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First Grow! || Mix

Approved by Barney's Farm
8 years ago
Fission 300W High-Intensity Discharge/315W
Fission 300W High-Intensity Discharge/315W
Room Type
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
Grow medium
Week 1. Vegetation
8 years ago
24 hrs
24 °C
37 %
With the tent all set up and operating within acceptable temps (running at 79 degrees inside), it's germination time. Using pellets and a little dome-- Ph'd water to 6.0, soaked the pellets and stuck the seeds. Now we wait. Germination started Wed, 2/15 Transferred to 3gal pots Fri, 2/17 First cotyledons spotted Sat, 2/18 Update 2/19: 4 seedlings looking good // RIP Liberty Haze #1 and Sweet Tooth. I didn't plant you deep enough, you died for science. Welcome to the world, Liberty Haze #3 and Purple Trainwreck.
Week 2. Vegetation
8 years ago
2.54 cm
24 hrs
24 °C
37 %
2/22: First day of Week 2. (Might start counting from a Saturday or something-- this mid-week start may not be feasible long-term.) Seeing some nice progress on the original four that survived the pop, and got a few fresh beans (Liberty Haze replacement, Purple Trainwreck) sprouting about 4 days behind the first batch. Was a little paranoid about stretch so dropped the light down, but it was probably fine. Gave a tiny amount of nutrients to the first class last watering, won't for another week. Experimenting with the solo cups before the transfer into the big pots for the new ones-- wondering what growth pacing will look like, comparatively. 2/24 - First 4 plants looking good! 2/3 of the replacement sprouts solid, but the Purple Trainwreck was growing upside-down and the root was curling into a spiral trying to get back under the soil. Did a little tweezer surgery to flip it over on 2/23-- cotyledons were yellowed and not separated, hoping not all is lost quite yet. Fingers crossed.
Week 3. Vegetation
8 years ago
10.16 cm
24 hrs
24 °C
50 %
Nutrients 4
Soul Grow - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Soul Grow 1.321 mll
Soul Amino-Aide - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Soul Amino-Aide 1.321 mll
Soul Infinity - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Soul Infinity 1.321 mll
Beginning of Week 3. Looking good! Original 4 plants really taking off. A little nutrient burn on the Gigabud after Sunday's feeding, but seems to only really have affected a couple of the bottom leaves and recovered nicely. None of the other plants bothered (fed the Week 1 recommended dose of the nutrients mid-Week 2, so was a little surprised there. Learning something every day!) Rootball fell apart a little bit transplanting one of the little Liberties. Figure it'll recover alright, though, got it into the new soil and tamped down pretty quickly. Starting to think about using some garden staples to train a bit-- though can probably wait another week for everything to spread out a bit and get easier to work around. Got stakes and ties for after the flip to flower. Semi-related: Just picked up the Cervantes "Grower's Bible", as an augmentation to the "Grower's Guide" by Rosenthal I've already read cover to cover (and thumbed through a bunch of times since). Also "Smoke Signals" by Martin Lee. A little cultural history I'm looking forward to digging into.
Week 4. Vegetation
8 years ago
25.4 cm
24 hrs
24 °C
50 %
Nutrients 4
Soul Grow - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Soul Grow 1.321 mll
Soul Infinity - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Soul Infinity 1.321 mll
Soul Amino-Aide - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Soul Amino-Aide 0.66 mll
3/8 - Start of Week 4. Saw a little bit of nutrient burn from 2/26 watering on the lower leaves even at the reduced levels administered, and on the very tips of a few new leaves once the water levels got low and the it was starting to up the concentration in the remaining moisture. Watered twice (3/2 and 3/6) since, and everything's looking much better. Did a little minor defoliation on a couple fan leaves that were looking pretty crunchy with yellow/brown spots from the burn. Trying not to do that any more if I can help it. Threw down a few garden staples last night, and moved them out wider today, and stuck stakes in to keep higher fan leaves out of the way of the limbs I want to get more light & air. Haven't done any topping-- might pick one of the Tangerine Dreams to test it out on, to see for myself what impact it has on growth/yield down the line. Overall, looking good! 3/11 - Watered with nutrients for the 2nd time. Did half strength vs the full recommended schedule-- hoping one plant potentially affected by zinc deficiency will see a quick recovery, and there's no burn on anything else. Everything's looking pretty good, so fingers crossed they take the boost well.
