This has been a fun week for this Cheese from Humboldt, it has made a mini flower on one of its fan leaves and a bee got wrecked in one of its flowers. I want to say it got stoned, but no idea if they can, the bee was super chill I could pet it and get real close with the macro lens, it did not care one bit. It could have been injured from something else like a predator or pesticide but she was gone by the following evening.
Other then that nothing to new, the plant is growing nicely and I have no complaints about it. I keep comparing the smell from it to the other cheese variety from Dinafem I'm growing and they are different but I cant yet focus in on how, will be better adept at doing this once they are both in flower, I got high hopes for both plants.
Added in the standard 2 week fertilizer Acti-Sol Tomato & Vegetable 4-6-8, had it fortified into the soil from the get go so did not add extra it in till now. About one month out.