👉With each day it grows a noticeable amount. Its staying short and the leaves are actually touching the media on the lower set. Its actually on its 3rd node, and i will probably top it on the 4rth. I lowered the light from 36 to 24". This week i will lower it again to 18". The plant is short but its growth is still vigorous enough. under the leaves there is vegitation emerging as well. I like the fact that its staying short, I will probably need every inch of of my tent so the longer its stays short and grows like a bush, the better.
👉Im doing the week 3 nutrient schedule for another week because week 3 is the highest levels of grow nutrient. My EC target is 1.7 and is near the high end of the recommended range. I usually start with 2 gallons and then mix and pH the batch. If the EC is high I then ad pHd/calmag/ArmorSI water to lower the EC to the desired range. Im feeding 1 liter of nutrient solution and the runoff is an average of .6l. I give this 2x a day. The EC is slowly creeps up over 3-4 days and when it gets to 25 to 30+ EC I use a liter of rinse solution before the next fertigation. the rinse solution is same water source as the nutrient mix, (RO water at 5 micro-Siemens from a medical grade RO unit) with Armor SI and Calmag pH's to 5.9. The machine isnt at my house so I mule the water in 6 gallon water carriers. Eventually the plant will be big enough that more solution is needed at each feeding. During the Critical Purple and Hindu grows, the EC would actually never guild up because the plants were absorbing a lot of the nutrients. I will gauge the needed inflow volume of nutrient solution by the amount of run-off. Currently 1 liter is what I determined is the minimum needed to keep the coco wet and buffered. As the plant absorbs more water the drain off will decrease. I will target 20-30% run-off from inflow volume. EC value also determines inflow volume but to save on mixed nutrients I like to precede a feeding with the rinse solution if the EC is too high.
👉I disinfect the water jugs 1 time a week with 1% bleach. I disinfect my nutrient solution dispensing jugs at each batch mixing. My watering can and measuring vessel, I rinse with the H2O2 spray at each use.
👉To help keep the grow clean I have a 1 gallon garden sprayer filled with water and 60ml of H2O2. The recipe is usually just 30ml/gallon, but I wanted it a little stronger. I spray the exterior of my cloth pot once a week to rinse of the build up nutrients and prevent mold, mildew and green fungus. I also use the spray to disinfect the drain trays as I swap them out after a feeding. I have a couple dozen white wash cloths that I use to help clean and dry things. I use fresh wash cloth each day, and keep everything as clean as possible.