The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
a new grow is on the cards. it will be a race between two fast-flowering varieties. On one side we have fast buds with gorilla cookies and on the other side zamnesia with green crack F1. i'm trying to create the same conditions for both as much as possible. it will be an outdoor grow in an autopot flexipot system. both will get the same fertilisation and have the same substrate to grow in. the substrate is a mix of expanded clay from Plagron and coconut fibres from Canna. The fertiliser comes from Hesi. germination went very well. i first put the seed in water for 24 hours and then placed it in a wet paper towel for another 24 hours. the seed germinated after a total of 48 hours. then i planted it in the coco substrate and after another 48 hours the seedling broke through the soil and got its first rays of sunshine. it will be my last outdoor grow for this year and i'm looking forward to seeing how the plants grow in late summer.😋
Die erste Woche der Blüte beginnt. Habe die Clips entfernt und wir versuchen uns mal mit unserem selbst geknoteten Netz. Mal sehen wie wir damit zurecht kommen. Die Pflanzen erscheinen noch recht klein für die Fläche, gehe aber davon aus, das Netz noch in der ersten Woche fast vollständig zu füllen.
Die erste Woche der Blüte beginnt. Habe die Clips entfernt und wir versuchen uns mal mit unserem selbst geknoteten Netz. Mal sehen wie wir damit zurecht kommen. Die Pflanzen erscheinen noch recht klein für die Fläche, gehe aber davon aus, das Netz noch in der ersten Woche fast vollständig zu füllen.
Got better at week 8 end. Finally lots of trichomes, buds are gettin denser last couple days. Made a couple of pure water waterings between nutrition. Defoliated hard and seems like this is last time before harvest. Please share any thoughts/tips on better growing this baby👇 Peace🙏
Giovedì 17 ottobre switch a 12/12 Prossimamente cambieremo soluzione. Rinnoverò anche tutti i nutrienti con la fase vegetativa e loro continueranno a crescere fino a che iniziamo a vedere i prefiori e cui di ricambierò l'acqua con la soluzione e adatta, al momento tutto apposto! Venerdì 18 ottobre 2024 Svuoto la vasca, cambio soluzione. Partiamo da 75 lt acqua demineralizzata ec 235 ph 9.5 Aggiungo tutti I nutrienti indicati ottenendo ec 1318 ph 6.2
Stück für Stück wird die Ernte eingefahren. Immer das was gerade im idealen Zustand ist. Das ganze Popcorn untenherum fällt dem Lollipopping zum Opfer. Ich habe leider keine Zeit die vielen kleinen Blüten herunter zu fieseln. Bei dieser riesigen Menge ist das aber egal.
Day 165 14/10/24 Monday De-chlorinated tap water pH 6 with calmag today Starting to see new growth showing no signs of new seeds!! She is spitting out new pistils again, I may run nutes for this week then flush , as trichomes are looking clear still with only spots of cloudy. Picture's (over exposed to light) 📸 Day 167 16/10/24 Wednesday Feed today 😁 using de-chlorinated tap water phd to 6.3. Her pistils keep maturing rapidly, but then I check twice a day and each time I check, they look either orange and almost showing finished signs... Then she slaps out another round of pistils and trichomes are coming cloudy still. She may well be a 12 week flower. I'll keep feeding till I see majority cloudy. Picture and video update 📸💚 Day 168 17/10/24 Thursday (End of week) Damn!!! Found two tops, overnight turn brown hairs, and sugar leaves yellow and dry. Needless to say two tops had been attacked by mould. After a heavy detailed inspection of plant, it is only these two tops. So I have removed, bagged and hoping now no new mould is spotted 🤦‍♂️ Rest of the plant looks and smells fantastic 💚 I have update pictures and a video 📸💚 Day 169 18/10/24 Friday Damn, she has lost another 2 tops due to mould. I'm gutted, so to stop any further disappointment, I am chipping her tonight before lights on 💚✌️ Note to self- lesson learned when doing Scrog, Lollipop MORE. I have left too much on and it has reduced airflow causing humidity to stay above 62%.
Day 165 14/10/24 Monday De-chlorinated tap water pH 6 with calmag today Starting to see new growth showing no signs of new seeds!! She is spitting out new pistils again, I may run nutes for this week then flush , as trichomes are looking clear still with only spots of cloudy. Picture's (over exposed to light) 📸 Day 167 16/10/24 Wednesday Feed today 😁 using de-chlorinated tap water phd to 6.3. Her pistils keep maturing rapidly, but then I check twice a day and each time I check, they look either orange and almost showing finished signs... Then she slaps out another round of pistils and trichomes are coming cloudy still. She may well be a 12 week flower. I'll keep feeding till I see majority cloudy. Picture and video update 📸💚 Day 168 17/10/24 Thursday (End of week) Damn!!! Found two tops, overnight turn brown hairs, and sugar leaves yellow and dry. Needless to say two tops had been attacked by mould. After a heavy detailed inspection of plant, it is only these two tops. So I have removed, bagged and hoping now no new mould is spotted 🤦‍♂️ Rest of the plant looks and smells fantastic 💚 I have update pictures and a video 📸💚 Day 169 18/10/24 Friday Damn, she has lost another 2 tops due to mould. I'm gutted, so to stop any further disappointment, I am chipping her tonight before lights on 💚✌️ Note to self- lesson learned when doing Scrog, Lollipop MORE. I have left too much on and it has reduced airflow causing humidity to stay above 62%.
Dies war eine Gratis Beigabe zu meiner Bestellung. Die Freude war besonders groß als ich die Beschreibung des Strains gelesen habe :) Die Kleine hatte Probleme die Samenhülle und das -häutchen abzuzustreifen von den Keimblättern. Also habe ich ihr etwas geholfen. Sie steht jetzt in 14l Hanferde von Sonnenerde. Bin sehr gespannt, ob overhyped oder ob wirklich gute Ergebnisse hierbei herauskommen. Lasse mich gerne positiv überraschen ;) Falls jemand Ratschläge, Tipps und Tricks hat, gerne raus damit :D Ist erst mein zweiter Grow und ich habe sehr wenig Erfahrung. Bin dankbar für jeden Punkt, in dem ich mich verbessern kann!
orange bud & king juice remaining king juice will prob get chop next week somwhere and the orange the week after that been giving them water 2x a week and 1x feed a week i gave them overdrive last week but i dont think i like it, evrytime i give it the next week my PH gets lowerd by 0.5-1 (dunno if this is normal for overdrive to do that?) and the plants starts to eat itself way faster then i want it to also my soil is past 10weeks now so the nuts inthere are gone
Day 106 14/10/24 Monday Her colours are really coming through now 🤩 Nearing her end now, possibly another week after this ✌️💚 Picture and video update 📸💚 Day 108 Day 58 flower now 🗓️✅ 16/10/24 Wednesday De-chlorinated tap water with flawless finish to pH 6.2. She really is starting to mature, weight on her buds is increasing. Trichomes now forming cloudy Picture and video update 📸 Day 109 Day 59 Flower 17/10/24 Thursday Nothing to update - she is just maturing now, picture and video update 📸💚 Day 110 18/10/24 Friday Allowing her today, then Saturday she will be 24 hrs dark 🌑 and chop Sunday. She is incredible, black and purple buds, leaves to match, coated, I mean sugar laced looking like tony Montana ❄️ sneezed on my grow, she is glistening with trichomes, seeing some amber's now. Will upload pictures at harvest now Day 111 19/10/24 Saturday Here we go 😍 time for the dark side 😈🌑 I do 24hrs for my autos, I find they start wilting after this for me. I'll update Sunday before the