She is loaded right now very heavy and potent yielding plant oh yeah thanks 420 fastbuds I will be getting more of your seeds you rock Guys im so happy I boughy fastbuds seeds It was great to see this second seed pop an amazing grapefruit we did fiming and she eneded up with many colas and many flowers plus super frosty and smelly Also turned purple all buds which to us was a surprise and did not expect that Since last grapefruit was different than this Thanks a lot for all your support Imagine if we had a full spectrum light I think we would be growing trees Honestly we have more than we expected COMING from an Indoor thats nearly located in a tropical climate of 30/33 degrees most of the year and with that said raising temps very hot sometimes very humid thats close to the equator So we have to use A/C all times and maintain humidity levels by spraying all walls to keep it around 45/60% while ac is on remember droping temps so we have to make it as comfortable as possible and that its not easy in this side of the world OR either you need a lot of money which I dont have yet to build a super setup and a separate ROOM with all of that temp and great humidity lvls so yeah we do what we can with our budget We live somwhere where things are pretty much fckd up but it is what it is Hey at least we are safe because it is illegal lol so yeah brothers we have hard times And still with all risk we here doing our best Showing all support Showing im greatful TO find a space like this where We all can share like and Comment And help each other grow better everyday Blessings to you all Keep EM buds coming Happy growing
- End of week 5 I topped them and they seem to react very well to it. Looking nice healthy and green , exept for the blue zushi on the right. It's growing really weird, but it seems to keep up with the other plants. I don't know if i will put it into flower. The 2 blueberry cupcake ( back row) on the right, are bigger then the rest. I bend one of them so it will be more even . Most of the plants have a different structure. They are f1 seeds , So there's a good chance you'll have different phenotypes Now i will train them a litte untill they are big enough, and then place a trellis net.
PURPLE KUSH / KANNABIA SEEDS WEEK #12 OVERALL WEEK #11 VEG This week she's doing great no issues she's healthy and looking good. She's still under training to control her size. She's be getting flipped to flower soon. Stay Growing!! Thank you for stopping by and taking a look it's much appreciated!! THANK YOU KANNABIA!! BUDTRAINER.COM BUD CLIPS KANNABIA.COM / PURPLE KUSH
Pablo Escobar is growing good. She is still bulking, and looks to have about 3 weeks left. She has a fruity citrus aroma. Lots of frost and white pistils still. Everything has been going smoothly, and waiting on her to finish up. Nothing more to report. Thank you Divine Seeds, and Spider Farmer. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱❄️🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. Thank you Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 https://youtube.com/channel/UCAhN7yRzWLpcaRHhMIQ7X4g
Casey's Rollex OG has been growing good. This week though she fox tailed on just the tips if a few colas. She isn't close to the light, nor are the temperatures getting too high. I think this was genetic. I have no issue with it. Just she was forming some really nice thick colas. Then a fox tail tip. Shit happens. She is loaded with frost and the smell is a fruity earthy aroma. Hard to pin point exactly. She will likely be harvested in 2 weeks. Starting ph water in less than week for the fading flush. Next update is actually gonna be the harvest. Thank you DutchFem Seeds, and Spider Farmer. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱❄️🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. Thank you Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 https://youtube.com/channel/UCAhN7yRzWLpcaRHhMIQ7X4g
RSV11 has grown very well. She is still bulking and looks like it will be 3 weeks till finish. She has frosty colas on her that are getting very good size. Looks like a heavy yield will come from her. She is just riding out the rest of her time as of now. She has Naturally been defoliating her lower leaves as she has been flowering. Which is fine that she is using up stored energy. Will make for a good fade upon the flush time. Everything is looking super promising. Thank you Terpyz Mutant Genetics, and Spider Farmer. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱❄️❄️ Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. Thank you Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 https://youtube.com/channel/UCAhN7yRzWLpcaRHhMIQ7X4g
