Good start to the week, of course it's only been the first day. Got the humidity up with a new humidifier and all has been great for a couple days.
"Plant Success Revolution: Great White" Is in, so that'll be used once I repot as an inoculant as well as a root dusting.
Depending on the growth of the plants over the next couple days to a week, I'll be repotting this week or next week sometime.
Updates as they come; of course. - This prior week's timelapse will be up tomorrow.
-2/23/2021 Gave a foliar spray of kelp extract right before lights out, the morning of 2/24 I noticed gray/white staining on the leaves where the droplets were. Will keep an eye on it.
-2/24/2021 Carl 2 looks to be experiencing a deficiency, perhaps a nitrogen deficiency. Slight yellow mottling of the lower leaves. As with the spots, will keep my eye on it.
-2/25/2021 Carl 2 is certainly experiencing what I believe is a nitrogen deficiency. Will be feeding properly next watering.
-2/25/2021 Additionally, Carl 2 has definitely been helped by the kelp. It's almost the size of the plant that had been larger before and hadn't been sprayed with the kelp foliar.
-2/26/2021 All plants were root drenched with some Great White Mycorrhizae - Should be fun too see how this plays out. The feed concentration in the "nutrients" section is NOT accurate. I put a light dusting into the sprayer.
-2/28/2021 - Significant growth from all plants, seems the kelp and the GWM are doing their jobs.