Hello again my friends! I uploaded longer vids this time for the Vlogs, you don't have to watch em they're there for ya if you're interested :)
To start off the girls look great, I'm excited that I'm back where I was when my "First Grow" failed. What's interesting to me is seeing the big difference in the SSH, the 2 previous girls I had were veracious growers, 3 1/2 days of germination and they had a tap root longer than an inch! This one is not so aggressive and has stronger sativa genetics, thin not phat. The others have been doing well, no pest yet which I'll be doing a bleach wipe down of my side of the garage to reduce the chances of an invasion.
I'll be updating later this week with a short vid showing the progress. If you happen to watch my longer vlogs let me know what you think down in the comments, I appreciate the feedback ya'll provide. Have a blessed day, much love
Meus <3
~Update 9-19-18 [Mainline]~
So things went well, I'm looking forward to seeing if the clones take. Check out the vid if you wanna see my first attempt at mainlining! The next update will be Tuesday, see ya then!