Hellooooo 4th week!
Last week, the sex buds got stripped...😲 removed a lot more then I should have... at least that's what I thought! A couple of days after and the girls are filling up the room again. By the look of their close stacking (they are sativas), I think they may be leafy colas... not just sugar leaves... gonna try and stay on top of removing the leaves with long stems...
The trichomes the girls are producing are absolutely wild!😍 Four weeks in, and they have so much trichomes on the lower stacks... it's just nuts. Their cousin Spicy Bitch, she has some trichomes, but nothing like these girls.
Both girls only had 6L of water this week. The 2nd watering, blackstrap molasses was added. Mix 2 Tbsp (30ml) / 1 gallon (3.8L) of water. The reason for using blackstrap and not regular table molasses... Blackstrap has a higher nutrient count, I believe.
It also helps the plant grow bigger by enriching the soil and improving the environment. The soil breaks the sugar down to carbs which feed microbes in the soil. The microbes then produce CO2, that is used by your plants to grow larger. Let's go!😎
The girls didn't grow as tall as I thought they would for being sativas, but their stalks are solid, most of the arms are a good size, but the stacking is going to be where it's at... 👍 Mix that with tons of trichomes... Really can't wait until harvest!😁
Week recap... Used blackstrap... trichomes out the ying yang... and dreaming about harvest! Great Week!!!👉😜👈
Grow Environment:
-Area: 4x5 room
-Light : Bloom Plus BP4000
-Temp: 26C on average
-Humidity: 58%
-10 gallon Smart pot
-Kryptonite soil = (Living soil)
-pH7 (soil regulates)
-Companion plants.... spearmint
-Blackstrap molasses... 2 Tbsp (30ml) / Gallon (3.8L) of water
Happy Growing!👉😁👈