🏆 Last chance to vote!
All 3 ladies coming along great hoping to start some LST this week with 2 as one looks slightly behind in growth so leave her to next week.
The pictures and video are from day 15 since the flip. however i think the plant is now really in day 7 flower as i flipped early to keep the flower space under one square meter. so the plants vegged another week after the 12/12 anyway as you can see they have 0 defincies and a very nice even cannopy, not much space between the nodes is what i like a lot.
All plants have bounce back nicely one week until start flush sum pistil hairs still thick white about 30%orange 70%white hairs will check up next week 22th July
Hey hey growmies :🙋‍♂️ As You can see, lady's are strictly Fit and im really happy.. I think, that BIOTABS do what indeed. Just enjoy and happy growing to all 👌😎♥️
retrospective: they both died of overwatering or lack of oxigen due to an owner thats thought it will be easy. put them under 15min/15min WET/DRY cycle they day they reached the floor of the pot. once while changing the water they were off for 1+hours, which may have hurt them severly, rootcolor never was the same after that from white to gray around these days..
Pow pow and welcome in official start of week 12 (week6 of flower) We are 86 days from seed and 36 days into flowering period now. It’s definitely the strangest part as every day gets longer and longer with waiting 😉 Good part is - we are in total cruise control mode now. It’s the last week girls are getting any food with EC around 2.2 - 4 litres per day each. Dehumidifier pulling out around 6 litres of water every 24h still keeping humidity on high 50’s - it’s not bad. Overdrive is doing its magic - day after first implementation buds started to get bigger and bigger every day 😍 LemonWalker with main branches as big as my arm started showing the weight so needed to instal some quick support above scrog netting using training wire leftovers. Keep it locked and stay tuned with photo updates during the week 🙌
Woop happy with how the grow is coming along had fun trimming the girls down shitting myself at the same time though😝 still on an 18/6 schedule as I didn’t want to over stress the plants following defoliation and scrog . Scrog setting up wasn’t too bad hope I done it right 😅 the screen is slowly becoming very green haha .. I’ll keep looking around on the web to widen my knowledge but for now it seems all is good my plan is to switch to 12/12 starting week 6 and around this time I should look into adding bloom to feed the autos as I’m sure they’re in pre flower stage right now but if ever in doubt I shall ask Some cool photos to look at as well Happy growing ☠️
Comenzamos la 2°Semana realmente bien, yq empiezan a crecer las hojas y el tallo sin ningun problema Día 8: Vamos a manenerla sin regar ya que el sustrato sigue manteniendose humedo y no quiero satirar la raíz ni que se pudra. Día 10: Seguimos sin regar la planta ya que el sustrato sigue humedo y no está pidiendo agua. Probablemente mañana o pasado le toque comer un poquito mas 😊
Plants named (starting from front) Trump, creepy uncle Joe and Hillary we'll see how each ones does. Figured Joe wants to be in the middle. Trump: Explosive growth and hitting limits of tent space, root zone is stuffed full of fuzzy roots. Buds keep smashing into LED, daily checks needed. No mango hairs yet on bud; maybe next week. Clones pulled right before flowering cycle switch. tldr: Stop growing damn-it! Creepy joe: Squished in the middle and not doing great, but overall joe is still a happy plant, just seems somewhat lost at times. Not alot of stretching on switch. Hillary: Moderate growth overall doing well on the edge; medium performer and should have decent results. She wanted her own lime light; so brought back in the Chinese (branded LED) to shine a bit more brightness to her area. ########Update 7/10 ###################################################################### PH 5.9 Humidity: 79% PPM 1100 CO2 400 Temp 72F cycle time 2mins-off/5seconds-on side notes; need more CO2
Saw some excellent lateral growth from their branches in the last week. Been removing fan leaves from main stem to allow meristems to grow more. I was using kelp in a foliar to induce apical dominance but have since removed it from the girl's regimin with the hopes of flowering beginning soon.
So, guys.. This is her first month blooming. 4 complete weeks has passed. Here we are for 2 more. Gave Her a super powerful egg shell fert (all powdered - Phosforium Whelthy.) 07/10/20 - We are in the middle of week 5. Thats the way they look like. For me a good number of buds and they are as dense as I thought they would be by this time. I think everything is under control despite some foxtails cuz the heat. Loving the experience.
So, guys.. This is her first month blooming. 4 complete weeks has passed. Here we are for 2 more. Gave Her a super powerful egg shell fert (all powdered - Phosforium Whelthy.) 07/10/20 - We are in the middle of week 5. Thats the way they look like. For me a good number of buds and they are as dense as I thought they would be by this time. I think everything is under control despite some foxtails cuz the heat. Loving the experience.
Comenzamos la 2° semana con un riego de enrraizador Deeper Underground (Top Crop) añadiendo 1ml/l en el agua con pH6 donde la dejamos reposar durante 1 día con una bomba de agua para eliminar cloro e impurezas. Día 9: La planta ya tiene 4cm y sigue creciendo sin problemas y ninguna señal negativa. Tanto la temperatura como la humedad la seguimos teniendo en valores óptimos. Día 12: Hoy tocó riego con agua limpia, sin nurientes con pH6, 200PPM y 30°C.
