Big stretch this week! Gained a good 5 or 6 inches. She always wants to be the tallest I. The tent and I have zero problems with that. Smoked a few bowls of her last night from the last round. Woke up this morning feeling almost like I had a slight hangover. Super powerful stuff this fire it up. 🔥 can't say enough good things about her or her breeder jinxproof genetics. If you cant get ahold of this particular strain, you can always get something else he offers. They are all worth it!
@paulino27, I think they help a bunch. They have some infrared light and UV light spectrums that used to not be in the overhead lights. The overheads I have now are full.spextrum and not blurple like they used to be when I started using the side lights. They also really.hwlp.withnlight penetration in the lower canopy in my opinion. My partner doesn't use them in his setups. And we agree that I pull fatter, heavier and stickier buds. If that helps answer the question at all. Good luck with your grows y'all!
I just wanna break that big crown off and use it as a walking stick as I adventure through my neighbour hood like Gandalf the green. Happy growing dude