Week 15 - Flower Week 11
Lemon Jeffrey by IRIE Genetics (14 Starts for 8 Finishers)
63-70 Days Flower (9 - 10 Weeks)
Weeks Observations:
- Our light leak on July 6th through July 31 ‘cost’ us ~ 21 Days. Extending Harvest to account for 21 day light leak. New Harvest Date 12 Sep 2023, Plant Day 121, Flower Day 86
Seeds Wet: Monday 14 May 2023
Harvest Date Range: [ 2023-08-11, 2024-08-21]
Start of week:
- Dates: [2023-08-27: LJ2Q 106:F:11:1,
2023-09-03: LJ2Q 112:F:11:7 ]
End of Week:
- Plant Height Range: [46, in]
- Water/Day/Plant: [935, ml]
- Scotoperiod: [ 11, hrs] # 1900 - 0600 + 24
- LightIntensityPeak: [ 1000, µMol/m2/s ]
- DailyLightIntegral: [ 42.1, Mol/m2] # Target: < [ 40, Mol/m2/day]
- LightDistance: [ 6, in] # 3.5” LESS than Optimal for SP3000
- TempAvg: [79.1 , °F]
- RH: [ 68, %]
- VPD: [ 1.10, kPa]
- 230*4*11/8
- FeedwaterPerPlantPerDay: [ 1265, ml]
- Feedwater: [ 10.12, l]
- EC: [ 2.0, mS]
Environment NOTES:
- CLOSE Room Airflow during LOW TEMP periods(2030 - 0700)
- OPEN during HIGH TEMP Period (0700 - 2030)
- CLEAN All Instruments before use
- Light Strengthvegetation := 100 + (#nodes * 100)
- Light Strengthflower := [ 1000, 600, µMol/m2/s]
- Scotoperiodvegetation := [ 1300, 1900, 6, hr]
- Scotoperiodflower := [ 0600-1900, 13, hr]
- Late Flower (Week 10-14) (F5-F10)
- Temp: 78-80°F
- VPD: 1.2 ± 0.2
- Photoperiod: 11/13
- Light Strength: [930, 850, µMol/m2/s]
- EC: 2.3 # Week F5-F8
- EC: 1.8 # Week F9
- EC: 1.1 # Week F10
- Finish (Week 14) ( F10)
- Temp: 78°F
- VPD: 1.3 ± 0.2
PPFD: 750 peak
- Resin Bloom ONLY
- EC: 0.8
Base Application for 10 Gal:
- [x] Primer A: [ 100, ml]
- [x] Primer B: [ 100, ml]
- [x] Silica Skin: [ 35, mll] # Reduce to reduce/eliminate Sediment
- [x] SLF-100 (Enzymatic Root Cleaner): [ 50, ml]
- [x] King Crab (Biology): [ 5, ml]
- @ EC: 1.7 Supplement: [ Application Rate], [ Total Delivery for 2 Gal Solution]
- [ ] Primer A: [ 10, ml, gal], [ 12.5, ml]
- [ ] Primer B: [ 10, ml, gal], [ 12.5, ml]
- [ ] Silica Skin: [ 4, ml, gal], [ 5, ml]
- [ ] CalMag Fuel: [ 4, ml, gal], [ 5, ml]
- [ ] Peak Bloom: [ 4, ml, gal], [ 5, ml]
- [ ] Resin Bloom: [ 4, ml, gal], [ 5, ml]
- [ ] SLF-100: [ 5, ml, gal], [ 10, ml]
- [ ] King Crab: [ 0.5, ml, gal], [ 1, ml]
- [ ] EC: [ 1.7, mS]
85 ml/plant X 11, : 935 ml/plant/day, 2.4x of field capacity
Meaning ALL Fertigation through pot is Refreshed 2.4 times per day with this schedule.
Mon 28 Aug 2023 # End of Harvest ORIGINAL Window , before discovering light leak
LJ2Q 106:F:11:1
- [x] Will scope trichomes by hand, and set a chop date today.
- Some are ready today, Some look to need 10 - 14 days.
This has been an interesting grow - the extra stretch munged the SOG Strategy - with severe Chiropractics I still have >±12” of height per plant. We should be harvesting today . . .