Comenzamos su 2°semana aportando los nutrientes principales Deeper Underground de Top Crop para su sistema radicular añadiendo 1ml/l al agua de pH6 Día 9: La pequeña ya alcanzó los 5cm y sigue creciendo bastante bien. Ahora lo importante es que cree un sistema radicular en perfectas condiciones.
MOHAN RAM AUTO DE SWEED SEEDS Descripción: Autofloreciente de 3ª generación. Híbrido entre una cepa seleccionada de White Widow automática del Departamento I+D+I de Sweet Seeds®️®️ y una cepa seleccionada de la variedad S.A.D. Sweet Afgani Delicious Auto®️ (SWS24). Autofloreciente de gran vigor híbrido y fácil cultivo, que produce gruesos cogollos cargados de aromática resina de efecto potente y duradero. El aroma de esta variedad es exquisito, muy afrutado, fresco y floral con un fondo de dulce almizcle. Día 0: He germinado (como siempre) las semillas en un papel humedecido con un agua de 30°C de temperatura y un pH6 para que abra rápidamente. Día 1. La semilla ya sacó su raiz e hicimos el transplante en su maceta final de 7l para que lance su sistema radicular lo mas fuerte y sano posible con Atami NRG roots-C 2ml/l y Deeper Underground 1ml/
NORTHERN LIGHT AUTO (ROYAL QUEEN SEEDS) Descripción: Poco después de conquistar la escena del cannabis en Holanda, la Northern Lights se convirtió en el estándar del cultivo en interior. Su influencia se extendió por todo el mundo y acabaría convirtiéndose en uno de los pilares del desarrollo de cepas de cannabis modernas. Durante los últimos años, las técnicas de cultivo y reproducción han generado versiones de Northern Lights que mantienen las características de esta leyenda mientras añaden algo interesante a la fórmula. La Northern Light Automatic de Royal Queen Seeds es la combinación perfecta entre lo nuevo y lo viejo. Al tratarse de una cepa autofloreciente y feminizada, la Northern Light Automatic es una planta versátil, perfecta para cultivadores discretos de interior pero también para cultivadores de exterior a gran escala. Tras una breve fase vegetativa, la planta empieza a crecer y a producir gran cantidad de flores, terminando su ciclo de vida en solo 9 o 10 semanas desde que se planta la semilla. Día 0: He germinado la semilla en un papel humedecido a 30°C con un pH6 Día 1: La semilla abrió perfectamente y la trasplanté rapidamente a su maceta final de 15L geotextil de Royal Queen Seeds y he puesto en el agua de riego Deeper Underground 1ml/l y Atami NRG Roots-C 2ml/l. Día 2: La pequeña ha cogido 3cm y va creciendo rapidamente. Parece que los nutrientes hacen sus efectos perfectamente Día 3: después de alcanzar los 3cm hoy hemos regado con el enrraizador para su sistema radicular aportando 1ml/l Deeper Underground y 2ml/l de Atami NRG Roots-C
Empezamos la 2° semana sin cambios significantes. Vamos a mantener los mismos nutrientes para que su sistema radicular crezca lo mas fuerte posible 💪 Con el foco de sodio de 400W en un armarlo 1x1x2 en pleno verano en España 🇪🇦 la verdad se hace difícil mantener temperatura y humedad pero lo estamos arreglado con unas toallas humedecidas para mantener los valores óptimos 👌 Día 10: El sustrato seguimos manteniendolo sin regar ya que aún no pide agua y sigue humedecido con lo cuál seguiremos así hasta que veamos la capa superior totalmente seca. Día 11: He cogido unos valores óptimos de humedad y temperatura bastante buenos y las plantas lo agradecen -Temperatura: 25-30°C aproximadamente -Humedad: 40-70% Día 12: Hoy porfin la pequeña planta estaba pidiendo comida, esta vez con nutrientes 😊 He añadido 1ml/l de Deeper Underground de Top Crop para que siga con esta alimentación y pasaremos a otros nutrientes de crecimiento 💪 Día 13: La pequeña Red Poison Automatica ya alcanzó los 6cm de altura, lo que se puede apreciar que va creciendo a un ritmo bastante bueno. Mantenemos el sustrato exactamente igual ya que sigue perfectamente humedo 👍
Hello guys Welcome 🙂 Today we are at the end of week 11 from seed with this five , KALINI ASIA 🕉️🎋 Like you probably already know.. This diary it's for the Zamnesia Spring Cup 🏆 I'm growing all seeds Zamnesia has provide us for try to show how this strain can grow in different ways. The substrate will be the same light-mix soil mix with cocco and some one with humus The nutrients and the cultivation techniques will be different for each one So , I have reported down below what I do and I will do every week for the next few months.. The 5 ways 🌲🌳🌴🌵🎄 PS (Things I have and I still use in flowering , I have put for all five down below 👇, because are mostly the same) K # ​​1 🌿 {BLOOM n°5} Final height= 30cm Is the lady where I have use all the things ZAMNESIA was provide to us for free👌💯 ( I will spend more words about it when I post the harwest) _11l ZAMNESIA-POT _70g MONSTER-MIX _60%light-mix soil/30%cocco/10%perlite _mycorrhizae She and her sister K # 3 are mostly identical, maybe she's a little more low in heightnes but not to much The flowers increase in size day by day 🚀 Unfortunally this lady and K # 3 