Happy Easter all over the word, I will share my Italian best aperitif ever.
Eighth week, if they are so beautiful it is also thanks to you! I love this community, I hope to stay there, as long as I don't get arrested...
I wanted to point out that all my doses of nutrients are for a liter and a half of water so as to be even more scrupulous to avoid overfertilizing. I turned off the dimmer, at noon simulating a half day of fire lol i'm crazy. added a reflective film to the base of the room, raised the plants to the same level by placing boxes under the pots, many Thanks @Roberts for encouraging me to look for the boxes, I'm a lazy boy!😇
...a clarification for the most refined minds .... I know very well that the glass is for white wine but it is the only one I have, I take this opportunity to thank my neighbor for giving it to me ;)
Buds fattering