13.5 oz 10-2 will be ready in a day or two 12/24 Yield on FFT-10-2 436 grams 15.6 oz just missing the one pound mark Together 815 grams 29.1 oz
Harvest was nice and buds are dense. Very few popcorns on lower branches. I'm pretty sure this a good genetic strain and i want to grow it again .
Good week so far. Was away for a couple days and came home and they’re getting big :)) will be upping my nutrients slowly this week and possibly start some LST depending on how everything goes. If anyone has questions or advice please feel free :)
18/12/2020 По листьям стало заметно, что пришла осень) Скоро харвест. Т.к. на улице стало теплее, перевел таймер на 12/12 на последние 4-5 дней. На 5-6 сутки отключим свет совсем. 22/12/2020 Отрубил свет. Завтра будем рубить ёлку, но перед этим - фотосессия на конкурс =)