GO!!! 😂
What such fantastic girls these Sexbuds are! They seem to be very healthy and are really enjoying all the abuse in the last couple of weeks.👌 I think they're just trying to keep up to the Bitch! 😜
After the topping last week, both girls recovered quickly and I was back to taking their tops off again! 😍 It seems the more I train them, the quicker they wanna grow... yay for me!!!
Soon when both girls have eight tops and are fully recovered, they will be going to a new room to start their journey into greatness...😂 as long as I don't kill them along the way...😳
Both girls are still drinking great... 1L every 2 days, but that will increase very soon. I like to water two different ways... bottom watering... draws roots to the bottom... top watering... helps bring all the nutrients down to the bottom.
Guess that's all 😀
Until next week...
Growing Happy! 👉😁👈
Grow Environment:
-Area: 3x5 room
-Light :1800w Cob light = (400w HID)
-Temp: 24C on average
-Humidity: 68%
-3 gallon Smart pot
-Kryptonite soil = (Living soil)
-1L / 2days pH7 (soil regulates)
-Companion plants (Dill & Basil)