The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Getting ready for flowering! On day 45 I placed a metal grid (90x90cm) on the bottom of the pot and a same one on the top as a scrog grid. Then I did a huge defoliation removing as much as I could under the net, exposing many small colas that were covered by upper leaves. On day 46 I didn’t switch off the lights in the night, so the princess has been awake for more than a day. I switched off the lights in the morning. After about 30 hours of darkness, on day 47 I switched lights back on and set up the timer for the switch to 12/12. In this first week I’m waiting for the plant to empty the reservoir, then 2 days of flush, and will start kicking bloom nutes (with fungi, bacteria and sugars) at half dosage next week.
Starting fatten and frost up nice now. Not much else to report. 4 - 6 weeks remaining. Added some photos of some clones I've grown in an aeropnic propagator as it's the same strain and looks cool xD This is the first strain that when I touch the trichomes and sniff the sticky resin on fingers, it actually smells of the strain. Pure Cookie/Sorbet bliss. Fingers crossed I'm on to a winner of a pheno here!
This lady is showing beautiful roots and a fast growth pace, let's see how she keeps developing every day guys, finally this beautiful lady was Transplanted on February 2nd after 17 days planted from seed because I thought it was the right time considering her size and also because the pot was completely conquered by those super healthy and strong roots, let's see how this lady keeps performing so far! 💛❤️💚👨‍🌾💯
Che dire, le bambine stanno crescendo bene dentro al box ho un po di tutto , automatiche,sativa ,indica
Start 12/10/2020 Finish 23/1/2021 I grow outdoors and use organic farming so there isn't too much to say. I just want to talk about a few things about strain: - Odor: not strong and very pleasant, I think it is suitable for both indoor and outdoor planting, but difficult to detect by the smell. - Bud: strong, many trichromes and fast growing. - Color: both plants and buds are green. - Height: short trees - Yield: good (because my country usually shines on 12/12 in sunlight, so plants grow slowly and bloom early so the output will not be high). Here's what I can say about this strain. Thank you for watching this diary and see you in the next diaries in 2021.
Start 12/10/2020 Finish 23/1/2021 I grow outdoors and use organic farming so there isn't too much to say. I just want to talk about a few things about strain: - Odor: not strong and very pleasant, I think it is suitable for both indoor and outdoor planting, but difficult to detect by the smell. - Bud: strong, many trichromes and fast growing. - Color: both plants and buds are green. - Height: short trees - Yield: good (because my country usually shines on 12/12 in sunlight, so plants grow slowly and bloom early so the output will not be high). Here's what I can say about this strain. Thank you for watching this diary and see you in the next diaries in 2021.
Watered today Tuesday 7 litres plain ph water , caught runoff , EC=1.08 (1080) ph=6.3 Watered today Friday 7 litres of 5ml/l Terra bloom , 2ml/l Sumo active boost , caught runoff,EC=2.2 ph=6.5 Watered today Monday 7 litres 4ml/l Terra bloom , 2ml/l Sumo active boost , caught runoff EC=2.2 ph=6.4
Результат: 926 грамм мокрых цветов на ветках. 220 грамм сухих цветов. Взвешивание происходило на второй неделе ферментации в банках с Boveda 62%. Запах: Cладкий со сложным оттенком древесины. Вкус: Eль с обволакивающей сливочной сладостью. На вдохе сладкий и слегка терпкий дым, очень мягкий. На выдохе привкус благородной древесины, очень мягкий. Нет ни единого намёка на кашель. Пролечка: 4 недели. Запах - ванильный крем, древесина, ель. Эффект: пьянящий, сильный, быстрый, сногсшибательный, нападающий ещё до выдоха. Происходит включение гениальной логики в действиях, полный рационализм и обдуманность действий. Тело расслабляется, но не на столько, чтоб просто лежать. Это очень интересное и всегда необычное путешествие. В этом состоянии хорошо делать всё – вести переговоры, планировать, рассчитывать, управлять механизмами, работать. Но это касается только мини-доз. При употреблении за раз больше чем 0,3 грамма наблюдается слишком сильное расслабление и погружение в собственные размышления, тогда контакт с внешним миром слегка затруднен, но он есть. Наблюдения по употреблению: Это может быть от 0,1 грамма до 0,3 грамма, если толерантность к веществу на низком уровне. Это может быть очень расслабляющее и «пьянящее» средство от 0,3 грамма и больше, в вечернее время. Будьте осторожны, эффект очень сильный, а курение очень приятное и лёгкое, в этом скрывается дьявол. Через час после употребления вызывает серьезный аппетит, через 4-5 часов начинает доминировать чувство расслабления и можно лечь поспать. Для подготовленного раста, эффект длился 6 часов. Для новичка эффект длится 10-14 часов, без преувеличения. Даже после сна, на утро, у многих раста были признаки эффектов вплоть до