Mac 1, also known as Miracle Alien Cookies X1, is a popular hybrid marijuana strain that was created as a back cross of the original MAC strain and combines the genetics of Alien Cookies and Starfighter with a dash of Columbian. This weed is beloved for its balanced effects and distinctive flavor profile. The aroma and taste of Mac 1 are often described as a blend of citrus, diesel, and sweet, earthy notes, with a hint of floral undertones. Its THC levels typically range from 20% to 23%, making it potent but not overwhelming for most users. The effects are well-balanced, offering a combination of cerebral euphoria and physical relaxation, making it a great choice for both recreational and medical users. It's often recommended for daytime use, as it can boost creativity and energy while keeping the mind clear. Medically, Mac 1 is often used to manage symptoms of stress, depression, and chronic pain. Its effects that are both uplifting and relaxing can help improve mood and reduce anxiety. Cultivating Mac 1 can be a bit challenging due to its specific feeding and climate needs, but it's known for its beautiful, dense buds and impressive trichome production. It typically thrives in warm, sunny climates and has a flowering time of about 9-10 weeks.