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~Humboldt Seed Co. AMHERST SOUR DIESEL~ ???Secret origins??? The mystery of the unknown🧐 Amherst Sour Diesel is a cannabis seed whose origins are kept a secret. This wonderful vigorous marijuana plant will reward your work with large, elongated, compact buds complemented by a rich complex aroma. Indoors it performs best with a short growth and outdoors, in temperate, warm, dry and Mediterranean climates or in a greenhouse. A marijuana plant that boasts balanced properties. -Top-notch flavor and effect -Idyllic feelings to treat the senses -The aroma of this cannabis hybrid is a pleasant combination of ripe fruit and oil. The flavor is rich and complex, with hints of tropical fruit, oil and exotic wood. -The effect, typically Sativa, is euphoric, uplifting, powerful and long-lasting. A cannabis strain Sativa lovers will know how to appreciate. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tech Specs: ~Amherst Sour Diesel~ Feminized Genotype: 20% Indica / 80% Sativa Cross: Chemdawg x Amherst Super Skunk Suitable for: Indoors and outdoors Indoor flowering: 65-70 days Indoor yield: 400-600 g/m2 Outdoor harvest time: Late October Outdoor yield: 2000-3000 g/plant Outdoor height: 2-3 m THC: 27% CBD: 0.1% ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ THE SETUP: ~Planted into Jiffy Peat Pellets that were hydrated with de-chlorinated water with SuperThrive added then ph'd to 6.0 @ 80℉ ~Grown 100% organic in 10g fabric pots with Mother Earth 70/30 Coco/Perlite medium amended with 2tbs/g of Down To Earth 4-4-4 / 2 cups/g of Earthworm Castings / 1tbs/g of Dr. Earth Flower Girl 3-9-4, 1tbs/g of Dr. Earth Bat Guano, 3/4 cup of Down To Earth Azomite and 1 tsp/g Down To Earth Fish Bone Meal. ~24hr light cycle during Germination / 19/5 light cycle for Vegetation and 12/12 for Flower ~Straight water ph'd @ 6.2-6.8 when needed and weekly Compost Tea's. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEEKLY UPDATES: 9/20- 💥BOOM!💥 Week Six of flower is here and my girl's in high gear, stacking her flowers and pumping out trichomes! Today I watered her with 1.5g de-chlorinated water with 5ml/g of Botanicare CalMag+ added, then ph'd to 6.2 @ 72℉. I turned her pot and plucked a couple of yellow shade leaves...the basic daily maintenance. 9/22- I didn't water her yesterday as she looked great and was 'praying' hard. Today she was given 1.5g of de-chlorinated water which was ph'd to 6.2 @ 72℉ which I gave her through her drip pan (bottom chuggin) and I also gave her pot a turn. She continues to have a great deep green color that is beautifully contrasted by the snow white trichomes piling up on them! Her height has not really increased but she is extremely bushy with tight node spacing which will necessitate plucking some leaves to keep the light penetrating into her canopy. 9/24- We're getting close to wrapping up Week Five of flower in a couple of days and she'll be past the half-way point with the most exciting weeks yet to come! I didn't water yesterday and today I went ahead and Top Dressed her with 2 tbsp/g Dr. Earth Flower Girl 3-9-4, 1 tbsp/g Dr. Earth Gold Premium 4-4-4, 1/2 cup Down To Earth Bio-Fish, 1/3 cup Down To Earth High Phosphorus Bat Guano and 2 cups of Worm Castings. I watered in the Top Dress with 1.5g of de-chlorinated water which was ph'd to 6.2 @ 72℉ and let her enjoy her meal! 😜 9/26- After her heavy watering on the 24th I didn't water yesterday and when I checked her today at 'lights on' and she still had some weight to her pot and her leaves were praying hard so I held off on watering today and will hit her tomorrow with her usual 0.75g watering. ~Thanks for stopping in! Things should be getting a lot more interesting in the coming weeks...Stay lifted and be Blessed! 😎🙏~
