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Not really much to say this week all 10 are growing fine with no problems at all I Will keep removing the larger fan leaves as I go along, I do this in order to try and get as much light to the bottom branches as I can before I switch them to 12/12. This will hopefully keep the canopy as even as it can be without having to do to much training or topping. Day 34 - Looking abit skinny and after the defoliation, but had to remove the middle growth and large fan leaves to get light to them bottom branches and new growth tips. I’m aiming to keep them small and bushy
Hola y bienvenidos cultivadores de marihuana, la semana de corte está aquí después de 15 semanas desde semilla y 10 de floración, esta es una cepa auto floreciente con dominancia sativa que no ha defraudado.💁‍♂️🌲 He cultivado esta planta con atención y esmero, ataduras LST en las ramas y el tallo, en una maceta air-pot de 6l, con una mezcla de sustratos ligeros y minerales, sustrato activado con microbiología autóctona recogida en los bosques vírgenes de mi región y la he regado siempre con agua estructurada de manantial de montaña. La he alimentado con macro y micro nutrientes solubles, creados con fermentados anaeróbicos e hidrolizados propios, creados con Microbiología, elementos orgánicos y minerales, mantengo mucha y buena luz en las carpas de cultivo, cultivo esta planta con 10h de luz interior, más otras 10 horas de luz exterior y cuatro de sueño, esta planta siempre ha usado sombrero (mulch), con mucha materia seca para dar de comer a la microbiología y mantener niveles de humedad óptimos en superficie, para facilitar la creación de raíces adventicias desde el primer centímetro de tierra.... 💧🌞👨‍🌾 todo para conseguir un pastel de bodas, digno de reyes! 🤴👸 Pensaba que el cultivo podía durar una semana más, pero en los últimos días la planta mostró que estaba madura, no he querido esperar más, pues necesitaba el ESPACIO para reorganizar mis carpas de cara a la nueva temporada de cultivos, que comenzaré en otoño, y mucho TIEMPO libre este verano para perderlo porro a porro! 🤷‍♂️ - Esta planta con dominancia sativa, y se notaba mucho por el grosor de las hojas, no se ha visto afectada por la araña roja que en mayor o menor medida ha atacado a todos mis otros cultivos, ha demostrado mucha resistencia! 🌲 - Las colas son enormes, densas y pegajosas, con muchas hojas de azúcar, el olor es apestoso, ha sido la cepa auto floreciente con el aroma más intenso, olores a menta, bosque y frutas ácidas. - He tenido poco desperdicio después de hacerle la manicura a los cogollos, va a ser una producción decente, contando la pequeña maceta y el tiempo de cultivo. - Como me ocurre con frecuencia la etapa de floración se ha alargado bastante con respecto a las indicaciones del productor, pero como estoy acostumbrado a foto periódicas se me ha hecho un tiempo de cultivo corto. Actualmente la planta está en proceso de secado, con humedad y temperatura controladas, en una semana la pasaré a los botes de curado y en ese momento fumaré los primeros porros para hacer la valoración avanzada de la cosecha. A falta de probar el resultado de las 3 cepas auto florecientes que he cortado esta semana, creo que voy a reservar este tipo de cepas para cultivarlas a principios de Abril, y así aprovechar las horas de luz exterior, con el fin de ahorrar costes de producción, pues estas cepas necesitan muchas horas de luz para conseguir una producción decente y cada vez está más cara la factura de la luz eléctrica. Hasta la cosecha... SALUDOS A TODOS Y GRACIAS POR LEERME!! 🌈 ================================= 🙄☮️👇🙏👌🤛👍👉👉👉❤️💜❤️👈👈👈🤜👌🙏👇☮️🤩🖐️🏻 =================================
7/18/21 - They are looking good! Harvest day is coming and we are excited. We have just a few days left. Giving ph 6.0 water. 7/19/21 - Everything looks good. On track for harvest! 7/20/21 - Looking good. Just a few more days left before we chop. The final ripening is going on. 7/21/21 - We are preparing the drying room. The buds look awesome! We have mason jars for curing after the dry. 7/22/21 - These plants stink so good! Tomorrow we cut both plants down! They will be drying in 70 degrees temp and 56% humidity. 7/23/21 - We pushed back harvest one day due to a medical emergency. No biggie, the plants will ripen one extra day. 7/24/21 - HARVEST DAY!! - We cut the plants, removed all fan leaves and hung in a temperature/humidity controlled room. More pics/videos/weight and more will be added when we are finished drying and we post our harvest results. The smell is of strong pine and a little sweet. We are very excited to try the smoke. (See video)
