Week 5 : Six Shooter in Biotabs
An eventful week, growing daily, destroying its training daily, pulled out it's metal hook and most of its ties , but overall doing well, getting bushy and pushing it's secondaries above the canopy reaching for the light. Turned up the light to 600W, it's making the room a bit warmer but i'm able to control it pretty well. This 6 shooter is basically in the first week of flowering, but will need an extra week or even two of bloom i think before it comes to maturity, i'm guessing week 12. watered with my micro and beneficials solutions, frothy and brownish but i mean clean water is overrated lol gave them some watering with co2 too, but when i sprayed I think i was spraying too close and using tap water in which i had not measured the micro i was adding so the spray left residue everywhere on the leaves, not really sure how to fix it actually, it's not biggie i know but still. I got these bakery trays used for cooking cakes and cookies and i'm using them to lift the pots slightly getting better airflow. I dont know if it's the airflow under the pots or simply that these are just drinking more for the stage of growth they're at but they're getting three waterings this week which means they are drinking fully 50% more on last week ! 9 pints instead of 6 ! special shout out to my new friend @greencropPT for teaching me some new tricks and showing me some cool stuff !
Week 5 : Six Shooter in Vertafort
decent week for the vertafort six shooter, used to be the runt, has basically caught up by now. Glad i did some LST the canopy is even which is great to gage how high the light goes - i'm adjusting the HID every couple of days basically following the growth of the plants. This one has bushed out nicely, i removed a fan leaf that was shading the main cola. It's just now pushing out mini pistils , looking forward to seeing how these do during the main flower stretch. Watered her with my micro and beneficials once, co2 enriched water once, and will likely get a third watering this week. Just going in the tent every so often trying to train the side colas and keep the canopy even. Looking forward to seeing some amazing buds come out of this one !
Week 5 : Mr.B's Six Shooter
First week of flowering for the tent and everything is going really well actually, Mr.B's not really showing any signs of excess or deficiencies, but i got nervous going into flower so i added some beneficials. The six shooter is bushing out really nice, pushing it's secondary colas above the cannopy. i took two leaves off this one, they were healthy leaves , but thick, dark brown and causing all sorts of shadow... It was a really interesting experience doing the beneficials for the first time, it got clumpy, brownish, frothy ... gross ! and it was "so ghetto" getting spores and such straight out of a zip lock, check my other diaries i'll put some pics up of that just for laughs. I decided to eyeball my micro and kelp spray which means that there is residu all over lol, trying to get rid of it without rubbing it off, but i might just have to do that. lol that was an experience too, i mix it in for the spray and the solution turns red ! never seen that before even on this site ! check out the vid too, you can see me spraying the plants lol... no biggy but it was an eventful week for bulbi and I learned loads and loads ! not sure if I'm doing the beneficials correctly : does anyone know if those bacteria and fungi play well together? anyway VPD is really on point doing very well on that front, and you can tell from the explossive growth : these six shooters completely pulled out their metal hooks ! drop me a line , i'd love to hear from you ! 🚀🚀