середины дня, о чем они смело и с восхищением заявляли. Комментарий к выращиванию: Сорт не прихотлив, выдерживает небольшие ошибки в питании, устойчив к появлению плесени по заявлениям производителя, расположен к тренировкам, высокоурожайный при должном подходе формирования кроны растения. Запах уникален, не похож на обычные запахи, можно попытаться вырастить его партизанским способом в outdoor. Комментарий к сорту: Хороший сорт для коммерческих целей. Нормальный урожай. Достаточный эффект, очень быстрый и продолжительный. В домашних условиях выращивания, эта девочка порадует вас своими габаритами, количеством веток и цветов! Я испытал легкость выращивания этого штамма. Он не прихотлив, способен противостоять появлению плесени, но только с толковым расчётом и обдувом! Удачи всем! 😁👌
Much more leaves appear on her body compared to the last week. All the leaves look green, healthy, and much larger. My only concern is that her stem does not get any thicker or longer these days. I try to feed some nutrients with their density far smaller than what is written on the instruction paper. Now I attach a small camera on my pot and record her growth. Her leaves look full of energy from morning to evening, whereas they look losing strength at night. It could be nature, according to my cannabis-grower friend, so I try to prevent from interfering too much. It would be problematic, however, if it has a correlation with her thin and short stem. I would like your comment on this. Your support will enlighten me, as the LED does onto the plant. "Light, my light, the world-filling light, the eye-kissing light, heart-sweetening light!" In the city of New Leningrad, 2021-02-01. I append an mp4 video to the diary. 2021-02-02.
420FASTBUDS ORT2108 WEEK 7 The two of these little ladies have transitioned in bloom very nice. I did a light defoliation to the lower nodes to allow the plant to focus its energy on the upper flower sites. They where starting to have some nute burn so I backed off the nutes when feeding for a water or two. Over all growing has been good. Happy Growing
Ya boiiiii. Sick ass genetics ready for the poppin. Will be running one of these girls on Miicrobial Mass against the other. Samesies with some other fastbud cuts
La semaine s'est bien passée, j'ai introduit le sensation verte dans l'alimentation, j'ai augmenté la quantité d'arrosage à la fin de la semaine aussi, la plus grande plante mesure 112 cm, la plus petite a changé et mesure maintenant 70cm. L'odeur devient de plus en plus précise, fruitée, citronnée, alléchante. La température, c'est n'importe quoi, ça monte à 33, ça redescend à 24, pourtant il ne fait pas chaud chez moi et j'ai un extracteur de compèt, peut être rajouter un intracteur de plus... J'ai arrosé avec les engrais en début de semaine avec un ppm de 550 et un pH de 5.8 puis j'ai arrosé avec un litre d'eau par pot à 5.5 de pH et à 14ppm( Mont roucoux) les plantes ont eu un peu soif mais elles vont bien.
Another gift from @greenhouselab What have your growmies done for you lately? Strap in, bitches
420FASTBUDS FBT2107 WEEK 7 These 2 beautys couldn't be growing any better than the way the are. Both have a bunch of flower sites that are maturing nicely. I did give a light defoliation to the lower nodes on the branches. Could almost say a little lollipoping. Happy Growing
420FASTBUDS FBT2106 WEEK 7 This beautiful lady is maturing nicely with some amazing purple flowers. It's starting to give off a sweet smell so one could only imagine as she gets futher into flower. The other unfortunately isn't going to make it. I've continued to let it grow and see if maybe it would snap out of the funk it was looking like. But it still has not and seems to be not getting worse. Every now and then you end up with some funky mutations. All in all Happy Growing
Well they are healthy thank god. Both leafs are aiming up tips too and beautiful green. Just pull a few leafs off here and there.. Nothing to upset them just for light purposes. Tossed the scrog on to help pull stuff apart get some light to those lowers for the heck of it. Both sucking down water.. I give them 1.5L each everyday. Nothing but this Mantis still. Going to toss in that Bembe every two weeks though, when I see some flowers. Not for Anything other then what it does for the flower. Cause the Mantis alone has been very stable and successful for growth. I have little white hairs developing in the flowering areas. ..I’ll get pics when I open tent tomorrow. Very happy with everything..
Germinated with glass of water then moved to paper towels. Soil is a 3:1 promix to organic.
Four plants in all eventually 1/31 First of the Bond harvests, Pussy Galore first of the FFT-7s, two more follow. Pussy Dry weight 312 grams 3/5 Holly 665 grams wet into dry - dry 98 grams Two more F7s to go 3/25 Pussy-1 clone yields 1107 grams wet in dry --- dry yield 181 grams One FFT-7 Remains Pussy-2 buds look a bit larger 3/28 Pussy-2 wet weight 1295 grams in dry. 242 grams dry. This concludes the FFT-7 harvests