What a journey it has been from seed! I made a lot of mistakes in the first few weeks of this growing journey. I feel like I had a mini-crash after finishing the first year of grad school, and although I am growing cannabis as part of my research project, I haven't been the greatest at paying attention to it. This is not an excuse. It has actually been a learning opportunity. I realized that my body needs proper schedules to function and grow, just like a plant. The problems with the plant have really been my own problems. Let's just say that a plant may be the reflection of the grower. First, the light cycles were wrong and inconsistent. I thought that I could manually control the light schedule for the plants and be alright. However, I was wrong. My sleep schedule has been very inconsistent for the past few months. Mainly because we are living through a pandemic, and secondly because I am a graduate student 😂. How naive was it of me to think that a plant could follow my own rhythms? I guess it highlights my 'plant blindness.' Second, the light intensity was low and PH levels high. In the last five days, I have learned that plants are living organisms (I knew this, but my plant blindness is quick to dismiss it, I need to stop fighting these "plant voices" (signals)) that require a proper environment to grow, similar to humans. Of course, a plant is not human, but it is alive and living. It needs water, a regular schedule (light (active) /darkness (rest), oxygen, nutrients, and an overall good environment to grow. Concern about the size of my plant at five weeks, I decided to conduct a few experiments at home. Here are my notes: Friday, July 23, 2021, I took the plant out of the tent at 6:00 AM and placed it in front of my backyard window that faces the Eastside, perfect for sunrise. On that day, I had a few errands to run, and when I arrived home, it was 2:30 PM. The sun was now hitting the West side of my house, and I had to move the plant in front of my bedroom window. At around 7:00 PM, I went to look at the plant and noticed that its leaves were looking plumpy. So, I decided to take a timelapse to see what I would be able to record. During "magic hour" (sunset), I recorded and witnessed the plant moving with the rhythms of the sun. Plant, like humans, function at their best when they are synchronized with their circadian rhythm. The pandemic has definitely disoriented us to the point that it has disrupted all of our schedules. To this day, I feel tired from everything we have all been through; how could I possibly think that a plant would thrive with such a messed-up schedule? The time lapse made me realize that the plant needs some structure to thrive, and so do I. So, as much as I like to think that I can be disciplined and follow a plant's schedule, I cannot. So, I went to the store and bought the Globe Suite smart plug to automate and schedule the light cycle to 12hrs of light and 6 hours of darkness. Saturday, July 24, 2021, the plant woke up to the set schedule of the lights. I checked on the plant first thing in the morning, around 9:30 AM. The leaves look much greener and thicker than they did the day before. Sunday, July 25, 2021. I was away overnight and did not arrive home until 2 PM. The plant looks twice the size it was on Friday! Today, I will water the plant. I got a PH test kit and realized that the way that I measured the PH level, the first few weeks was wrong 🤦‍♀️🏽. I measured the PH correctly, to 5.9, and added some Reefertilizer grow nutrients to the water. I watered from the top, distributing the water evenly around the stem. My partner pointed to me that the lights seemed dim for the stage of the plant's life. So I had my lights set at 100 watts running at 20 % 😅. I realized that I had not increased the light intensity since the first few weeks of vegetation 🤦‍♀️🏽. So I increased the intensity to 100 watts running at 60%. Monday, July 26, 2021. First check-in 7:00 AM: The plant looks like it loves all of the new changes that I have made! It is finally growing 🤗 The sun is out, but it is not as intense as it should be because tiny particles of smoke are present in our air due to the wildfires, and they create a filter that makes the human eye see the sun blood red. It is quite apocalyptic. Regardless, I decided to take the plant out from the tent and record a time-lapse. It is fascinating how much movement plants have despite showing no noticeable signs of movement (to the human eye). Tuesday, July 27, 2021. It has been five days since I have made big changes to the plant's schedule and environment. The plant is finally showing good signs of growth, and its leaves colours have changed to a deep green. I am not watering the plant today, but I am spritzing it with water. I decided to take another time-lapse of the plant, but this time inside the tent. As I was setting up the tripod for my camera, I accidentally increased the humidifier 🤦‍♀️🏽. Luckily, I noticed within a reasonable timeframe and reduced the humidity and made the environment better. I increased the light intensity to 100 watts at 100%. The plant will stay in the tent all day today because it is raining ☔️.
