Humidty Around 52% and temp around 20c lights on 75% capacity in the middle of week 2. Will be updating in a few days. So temperature shot way up, it got a lot colder outside so my heating started to work overtime and because the thermometer is in my livingroom, it got prettty hot in the growing room. It peaked at 30 and after i adjusted a few things it has now stabilized at 27 degrees celcius. Humidity went way down (-40%) so i turned on the humidifier and it's now back to aaround 55% Despite that te plants are looking good and the lights are now at 100%.Most plants are looking good, only the one in the front left of the tent is looking weird. It isn't growing it's main shoot, instead it looks like it is developing more of the side shoots. Will keep an eye on it the next few of days. I also sealed the room from light and adjusted the exhaust pipe for better air circulation.