Es ist soweit! Am Freitag habe ich die fünf Easy Buds nach knapp 11 1/2 Wochen abgeschnitten und geerntet. Leider musste ich feststellen, dass eine Pflanze ziemlich stark befallen war. Ich vermute eine Milbenart oder möglicherweise Fliegeneier. Unterhalb der Blätter waren etliche dunkelgelbe und dunkelbraune Eier, die man auf den ersten Blick kaum erkennen konnte. Bei genauerem Hinsehen sieht man jedoch, dass sich der Befall auf die ganze Pflanze ausgeweitet hatte. Glücklicherweise blieben die vier anderen Pflanzen verschont. Aus diesem Grund trockne ich die Pflanzen auch getrennt voneinander. Die befallene Pflanze wollte ich nicht direkt wegwerfen, sondern erstmal trocknen lassen. Im Nachhinein werde ich schauen, wie ich mögliche Schadensbegrenzung betreiben kann. Die vier gesunden Pflanzen werden in einem geschlossenen Zelt in einem Trocknungsbeutel getrocknet. Die befallene Pflanze habe ich in dem Folienzelt aufgehängt und mit einer Plane abgedeckt. Nach wenigen Tagen der Trocknung sieht soweit eigentlich alles gut aus. Die Eier scheinen nicht mehr zu schlüpfen, sondern fallen von der Blüte ab oder verschrumpeln zu Kompost. Ich hoffe, dass es dabei bleibt. Der Geruch hat sich nach dem Abschneiden deutlich verändert. Schon nach der kurzen Trocknungszeit kann ich einen intensiveren Geruch feststellen, der sich noch nicht so richtig beschreiben lässt. Die Blüten waren stark mit den sogenannten "Sugar Leaves" verwachsen, weshalb ich sie grob getrimmt habe, um sie zum Trocknen aufzuhängen. Nachdem die Blüten vollständig getrocknet sind, werde ich die Buds noch einmal einzeln trimmen und durch meine Trimm-Maschine von Vevor jagen. Der Ernteprozess hat zu zweit circa eine Stunde gedauert. Die Pflanzen waren zum Zeitpunkt der Ernte noch sehr gesund und kräftig. Die Verwurzelung war trotz des geschlossenen Topfes sehr gut. Die schönste Bud hat definitiv die zentrale Pflanze, Greta, ergeben. Nass hätte ich den Bud auf mindestens 12 g geschätzt. Ein Gesamtgewicht des nassen Pflanzenmaterials habe ich nicht ermittelt. Sobald alles trocken und fertig beschnitten ist, werde ich das Tagebuch um den trockenen Betrag ergänzen. Stand jetzt würde ich schätzen, dass der Ertrag aller Pflanzen bei circa 40-50 g liegt, was mich für meinen ersten Grow ziemlich zufrieden stellt, besonders in Anbetracht dieser wirklich sehr simplen Strain. Mehr Infos und Fotos folgen in Kürze, wenn das Curing beginnt. Bis bald! :)
Since this was a first grow, I treated mostly as a learning experience. I had one other plant of the same strain two weeks behind this one. I was happy with the bud structure, nice and dense and they trimmed up nice. I never did get any plant aromas while it was growing. I'm posting this after I've dried and cured both plants. I didn't dry this one properly and the hay smell ended up pretty strong during dry and didn't go away enough during cure. So end result was pretty nugs that smelled a bit of hay and wasn't potent at all. My fault, I don't blame the genetics. I realize now I was underwatering and that better equipment equals better results.
Day 43 Watered them with feeding but a bit less than in Chart. Ppm is still high but because I got bio-fertilizer I think it should be okay 👍🏽. I also set the light from stage 7 to stage 9 so far the plants seem to like it. Will give an update on day 45. Day 50 Trying to fix the overfeeding. looked good Day 53 Still a bit overfed. Reducing the feed. I’m trying water without minerals next and will see how it is going.