What a journey it has been from seed! I made a lot of mistakes in the first few weeks of this growing journey. I feel like I had a mini-crash after finishing the first year of grad school, and although I am growing cannabis as part of my research project, I haven't been the greatest at paying attention to it. This is not an excuse. It has actually been a learning opportunity. I realized that my body needs proper schedules to function and grow, just like a plant. The problems with the plant have really been my own problems. Let's just say that a plant may be the reflection of the grower. First, the light cycles were wrong and inconsistent. I thought that I could manually control the light schedule for the plants and be alright. However, I was wrong. My sleep schedule has been very inconsistent for the past few months. Mainly because we are living through a pandemic, and secondly because I am a graduate student 😂. How naive was it of me to think that a plant could follow my own rhythms? I guess it highlights my 'plant blindness.' Second, the light intensity was low and PH levels high. In the last five days, I have learned that plants are living organisms (I knew this, but my plant blindness is quick to dismiss it, I need to stop fighting these "plant voices" (signals)) that require a proper environment to grow, similar to humans. Of course, a plant is not human, but it is alive and living. It needs water, a regular schedule (light (active) /darkness (rest), oxygen, nutrients, and an overall good environment to grow. Concern about the size of my plant at five weeks, I decided to conduct a few experiments at home. Here are my notes: Friday, July 23, 2021, I took the plant out of the tent at 6:00 AM and placed it in front of my backyard window that faces the Eastside, perfect for sunrise. On that day, I had a few errands to run, and when I arrived home, it was 2:30 PM. The sun was now hitting the West side of my house, and I had to move the plant in front of my bedroom window. At around 7:00 PM, I went to look at the plant and noticed that its leaves were looking plumpy. So, I decided to take a timelapse to see what I would be able to record. During "magic hour" (sunset), I recorded and witnessed the plant moving with the rhythms of the sun. Plant, like humans, function at their best when they are synchronized with their circadian rhythm. The pandemic has definitely disoriented us to the point that it has disrupted all of our schedules. To this day, I feel tired from everything we have all been through; how could I possibly think that a plant would thrive with such a messed-up schedule? The time lapse made me realize that the plant needs some structure to thrive, and so do I. So, as much as I like to think that I can be disciplined and follow a plant's schedule, I cannot. So, I went to the store and bought the Globe Suite smart plug to automate and schedule the light cycle to 12hrs of light and 6 hours of darkness. Saturday, July 24, 2021, the plant woke up to the set schedule of the lights. I checked on the plant first thing in the morning, around 9:30 AM. The leaves look much greener and thicker than they did the day before. Sunday, July 25, 2021. I was away overnight and did not arrive home until 2 PM. The plant looks twice the size it was on Friday! Today, I will water the plant. I got a PH test kit and realized that the way that I measured the PH level, the first few weeks was wrong 🤦‍♀️🏽. I measured the PH correctly, to 5.9, and added some Reefertilizer grow nutrients to the water. I watered from the top, distributing the water evenly around the stem. My partner pointed to me that the lights seemed dim for the stage of the plant's life. So I had my lights set at 100 watts running at 20 % 😅. I realized that I had not increased the light intensity since the first few weeks of vegetation 🤦‍♀️🏽. So I increased the intensity to 100 watts running at 60%. Monday, July 26, 2021. First check-in 7:00 AM: The plant looks like it loves all of the new changes that I have made! It is finally growing 🤗 The sun is out, but it is not as intense as it should be because tiny particles of smoke are present in our air due to the wildfires, and they create a filter that makes the human eye see the sun blood red. It is quite apocalyptic. Regardless, I decided to take the plant out from the tent and record a time-lapse. It is fascinating how much movement plants have despite showing no noticeable signs of movement (to the human eye). Tuesday, July 27, 2021. It has been five days since I have made big changes to the plant's schedule and environment. The plant is finally showing good signs of growth, and its leaves colours have changed to a deep green. I am not watering the plant today, but I am spritzing it with water. I decided to take another time-lapse of the plant, but this time inside the tent. As I was setting up the tripod for my camera, I accidentally increased the humidifier 🤦‍♀️🏽. Luckily, I noticed within a reasonable timeframe and reduced the humidity and made the environment better. I increased the light intensity to 100 watts at 100%. The plant will stay in the tent all day today because it is raining ☔️.
