Hello world,
the previous week was a small disaster...Michelle, the girl who was in flower for 5 weeks is dead...just like that...it begun as rust on the leaves,like a cal deficiency and in 3 days it spread everywhere...the temps were too high for her,35°-38° C...Damn it's too hot for the plants...the other two girls are struggling with the heat but they seem to be OK,although they have some strange spots on some leaves...have to top dress with Bio Grow this week... the truth is I am a bit worried about them because that kind of temps can kill them...so I go on with them...have a nice week...☠️
☠️Day 74.. Lucy has burnt leaves because of the heat wave...Angie is fine...today the temps have dropped at 31° c...
☠️Day 75...💧watering day, 3 L each, ph at 6,3...next time I will top dress with Bio Grow again...I think they need nitrogen...
☠️Day 76...Lucy has still new growth coming out despite the big number of leaves burnt...Angie looks healthy...
☠️Day 77...this week has passed...it's been a bad week for all,me and the plants...sorry for the few photos...so,see u next week...☠️