Day 15 18/07/24 Thursday De-chlorinated tap water pH 6 with calmag 5ml -5L. I have scratched back surface soil, and topped up with canna terra pro and DyNoMyCo ✌️💚 Day 16 19/07/24 Friday Lite Feed today, 250ml each pot small run off. Seeing excellent start to these babies. Let's get it 👌💚 Day 18 21/07/24 Sunday De-chlorinated tap water pH 6 with calmag 5ml to 5L. Watering in 1L each day from now. Updated video Day 19 22/07/24 Monday Nothing new to report. Starting to see them beautiful fans appear that's all 😁✌️ Day 20 23/07/24 Tuesday Feed today, giving them straight all nutes Inc flowering nutes. I will update the dose as they grow and develop a bigger hunger. Video updates 👌💚 Day 21 25/07/24 Wednesday END OF WEEK Still no water or feed since Tuesday, it has been overcast last two days though so not a lot of energy been used. Still happy and healthy 💪💚
Day 15 18/07/24 Thursday De-chlorinated tap water pH 6 with calmag 5ml -5L. I have scratched back surface soil, and topped up with canna terra pro and DyNoMyCo ✌️💚 Day 16 19/07/24 Friday Lite Feed today, 250ml each pot small run off. Seeing excellent start to these babies. Let's get it 👌💚 Day 18 21/07/24 Sunday De-chlorinated tap water pH 6 with calmag 5ml to 5L. Watering in 1L each day from now. Updated video Day 19 22/07/24 Monday Nothing new to report. Starting to see them beautiful fans appear that's all 😁✌️ Day 20 23/07/24 Tuesday Feed today, giving them straight all nutes Inc flowering nutes. I will update the dose as they grow and develop a bigger hunger. Video updates 👌💚 Day 21 25/07/24 Wednesday END OF WEEK Still no water or feed since Tuesday, it has been overcast last two days though so not a lot of energy been used. Still happy and healthy 💪💚
Day 15 18/07/24 Thursday De-chlorinated tap water pH 6 with calmag 5ml -5L. I have scratched back surface soil, and topped up with canna terra pro and DyNoMyCo ✌️💚 Day 16 19/07/24 Friday Lite Feed today, 250ml each pot small run off. Seeing excellent start to these babies. Let's get it 👌💚 Day 18 21/07/24 Sunday De-chlorinated tap water pH 6 with calmag 5ml to 5L. Watering in 1L each day from now. Updated video Day 19 22/07/24 Monday Nothing new to report. Starting to see them beautiful fans appear that's all 😁✌️ Day 20 23/07/24 Tuesday Feed today, giving them straight all nutes Inc flowering nutes. I will update the dose as they grow and develop a bigger hunger. Video updates 👌💚 Day 21 25/07/24 Wednesday END OF WEEK Still no water or feed since Tuesday, it has been overcast last two days though so not a lot of energy been used. Still happy and healthy 💪💚
Day 17 17/07/24 Wednesday De-chlorinated tap water pH 6 with calmag 5ml -5L. Very humid week, noticed a green turning colour on top of soils where the humidity has been far to high. I have installed door netting and recently left open all day and night now so they can condition over night in colder temps. All are doing well, one overdose slightly behind and looking ABIT swifted. But she'll come around 💪💚 Day 19 19/07/24 Friday Lite Feed today, 250ml each pot small run off. Seeing excellent start to these babies. Let's get it 👌💚 Day 21 21/07/24 Sunday De-chlorinated tap water pH 6 with calmag 5ml to 5L. Watering in 1L each day from now. Updated video
Day 17 17/07/24 Wednesday De-chlorinated tap water pH 6 with calmag 5ml -5L. Very humid week, noticed a green turning colour on top of soils where the humidity has been far to high. I have installed door netting and recently left open all day and night now so they can condition over night in colder temps. All are doing well, one overdose slightly behind and looking ABIT swifted. But she'll come around 💪💚 Day 19 19/07/24 Friday Lite Feed today, 250ml each pot small run off. Seeing excellent start to these babies. Let's get it 👌💚 Day 21 21/07/24 Sunday De-chlorinated tap water pH 6 with calmag 5ml to 5L. Watering in 1L each day from now. Updated video
Day 17 17/07/24 Wednesday De-chlorinated tap water pH 6 with calmag 5ml -5L. Very humid week, noticed a green turning colour on top of soils where the humidity has been far to high. I have installed door netting and recently left open all day and night now so they can condition over night in colder temps. All are doing well, one overdose slightly behind and looking ABIT swifted. But she'll come around 💪💚 Day 19 19/07/24 Friday Lite Feed today, 250ml each pot small run off. Seeing excellent start to these babies. Let's get it 👌💚 Day 21 21/07/24 Sunday De-chlorinated tap water pH 6 with calmag 5ml to 5L. Watering in 1L each day from now. Updated video