All seems to be progressing nicely had a bit of a heat issue because of the weather i got got in at the minute but apart from that all is well
What a journey it has been from seed! I made a lot of mistakes in the first few weeks of this growing journey. I feel like I had a mini-crash after finishing the first year of grad school, and although I am growing cannabis as part of my research project, I haven't been the greatest at paying attention to it. This is not an excuse. It has actually been a learning opportunity. I realized that my body needs proper schedules to function and grow, just like a plant. The problems with the plant have really been my own problems. Let's just say that a plant may be the reflection of the grower. First, the light cycles were wrong and inconsistent. I thought that I could manually control the light schedule for the plants and be alright. However, I was wrong. My sleep schedule has been very inconsistent for the past few months. Mainly because we are living through a pandemic, and secondly because I am a graduate student 😂. How naive was it of me to think that a plant could follow my own rhythms? I guess it highlights my 'plant blindness.' Second, the light intensity was low and PH levels high. In the last five days, I have learned that plants are living organisms (I knew this, but my plant blindness is quick to dismiss it, I need to stop fighting these "plant voices" (signals)) that require a proper environment to grow, similar to humans. Of course, a plant is not human, but it is alive and living. It needs water, a regular schedule (light (active) /darkness (rest), oxygen, nutrients, and an overall good environment to grow. Concern about the size of my plant at five weeks, I decided to conduct a few experiments at home. Here are my notes: Friday, July 23, 2021, I took the plant out of the tent at 6:00 AM and placed it in front of my backyard window that faces the Eastside, perfect for sunrise. On that day, I had a few errands to run, and when I arrived home, it was 2:30 PM. The sun was now hitting the West side of my house, and I had to move the plant in front of my bedroom window. At around 7:00 PM, I went to look at the plant and noticed that its leaves were looking plumpy. So, I decided to take a timelapse to see what I would be able to record. During "magic hour" (sunset), I recorded and witnessed the plant moving with the rhythms of the sun. Plant, like humans, function at their best when they are synchronized with their circadian rhythm. The pandemic has definitely disoriented us to the point that it has disrupted all of our schedules. To this day, I feel tired from everything we have all been through; how could I possibly think that a plant would thrive with such a messed-up schedule? The time lapse made me realize that the plant needs some structure to thrive, and so do I. So, as much as I like to think that I can be disciplined and follow a plant's schedule, I cannot. So, I went to the store and bought the Globe Suite smart plug to automate and schedule the light cycle to 12hrs of light and 6 hours of darkness. Saturday, July 24, 2021, the plant woke up to the set schedule of the lights. I checked on the plant first thing in the morning, around 9:30 AM. The leaves look much greener and thicker than they did the day before. Sunday, July 25, 2021. I was away overnight and did not arrive home until 2 PM. The plant looks twice the size it was on Friday! Today, I will water the plant. I got a PH test kit and realized that the way that I measured the PH level, the first few weeks was wrong 🤦‍♀️🏽. I measured the PH correctly, to 5.9, and added some Reefertilizer grow nutrients to the water. I watered from the top, distributing the water evenly around the stem. My partner pointed to me that the lights seemed dim for the stage of the plant's life. So I had my lights set at 100 watts running at 20 % 😅. I realized that I had not increased the light intensity since the first few weeks of vegetation 🤦‍♀️🏽. So I increased the intensity to 100 watts running at 60%. Monday, July 26, 2021. First check-in 7:00 AM: The plant looks like it loves all of the new changes that I have made! It is finally growing 🤗 The sun is out, but it is not as intense as it should be because tiny particles of smoke are present in our air due to the wildfires, and they create a filter that makes the human eye see the sun blood red. It is quite apocalyptic. Regardless, I decided to take the plant out from the tent and record a time-lapse. It is fascinating how much movement plants have despite showing no noticeable signs of movement (to the human eye). Tuesday, July 27, 2021. It has been five days since I have made big changes to the plant's schedule and environment. The plant is finally showing good signs of growth, and its leaves colours have changed to a deep green. I am not watering the plant today, but I am spritzing it with water. I decided to take another time-lapse of the plant, but this time inside the tent. As I was setting up the tripod for my camera, I accidentally increased the humidifier 🤦‍♀️🏽. Luckily, I noticed within a reasonable timeframe and reduced the humidity and made the environment better. I increased the light intensity to 100 watts at 100%. The plant will stay in the tent all day today because it is raining ☔️.
