Might be heading for trouble, cut to half dose…. Looking through some other grow diaries and seeing most people feeding at about half or less of the recommended AN feed schedule. Other than a small cal mag def early, which was fixed very easily with 2 foliar sprays, this plant has done pretty good with full recommended dose, until this week!! Flushed 3 litres through at 1/4 dose nutes full 2ml/L-cal/mag then started a half dose week 3 flower sched. If probelms persist then I will flush again and try 1/4 dose.
Added humidifier back into room to keep humidity at 55
Removed net and defoliated, moved her room mate to my closet to give her light and space for the final weeks coming up.
Further investigation and troubleshooting has me thinking she may actually be into a potassium deficiency, the odd thing about that is the AN nutes I am running suggest using “big bud” as an enhancer supplement. The strange part is that my lowered nute concentration still included a full dose of both “big bud” and “bud candy”. I was not willing to forfeit the benefits of those two supplements over the base nutes in this recipe. So. This week I will feed at %50 base nutes and full supplements of cal/mag and Bud Candy but will up my Big Bud a smidge and maybe another smidge more if combined efforts of revised nutes and extra space/air/light dont achieve desired results. I am also planning a fairly heavy defoliation, maybe end of week if she bounces back enough.
A generous amount of frost starting to show, I will pull the microlense out for some trichome development pictures this week.
Limping into the finish line it looks like. But She will be harvested. Heading into coast mode for now, just gonna ride her out and see what happens. There will be some bud there to be proud of.