Hello everyone ... please excuse me if I start the diary from the end of 4th week of flowering, but I'm new and wanted to post something right away :) Anyway ... I have these three beautiful girls ... two are in light mix + coco + perlite + micorizze(MICOSAT F {Italian product}) + guano Kalong and Atami worm humus ... instead one(SSOIL written in photo) is a super soil with biobizzlight mix / biobizzcoco / Atami worm humus + leonardite + alfalfa + kelp + krill + azomite + basalt + calcium carbonate + phosphorite + neem soil(1/3substrate ) and micorrize ..in to the top only light-mix/perlite and coco with a little bit of humus ... they suffered defoliation, also caused thrips and various problems that let me to conclude that it was better to follow this path ... ah and the grow rom the walls have been removed, hot cause ..... The plants imself are very vigorous and resistant ... fairly uniform growth, takes a lot from Critical, and even perfumes are very similar for now, always tending more to Critical with light notes of kush ... but it is still early ...... Ps. Sorry for the English 😅.
On advice, I decided to move one of the three (the one with the super soil) in a separate diary, also to be clearer and more precise ... sorry for the confusion, but I'm learning😅🙏✌️