- We could conceivably take the grow as far as Day 139, if we calculate a 4 week light leak forward. That would make LATEST DATE 24 SEPTEMBER -
- IF We go more than this week
- Week 15 Nutes (Mixed Daily)
- Mon - Wed: ONE SHOT, EC: 1.7
- Thus - Sun: ONE SHOT, EC: 1.4
- Mon: Resin Bloom: EC: 1.1
- Tuesday - Harvest: Resin Bloom: EC: 0.8
- ELSE if we take them down next Sunday:
- [ ] Been feeding The Rooted Leaf Hydro schedule, Base Nutes plus Silicon. Need to move to harvest nutes, potassium (+Resin Bloom/+Peak Bloom) at
- [ ] Monday:+Resin Bloom/+Peak Bloom: EC: 1.7
- [ ] Tuesday: EC: 1.4, (+Resin Bloom)
- [ ] Wednesday: EC: 1.1, (+Resin Bloom)
- [ ] Thursday EC: 0.8 (Resin Bloom Only)
- [ ] Friday EC: 0.8 (Resin Bloom Only)
- [ ] Saturday EC: 0.8 (Resin Bloom Only)
- [ ] Sunday - Harvest
Growtek Mod
- 170 ml/event per emitter -> 2 Gallons Input
EC: [ 2.0, mS]
Tue 29 Aug 2023
LJ2Q 107:F:11:2
EC 1.6+
- Defoliated (final) blocking and unviable fans. Looks better - clearer airflow
Wed 30 Aug 2023
LJ2Q 108:F:11:3
EC: 1.6
For 2 Gal (ml’s) RLA Minerals
14.0 Primer A
14.0 Primer B
7.0 Silica Skin
10.5 Peak Bloom
South Cascade Organics
- [x] SLF-100: [ 5, ml, gal], [ 10, ml]
Plant Success (Beneficial Bacteria, Crab ‘Frass’)
- [ ] Sunday - Harvest?
- [x] King Crab: [ 0.5, ml, gal], [ 1, ml]
Thu 31 Aug 2023
LJ2Q 109:F:11:4
EC 1.4
For 2 Gal (ml’s) RLA Minerals
12.3 Primer A
12.3 Primer B
9.2 Peak Bloom
Required 1 qt to bring down from 1.6 to 1.4
Friday 01 Sep Jul 2023
LJ2Q 110:F:11:5
EC 1.1
For 2 Gal (ml’s) RLA Minerals
7.6 Primer A
7.6 Primer B
5.7 Peak Bloom
Sat 02 Sep 2023
LJ2Q 111:F:11:6
EC: 1.4
Peak Bloom as Needed for Dilution
- [ ] Scope Trichomes Last Time
With a 21 day light leak, we’ll extend harvest to Day 118, Flower Day 90 - or 69 Unleaked Light Days . . .
Through End of Harvest, Daily
Daily Feed through Harvest Day -2
Per TWO Gallons: EC 1.4
- [x] Primer A: [ 12, ml, gal]
- [x] Primer B: [ 12, ml, gal]
- [x] CalMag Fuel: [ 4, ml, gal]
- [x] Silica Skin: [ 4, ml, gal]
- [x] Peak Bloom: [ 4, ml, gal]
- [x] Resin Bloom: [ 8, ml, gal]
- [x] King Crab: [ 0.5, ml, gal]
- [ ] SLF-100: [ 5, ml, gal]
- [ ] Reduce to EC 1.1 on Harvest Day -2
- [ ] Reduce to Resin Bloom Only, EC: 0.8 Pre Harvest Day
DECISION - We’ll take the girls down Flower Day 83, Nominal Day 62 assuming 21 Day push for light leak. It’s not in practice3 that long - we should be good, if not - latest day 90 (Nominal 69)
Sun 03 Sep 2023 # Flower Day 77
LJ2Q 112:F:11:7
EC 1.4
- [x] Dismantle And Clean Res, Pump, Chiller, Lines
- [x] Clean Res
- [x] Clean Pump
- [x] Load Res with a a gallon of HOT tap water, a cup of 30% Vinegar
- [x] Run Pump for :30
- [x] After 30: Reverse Lines
- [x] Run Pump for :30
- [x] Stop pump
- [x] remove tubing from pump and chiller
- [x] Remove pump, reclean
- [x] Clean Chiller Tubes
- [x] Rinse with 30% Vinegar
- [x] When Dry: Reassemble & Replace