Let's talk about sex buddy... 😂
The sexbuds shot up... in the past week, they grew a good 10 inches... still not as tall as their cousin Spicy Bitch, but BAM!!! 💪😝 Even their stacking stayed with the grow! They are now 2ft bushes.
Let's change that...
3rd week defoliation... why is it done?
From my limited experience and internet knowledge😳, this is done to help with getting light to the lower bud sites, to have great air circulation and to cut down on the chances of white powdery mildew (wpm)... also, it helps to direct more energy into the main colas.
The reason it's the 3rd week...
Week 1&2... preflower
Week 3... defoliation
Week 4&5... recovery + new growth
Week 6... no new fan leaves will grow
Now, that is based on a 8 or 9 week strain... sometimes 10 but usually 10+ weeks... just add an extra week on to the process.👍
The girls are drinking a lot... like their bitch cousin... 9L each this week... bring on the hangover...😂😅 I'm still doing the 2/1 watering... 2 from the top, 1 from the bottom.
I'm very impressed on the growth of the sex buds. The hats are forming well, the stacks are stacking really nice, and their leaves are at 9 fingers... Happy Happy Buds!!!😁
Humidity is still higher then I want at this stage (58%), might have to get a small dehumidifier to solve that...
Let's see where the next week takes us!
Grow Environment:
-Area: 4x5 room
-Light : Bloom Plus BP4000
-Temp: 25C on average
-Humidity: 58%
-10 gallon Smart pot
-Kryptonite soil = (Living soil)
-pH7 (soil regulates)
-Companion plants... spearmint, dill, sweet basil
Happy Growing!👉😁👈