Hello. This is the end of week 7 and the beginning of week 8 It's been a quite week. There is a few more yellow leaves than I think there should be for the end of week 7 in flowering. It's been 25* c to 33* c day time temp in the greenhouse this week no wonder there is a few more yellow leaves. I start flush next week for 2 weeks. This strains description said 10 weeks to finish but I think some of these plants could be cut down soon. I don't mind overripe cannabis so I'll finish the 10 weeks for all the plants. I made more Rick Simpson Oil this week. What a long process. It took most of the day. I got 140 g of oil from 1 lb. of cannabis. I tried to make a diary of it, but I know I could do better job. The camera I used ran out of juice and I grabbed another and forgot to turn on the sound. The wind got so strong at points it drowned out my voice. I'll put up what I made in a couple of weeks. after editing and subtitles : ) Till next week. Chuck.
Mega Mouth · Sensible Seeds
T5 6500k · Vivosun
Backyard Compost ·
Shake 'n Feed All Purpose Plant Food · Miracle-Gro
Backyard Compost ·
Backyard Compost ·
Backyard Compost ·
Backyard Compost ·
High Output Garden Micro-5.5-0-1 ·
High Output Garden Grow-2.5-1-6.5 ·
High output Garden Bloom-0-5.5-4.5 ·
Big Bud Powder · Advanced Nutrients
Piranha · Advanced Nutrients
Voodoo Juice · Advanced Nutrients
Sweet Raw · Botanicare
Cal-Mag Plus · Botanicare
Karbo Boost · Green Planet Nutrients
Enzymes Komplete- Natural Cleaner ·
Kelp- Liquid ·
Backyard Compost ·
High Output Garden Micro-5.5-0-1 ·
High Output Garden Grow-2.5-1-6.5 ·
High output Garden Bloom-0-5.5-4.5 ·
Enzymes Komplete- Natural Cleaner ·
Kelp- Liquid ·
Backyard Compost ·
High Output Garden Micro-5.5-0-1 ·
High Output Garden Grow-2.5-1-6.5 ·
High output Garden Bloom-0-5.5-4.5 ·
Enzymes Komplete- Natural Cleaner ·
Kelp- Liquid ·
Backyard Compost ·
High Output Garden Micro-5.5-0-1 ·
High Output Garden Grow-2.5-1-6.5 ·
High output Garden Bloom-0-5.5-4.5 ·
Enzymes Komplete- Natural Cleaner ·
Kelp- Liquid ·
Backyard Compost ·
High Output Garden Micro-5.5-0-1 ·
High Output Garden Grow-2.5-1-6.5 ·
High output Garden Bloom-0-5.5-4.5 ·
Enzymes Komplete- Natural Cleaner ·
Kelp- Liquid ·
Backyard Compost ·
High Output Garden Micro-5.5-0-1 ·
High Output Garden Grow-2.5-1-6.5 ·
High output Garden Bloom-0-5.5-4.5 ·
Enzymes Komplete- Natural Cleaner ·
Kelp- Liquid ·
Backyard Compost ·
High Output Garden Micro-5.5-0-1 ·
High Output Garden Grow-2.5-1-6.5 ·
High output Garden Bloom-0-5.5-4.5 ·
Enzymes Komplete- Natural Cleaner ·
Kelp- Liquid ·
Backyard Compost ·
High Output Garden Micro-5.5-0-1 ·
High Output Garden Grow-2.5-1-6.5 ·
High output Garden Bloom-0-5.5-4.5 ·
Enzymes Komplete- Natural Cleaner ·
Kelp- Liquid ·
Flushing. ·
Flushing. ·
Buone notizie: iniziano a fiorire, quella più indietro sta raggiungendo le dimensioni delle altre Cattive notizie: mostrano segni di troppa acqua e non si stanno alzando molto, ho paura che vada ad influenzare il risultato se non risolvo il problema dell'acqua
They're growing nicely. I've managed to solve the fungus gnat issue without pesticides!! Just waiting for another node or two and will top them both!