
Cali Berry

4 years ago
Wooden Closet
Room Type
weeks 6-7
weeks 6-7
Lambert Cactus / Succ. Soil
Grow medium
Burpee Organic Potting Mix
Grow medium
11 L
Pot Size
Grow Conditions
Week 2
18 hrs
Light Schedule
8+ conditions after
Commented by
llu183 llu183
4 years ago
y'all ever struggle and then like..... struggle some more lmao my poor babies, they'll be okay though 😩 -- about to hit 2 weeks and they're still small I wanted to transplant them into a bigger pot by now, but looking at their size and rate, I'll wait a bit till the roots are more developed Day 13: debated & decided. yep drizzled the tiniest bit of grow big around the stem cause I don't play by the rules 😈 they seemed to perk up ; placed diy humidity dome so top stop drying out so quick before the bottom can
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Grow Questions
llu183started grow question 4 years ago
Plant A-- with the larger cotyledons has not shown any signs of true leaves. Is this a genetic problem and will it make it? Has anyone else had this issue and what were the results, if any. This is day 5 after coming out of the soil.
Leaves. Other
Nordynllcanswered grow question 4 years ago
I just had two Auto Bruce Banner seeds Do the same thing. One of them actually pulled through, and started growing real leaves after 8-9 days. It was kind of like half of it was growing. I just kept treating them like the two that were doing great, and somehow it made it. The other one never grew any real leaves, and is still in the pot in the tent, but has pretty much yellowed and died. If you have an abundance of seeds, and it doesn't mean that much to you then the other guys are probably right, and it's time to start something else. However, I wouldn't give up on it yet. Call me a diehard or just stubborn I guess, but my perseverance paid off for one anyhow, and even though it's way behind it's sisters, I'm confident she's gonna be ok in the long run. I did hit 'em with a real light Advanced Nutrients B-52 and Sensi Cal Mag Xtra drink a couple times so maybe that's what saved my survivor. Just saying, it might be worth a shot if, like me, you're intent on saving her. 😉You can check out a couple of pics from last week's diary if you're interested. Will be posting again Friday for this week. I'm glad I saved her☺️ Also, I got back with the mjseedscanada, and let them know what happened, and they were right on it. Immediately, Rocket and Crop King Seeds responded by sending me 5 replacement seeds. 👍So, don't know where you got them, but if it's a reputable and upstanding seed bank like these guys are, they might make it right with you. Good luck. Hope this helped. Happy growing!✌️

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Ferenccommentedweek 74 years ago
Good Luck @llu183
spydercommentedweek 44 years ago
lookin' good,,,,,good luck with the grow,,,enjoy.
Lacrimacommentedweek 74 years ago
Happy Growing ! 😊💪
Dr_Boomcommentedweek 14 years ago
Good luck with your grow!
CRiSPrGrowcommentedweek 14 years ago
Hope i answered your question, anything else you need just let me know 👊
DoDrugs420commentedweek 83 years ago
Pretty nice job on picking Cali Berry!!