Week 11 - 23.09.2024 - 29.09.2024 Well. Been a week, but I got a second larger grow tent (long story, but ran out of room in the 60*60 :/) so big one now in a 100*100, small one still in 60*60. Lots more room and tested the Light with Photone+Diffusor (tested against a 400Euro Light meter and they were the same +-1%.) plus the smaller plant is now at least 10cm smaller and was getting around half the PPFD, so gave them both seperate suns. So. here is the kicker: My wife informed / reminded me, that I decided to start 3 seeds and only 2 made it. " 2*kalini and one SOMETHING ELSE..... Just proves the point my last grow was good :D If anyone can identify the 2, I'd be grateful. I think it was OG or critical Kush.. but could have been anything really..
A planta está reagindo bem ao treinamento, continuando a crescer de forma saudável. Durante o processo, acabei danificando algumas folhas, mas nada preocupante até o dia 23. Esta semana, reduzi a quantidade de nutrientes e reguei mais com água. Minha lâmpada de 240W está em 60%. Devo aumentar? Dia 24 apareceram os primeiros pistilos. 🌱
Week 6 Report We’re in the middle of Week 6, and the plants are growing beautifully! The Athena nutrients are definitely working their magic. The plants are thriving with strong growth and great color. Some leaves are showing slight signs of thrips, but it's nothing too concerning at this stage. Growth is steady, with strong branches and excellent structure. This is likely the last week of the vegetative phase, so we’re preparing for the transition to flowering. All in all, everything is progressing smoothly, and I’m thrilled with how the plants are shaping up!
🌿 Week 6 Report 🌿 We’re in the middle of Week 6, and the plants are growing beautifully! The Athena nutrients are definitely working their magic. The plants are thriving with strong growth and great color. Some leaves are showing slight signs of thrips, but it's nothing too concerning at this stage.
DIe Gelato 44 Tyson 2.0 ist die größte, die Green Gelato die 2 größte und die kleinste ist Royal Runtz leider ist sie noch sehr klein, sie hat aber auch erst 5 tage nach den anderen ihren kopf aus der erde gestreckt.
Woche sieben beginnt ganz wunderbar mit Wunderschönen roten Blüten und einem hervorragenden Duft. Sehr beerig, süß nach Kaugummi. Ich liebe diesen Strain jetzt schon❤️
The first line from the right main cola is the banana punch second line with the left main cola is the dos si dos they have a very strong smell looking forward to tasting these no quick drying here so no early testers for me lol.
Bubba cheese #2 very different smell to the first one. The first one has that cheesy blues smell to it where as this one has a cheesy but fruit at the same time
Bubba cheese #2 very different smell to the first one. The first one has that cheesy blues smell to it where as this one has a cheesy but fruit at the same time
The end of last week and the beginning of this week we had very good weather (Indian summer) 😊, but the temperatures started to drop at the second half of this week with lots of rain and humidity. 😡 First signs of budrot accured and I had to install 2 ventilators to move the air. 👿👿👿 With small scissors I cut away the entire top that has bud rot 👻 Now that I have harvested the last pepper plants, I have been able to give the cannabis plants more space. This will also hopefully result in a lower humidity level. Temperatures in the greenhouse this week : min temp 11.1°C - max temp 35.9°C Heighest plant (Cookies Gelato) = 155cm Smallest plant (Liberty Haze) = 135cm
This weeks nutrients were identical to last minus the CalMag. The smaller of the two plants continued to stretch until the end of week three of flower. The larger plant already started to bulk. Trichome development is ramping up.
Hi there, As we approach the fourth week of veg, our expectations for the jungle tour continues to grow. This phase of the grow season is very exciting because at this time it’s decided how well we can lay the foundation for the subsequent successful flowering period. Our goal was to stop apical growth and teach the gals to focus on growing lateral branches. At first glance, I think we will be fine in this regard, but the following weeks will give us the answer. So we used tying wires and tent hooks to keep the branches down and open the canopy for better light penetration for the lower part of the plants. 🌞 A good defoliation has been done as well. Watered only once this week with 3 litres of PH-ed, de-chlorinated water and some Silica.💦 600 PPFD was a bit too much for them as I saw signs of light stress so we dimmed back the lamp to 520-540.🌞 Wish everyone a lovely weekend and see you next week!💨👊
This is it for these killer kushes! Different phenos, one was ready in 8 weeks, one in 9 and this last one in 10! The quality is definitely here, it’s just the speed that ain’t 🤣! Overall I’m happy with them even though every single one hermied on me (100% my fault)! No seeds in the end though, as I kept plucking balls and nanners every day for a couple of weeks!