25/11 Day 73 already and starting another week (week 4 since I changed the photoperiod); budlets are not completely formed but still look like more of preflowers. She continues to stretch, she's growing 4-5 cm per day, a complete beast. I think she could be stretching more before the aspect of the preflowe/budlets cahnge much. Comparatively with the pictures of other Grinspoon's growers, the flowering stage is going on very slowly...well I thought the same when she was at vegetative stage, I saw everybody's Grinspoon specimen was much bigger and much sooner than the one of mine, but in the end her growth has been so big that I 'd have liked better she hadn't grown that much. She's entirely taken over the grow room! The light spectrum I use does not promote much stretching per se, as I've seen it on many other hybrid strains in the last two and a half years since I have this system. It's a 80cm*80cm*160 cm grow box (Darkbox) and so far I think the environment for the plant is, in general, let's say fine (except perhaps the hottest days of summer and the coldest days of winter). Humidity is a little high, becuase my place is humid and I don't specailly control it but I'd guess it is roughly 60% HR throughout the year. Being that said, I blame this stretching entirely to her genes and yes, my lack of caution to have prevented all this enormous growth from happening. Really I didn't want to regret later, of not having the size of the plant I wanted and also for not knowing how much she would stretch (I wouldn't have thought this much) I let her grow more than I should have. But one learns from his mistakes and by growing new strains, every strain has different phenos and one never knows which is destined to one's plant.
The fertigation solution is now 0.5 mL/L Pro-Silicate; 1,3 mL/L Cal-Max; 0,4 g/L Flower Power Bloom fertilizer at pH 6.1-6.2, EC is 1.35 mS/cm and I raised the fertigation volume to 6L keeping the frequency.
Day 74 (26(11) she keeps on stretching, I'm seeing another way to raise the lights the maximum I can, I see the budlets forming more definitely so I don't think she'll be stretching much longer, perhaps and luckily this week she stops doing it. Meantime all I can do is keeping the tallest shoots out of the line of the led lights to prevent bleaching of the leaves or the budlets being burnt. God help me with this. I'll post some pics tomorrow if I have more time. My plants do take more than 60% of my free time at home (but I <3 growing marijuana).
Day 75 (27/11) I used a few hooks from the bathtub's curtain to hold the growlights and managed to raise them a precious distance.
Day 76 (28/11/2019) i jumped off the bed to assess the sitaution and evertyhing was normal, a big blade burned it tip for proximity to a led light, but the bud tips seem no to be damaged -yet-because of the strong lights/heat. One fertigation (inflow EC 1.35 mS/cm. EC run off 1,5 mS/cm) "en dan ben ik klaar met haar".
Day 77 29-11-2019 she keeps growing tall and she's become something almost unmanageable. A couple of shoots have surpassed the lights. If only they won't be burned 🙏
Day 78 (30/11) She seems to be stopping growing. When I saw her I realised extraction fan was gone, fortunately being Saturday I could find a replacement soon. I find that run off pH is 5.3 (collected at the last portion the run-off, 2nd fertigation of the day. Isn't it a little too acidic to leave this issue untreated?
Day 79 (01/12) after a reply from @knut at cocoforcannabis.com I am advised not to take in consideration runoff pH but to take care of pH in and EC "in", as for the runoff, just checking EC, because pH varies for the interaction between nutrients and is of zero interest, so I was told.
The extractor is working fine and it is a lot more silent than the older one.
Last for today, I'd say I'm happy she seems to have completed the stretching phase, although there are a few shoots at scarce centimeters from the ceiling of the box as a consequence. The other shoots are fine, at a reasonably good position from the lights.
It was very hard times with these last weeks and the damned stretching. If I had to evaluate the growing difficulty of this strain, I'd say "quite hard" because she's pretty much unmanageable at the stretching phase, unless proper caution measures be taken before it's too late.
Day 80 (2/12/2019) To end week 12 (4th week flowering) I see it seems that stretching phase is over so I can breath again. She still may be growing one or two centimeters, that I dunno for sure, but judging from the accelerated rate of stretching I have seen since the last two weeks, it appears that she won't get taller. She's almost tocuhed the ceiling :/ I see a slight swelling of the baby buds, like the calixes that are starting to form.