dosen't shows any purple-pink colors, like the other three components of the family.. But it's fine right this..for me is better this situation because I can compare the difference at the end 😉👌 She also starts to increase the trichomes production🔥 And a little vit of aroma is coming.. We will see The other things I have use in this last seven days I will put down below 👇 K#2 🌿 {BLOOM n°5} Final height= 30cm For this girl I have use different diet.. _11l smart-pot _Living Soil (my High-Brix formula) _mycorrhizae This one she's growing in my personal Living soil (High-Brix recipe) that I have use and I still use right now with her and other plants in different diaries.. And I think to continue to use it for a long time more Always comes out somnthing of 🔥 And to be honest , in the beginning of this adventure , I was sure that the Kalini Asia grow in to it can shows her true DNA And In fact , she's coming out purple-pink and with a very lovley and unique aroma 🤩 Like you can see in pictures , her leafs starts to decrease in color and they already becoming a nice yellow.. Auto flush , like as always when I grow in Living Soil 💪 She knows for imself what's the best for her.. I have just to watch and create the right environment.. But we will see better in a couple of weeks if my Living soil works right even with this amazing strain 😎 Like the other sisters , the micro life/nutrients/stimulator I have use in this last seven days I have put down below 👇 K#3 🌿 {BLOOM n°5} Final height= 35cm With this girl I have use.. _11l plastic-pot _20gMONSTER-MIX + 70g guano kalong + 25g kelp kalong + some organic nutrients/stimulator _mycorrhizae In the last few weeks of vegetation and the first two of flowering, she was appears most vigourous in growing that her two sisters in 11l pot.. But now she looks a little less bigger in buds size , but not to much.. She's almost identical in everything with her sister K#1 , but the nutrients I have using are in part different We will see at the end 😉 Things I have use this week down below 👇 K#4 🌿 {BLOOM n°6} Final height= 40cm The little one of the family..but maybe the most resinous for now 💪 Whit her I have using.. _5l air-pot _30g MONSTER-MIX _mycorrhizae Like K#2 and K#3 , lucky , she's showing some beautiful color Mostly dark pink , but I don't know if the pictures helps you to understand at the best how lovley she's This week she was increase a lot in a bud size and she also starts to smell amazing 😃 Difficult to describe Love it 💚 And she's probably the ones with the most trichomes density 🔥 I think she's ready in no more then 19/21 days , maybe before 📆 Other nutrients/stimulator I have put down below 👇 K#5 🌿 {BLOOM n°7} Final height= 60cm With this beauty one I have using _7l geotextile pot ( not completely full , about 5,5/6 liters ) _40g MONSTER-MIX _mycorrhizae I don't know exactly if what I will say right now it's the true But I personally think she's definetly the phenotypes to looking for The smell it's absolutly insane Very complex and intense , mostly on a fruit side with earthy tones I really hope to find a true Kush effect with unique taste The trichomes are not to much dense , probably due the high temperature But she appears almost healty enough and happy The leafs starts to comes purple , especially the ones upper for the most , and a couple of it already died after finish the nutrients inside Flowers are just awesome in my opinion Also , like the K#2 and K#4 , probably the pictures don't showing at the best how she's lovley But maybe I will transporter her outside in the last week , under the sun light , for show you her gifts 😉 I think she will be mature at the best in max 14 days I can't wait to taste her buds They are somnthing really special ❣️ Now I have reported over here the other things I have using in this last seven days , apart the regular water I have give every day for each ones 💧 K#1 / K#2 / K#3 _5ml molasses each one _2,5ml rinhoskin each one _2,5ml topmax each one _3ml sensizym each one For the other two I have always decrease a little bit in this weeks, but things are still the same But for K#5 it's from more then one week I have starting give her just regular water plus some enzymes.. And I will continue to do it for a couple of days more ,and then I will give only still water for the last ten days So , for K#4 this week I have using K#4 _4ml molasses _2ml rinhoskin _2ml topmax _2ml sensizym For K#5 _2ml sensizym _💧 Like the all ten weeks before also this one has passed easy Plants are always in happy moode and me with they 😄 For now I can say she's a really good genetics , no doubt 🙌 And if you find a dark pink-purple phenotype, do what I have not doing.. Clone it 💯💯👌👌 It's somnthing special and unique.. Vigourous , productive with beautiful colors and very complex terps profile.. In a few months I will definitely give you a better idea.. So , stay tuned 😉🤙 Thank you so much for stopping here 🙏 Hope you was enjoyed like me 😎 See you next.. Ciao ✌️ 🇮🇹