Day 8 - Decided to put em in a diy dwc hydro setup till oxypots arrive....
initially was planning on soil pots and the roots are coming out the sides of the jiffy pots...
so, 2L ice cream container, mix up 6.2 ph 500 ppm solution, cut a few jiffy sized holes ....
blow bubbles in the water afew times a day.... lol
Using abit of old Dutch Master Gold One Grow atm.... and i'll look at using some Nutrified elements grow, Crystalic, rock nitro, dutch master gold one grow/flower.... :)
ice cream containers worked out perfect for jiffy... ....perfect for the seedling stage.... baby dwc for baby seedlings....
also gave me a chance to test out dwc....... i'll build this as i go... going to be a interesting grow for me.... 😎