Day 17 17/07/24 Wednesday De-chlorinated tap water pH 6 with calmag 5ml -5L. Very humid week, noticed a green turning colour on top of soils where the humidity has been far to high. I have installed door netting and recently left open all day and night now so they can condition over night in colder temps. All are doing well, one overdose slightly behind and looking ABIT swifted. But she'll come around 💪💚 Day 19 19/07/24 Friday Lite Feed today, 250ml each pot small run off. Seeing excellent start to these babies. Let's get it 👌💚 Day 21 21/07/24 Sunday De-chlorinated tap water pH 6 with calmag 5ml to 5L. Watering in 1L each day from now. Updated video
Day 17 17/07/24 Wednesday De-chlorinated tap water pH 6 with calmag 5ml -5L. Very humid week, noticed a green turning colour on top of soils where the humidity has been far to high. I have installed door netting and recently left open all day and night now so they can condition over night in colder temps. Growth wise, explosive little seed 👌💚 Day 19 19/07/24 Friday Lite Feed today, 250ml each pot small run off. Seeing excellent start to these babies. Let's get it 👌💚 Day 21 21/07/24 Sunday De-chlorinated tap water pH 6 with calmag 5ml to 5L. Watering in 1L each day from now. Updated video
Day 17 17/07/24 Wednesday De-chlorinated tap Water today with calmag pH 5.9. It was a humid week🤦‍♂️, green house could not air out!! She is surviving and doing well though. Day 19 19/07/24 Friday Lite Feed today, 250ml each pot small run off. Seeing excellent start to these babies. Let's get it 👌💚 Day 21 21/07/24 Sunday De-chlorinated tap water pH 6 with calmag 5ml to 5L. Watering in 1L each day from now. Updated video
Day 78 19/07/24 Friday De-chlorinated tap water today, pH 6 with calmag 7.5ml to 5L water. Updated with short video. I'm waiting on the lime to finish so I can flip these. So this is last week of veg for her, seriously 🤣✌️💚 Great growth and recovery from last week's final topping and lollipop. Can't wait to flip, the smell she is starting to produce already as just the base plant is beautiful. Did all final topping this week on all tops 😁👌 Allowing recovery before flip Day 79 Transition week for flower (Flip Week) 20/07/24 Saturday De-chlorinated tap water pH 6 with calmag today, she took 5L with 1L run off. Applied heavy LST as she won't fit in tent otherwise when finished!! Day 81 22/07/24 Monday Big feed today using the flower nutes now. De-chlorinated tap water pH 6 added nutrients. Checked pH again 6.2 after 20mins. I use advanced nutrients pH perfect for anyone asking. Noticed sex already, she is throwing out female pistils already 🤯 only flipped Friday 19/07/24. Smell is becoming more noticeable now. Glad she is now in the tent. Will update pictures tomorrow 😁✌️💚 Day 82 23/07/24 Tuesday De-chlorinated tap water pH 6 only today, 4L little run off. I ensure a little run off when watering to stop salt build up 👌 Recovery this week is awesome from final topping I did last week. She is already colour changing her tops and showing sex pistils 🙌 It's a girl yo 🙌💚🤣 Picture update Day 84 25/07/24 Thursday Still no water or feed since Tuesday, it has been overcast last two days though so not a lot of energy been used. Still happy and healthy 💪💚
Day 78 19/07/24 Friday De-chlorinated tap water today, pH 6 with calmag 7.5ml to 5L water. Updated with short video. I'm waiting on the lime to finish so I can flip these. So this is last week of veg for her, seriously 🤣✌️💚 Great growth and recovery from last week's final topping and lollipop. Can't wait to flip, the smell she is starting to produce already as just the base plant is beautiful. Did all final topping this week on all tops 😁👌 Allowing recovery before flip Day 79 Transition week for flower (Flip Week) 20/07/24 Saturday De-chlorinated tap water pH 6 with calmag today, she took 5L with 1L run off. Applied heavy LST as she won't fit in tent otherwise when finished!! Day 81 22/07/24 Monday Big feed today using the flower nutes now. De-chlorinated tap water pH 6 added nutrients. Checked pH again 6.2 after 20mins. I use advanced nutrients pH perfect for anyone asking. Noticed sex already, she is throwing out female pistils already 🤯 only flipped Friday 19/07/24. Smell is becoming more noticeable now. Glad she is now in the tent. Will update pictures tomorrow 😁✌️💚 Day 82 23/07/24 Tuesday De-chlorinated tap water pH 6 only, 4L -minor small amount run off. She is getting thirsty 😅 Recovery this week is awesome from final topping I did last week. She is already colour changing her tops and showing sex pistils 🙌 It's a girl yo 🙌💚🤣 Picture update Day 84 25/07/24 Thursday Still no water or feed since Tuesday, it has been overcast last two days though so not a lot of energy been used. Still happy and healthy 💪💚