I've decrease the wattage of lights to 230W as you can see, tips of leafs are yellow and pistils on buds are getting brown faster than I would expect. Seems like 260W is still too much for my fgrow spaece 1m².
Beginnig of week plants were defoliated signifficantly for a last time. As I have quite highz humidity level in my room, this is only possibility how to keep it on 60%, and still I can't get lower. It could be huge problem in next weeks.
Smell is getting nice-very citric and fresh.
You're going to sadly learn the hard way like i did.
A. Most Spanish genetics are not worked and suck.
You get what you pay for (more time wasted even if u find a good pheno but i can chuck my own femmed shit better now hahaha).
Theres a few that are good like ripper and pevs usa copy genetics but why buy a copy when they raised prices. Efem.
B. Stick to VPD charts for veg and flower. U mostly did a good vpd job.
How big is the tent? For a 2x2 a good 100led real watt sammy or the other one (german?) Is more than enough.
You need to research par and dli.
Get a good lux meter as par meters are way expensive and you can use the vendors charts or convert online lux to par input the led type u have. Waveform lighting or something is the calculators online.
Gentics dont burn sugar leaves, improper light and lack of micros like calmag may cause it more in led lights.
Good luck
Try a good sativa hybrid from a good breeder no bulk stuff.
Sativa hybrids will stretch but you can lst it u seem do well with that...you get very easy to trim kababs or large popcorns (yummy!). If you're lucky you get pyramids on sticks. 🙏🙏🚶♂️💲💸💪💪🇺🇲🇺🇲🌱🌱🌿🌿🚀👌👌🇺🇲💪