Gestern wurden 2x1l Düngerlösung auf 1600/1-3-2+1/6,2 reingekippt. War zu wenig, nächsten Runde gibt's 3 Liter+. Tag 44: alle bekamen auch ihre 3l, sorgfältig von oben und unten. Wir haben nach Bauchgefühl noch ein bisschen Bloom 3ml/l hinzugegeben und wie bisher 1ml CalMag. Ph wurde auf 6,2 gesenkt. Die Apple Strudel konnte man leider so nicht lassen da musste noch mal die Schere ran, danach noch die Heringe teilweise entfernt oder umplaziert. Lichtintensität derzeit bei 80 %. Ca 700-750 ppfd 🤔 muss noch Zeit finden zu messen. Tag 47: weil alles so gut läuft habe ich mich spontan entschlossen etwas nachzuhebeln und die Lemon Cherry Cookies wurden noch mal beim lollipopping nachgebessert und bei der Apfel ist mir leider beim leichten entblättern ein Köpfchen abgebrochen was ich dann einfach versucht habe durch einen Topping an der richtigen Stelle noch mal ins richtige Licht zu rücken, (das ganze ist passiert weil ich versuche neuerdings die Blätter an der sollbruchstelle zu entfernen) auf jeden Fall sind wir jetzt bei 1calmag 4bloom 4 tm und 1 grow auf ca. 6,3-6,4 ph. EC Bereich um die 1900-2000 und Lampe ist ca auf 85/90% Leistung bei 40-50 cm Abstand.
Gorilla Jealousy F1 is doing good. She is starting to show her colors more. She has about 2 weeks left. She has the musky Gorilla strain smell for sure. Everything is looking good and heading to a finish soon. Next update is the harvest. Thank you Seedsman, and Spider Farmer. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 https://www.seedsman.com/?a_aid=Mrsour420. This is my affiliate link to seedsman. Thank you Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 https://youtube.com/channel/UCAhN7yRzWLpcaRHhMIQ7X4g
Mandarin Squeeze is going good. She is finishing up here in about 2 weeks. She smells just like Mandarin oranges. 🤞🏻 the flavor matches. I love me some oranges 🍊 but hell no to trump and the Republicans for a long time to . Their white supremecy anti drug policy's goes strictly against my medical beliefs. I am just waiting on these girls to finish. I will be putting them on water in about a week. Next update is the harvest. Thank you Terpyz Mutant Genetics, and Spider Farmer. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. Thank you Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 https://youtube.com/channel/UCAhN7yRzWLpcaRHhMIQ7X4g
For this week 3 for me as a beginner was hard, I got some fungus on 3 of the 8, I was able to win the battle thanks to Hydrogen Peroxide. I did some defoliation and changed the intensity of the light from 3 to 5 at 16 inches. I was also baby sitting 2 clones of a friend lol
I finally received the new 1000w Spider farmer new light, the AC infinity extractor and the humidifier, I’m loving them and also the plants. I moved the light to 18 inches same intensity 50%, they are grown very fast, I’m really excited. I also did water changes to all of them and I’m now using 4 ML of hydrogen instead of 3 ML. I ordered Root drip of FF but looks like they are in back ordered, will see when it arrives.
Mir gefällt Melonade Runtz bis jetzt sehr gut. Sie hat einen schnellen Wachstum und macht den Anschein als würde sie dicke fette Buds produzieren. Ich bin sehr gespannt wie dieser Run wird. Bis jetzt hatte keine Pflanze irgendwelche Mangelerscheinungen. Stabile Genetik von Dutch Passion 💚
So two of them are close to being done I’m adding overdrive next feeding which will be tomorrow the other 3 are like 4 weeks about from being done it looks like to me which is insane but I’m not mad about it week went good they have a gassy fruity smell that just fills your nostrils soon as u walk in house and I love it not a thing I’d do different except make watering easier with auto feeders and run to waste not recirculating im hyped to get Some of this done and try it happy growing all
Still not touching the plant or setup and just letting it be pretty much. Did a full tank water removal and started to add some Calcium Magnesium as I'm seeing some deficiencies on the leafs. So far this setup has been incredibly easy, haven't had to do anything, no topping, no training, etc. Could have used a scrog to keep the main branch a bit shorter but it looks like it should work out.