Week 5. Vegetation
8 years ago
50.8 cm
24 hrs
24 °C
55 %
On recommendation from a friend, did a round of topping Tues 3/14. Plants were looking a little sad that evening, a 3/15 watering picked everything right up. Re-staked everything and added adjustable/removable cross-beams to create cages-- very happy with the decision, and will make managing fan leaves and separate colas much easier once things get into flower. It's all getting tall! The younger Liberties have caught up, everything's at 20" and I've got a pretty even canopy. Was originally planning on flipping to flower 3/25, but think I'm going to push that up to 3/21 in the interest of not boning myself big time on height. (Staying sure to keep a 7-day buffer between topping and the flip.) Still a little bit of yellowing on new growth tips on a couple of the plants, but growing vigorously despite it (a 50% dose of nutes last week was received much better than the first time out). I think it's probably chlorination in the water, but I just got a bucket large enough to fill most of what I need to do a round, and I'll leave that out ahead of time next time to see if evaporating the gases in the tap water might help. Starting to seriously consider RO for the next grow... but not going to get out of control first time out. Hah.
Week 6. Flowering
8 years ago
71.12 cm
12 hrs
22 °C
55 %
Nutrients 6
Soul Grow - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Soul Grow 0.66 mll
Soul Bloom  - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Soul Bloom 1.321 mll
Soul Amino-Aide - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Soul Amino-Aide 0.66 mll
Flipped to flower! Got some serious height concerns, but fingers crossed it'll work out and I won't run into clearance problems. Defoliated a whole bunch, recognizing that I'm probably sacrificing yield but I'm trying to stall out just a little bit. Boy do these ladies want to bounce back, though. Added in the first week of flowering nutrients (it's been about 2 weeks since I fertilized at all-- got gun-shy after the likely nute burn last time around.) Looked everything over closely tonight-- really only a few preflowers showing at all yet. Knowing these are all fems, will start checking for signs of herming over the next few days and for the remainder of the grow. Clock's ticking now! This is the point at which I say out loud "okay, I'm learning a lot, doesn't have to be perfect first time out." Things I'll do differently next time out: 1.) Top much, much earlier. 2.) Veg to like, half this height or less. 12-16" max - don't need to grow them out nearly as big. At least now I know what an exponential curve looks like. Jeez. 3.) Very slowly introduce nutrients-- do a better job of either working with a full inert medium, or pick a line geared more towards soil. Still having a blast with it though. A little sad I can't check on things twice a day anymore-- lights are off when I'm awake in the AM. ...already plotting which strains I'm throwing down next. Hoo boy. Update: 3/24 - on advice from @beanbean, made a late effort to do some LST. We'll see how it goes!
Week 7. Flowering
8 years ago
96.52 cm
12 hrs
22 °C
55 %
Nutrients 5
Soul Bloom  - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Soul Bloom 1.321 mll
Soul Amino-Aide - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Soul Amino-Aide 0.66 mll
Soul Infinity - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Soul Infinity 1.321 mll
3/28 (7F) - Accidentally took another top off trying to tie it down. (Doh.) Plants seem to have taken to the first 1/2 strength bloom nutrients really well. Looks like this grow is turning into a quasi-lollipopping experiment. Went hard on the lower branches while trying to control the area... put a 2nd fan underneath to improve airflow. But the canopy looks great, so I'm gonna trust the process. Not really sure what to be expecting height-wise-- a week in to flower and I still have like 18-20" of clearance before I have problems... if they don't stabilize at like 2/3 of the way up the space I have left, I'll get some kind of screen going to force them down. Hoping it doesn't come to that, though. How much can they grow in the next week and a half, right? (Erm.) 4/2 (12F) - Watering with half-strength nutrients. Plants are overall very happy so not ramping up to full until bud production starts getting heavier-- height still a little worrying so transferred a bunch of the garden ties from lower down to the tops. See photos for before and after on height-- even bringing them down 6" or so will help me sleep a little better at night.
Week 8. Flowering
8 years ago
101.6 cm
12 hrs
22 °C
60 %
4/4 - Performed one final defoliation to open up light and air to as many bud sites as possible. Plants bounced back almost instantly from being tied down a few days ago. 4/7 - Watered. Will keep gradually moving the ties to pull new growth laterally in an effort to limit height, but overall everything seems pretty happy and healthy. Starting to see those pistils really jump out. Can't wait to see the buds start to fatten up!
1 like
Week 9. Flowering
8 years ago
96.52 cm
12 hrs
22 °C
65 %
Nutrients 4
Soul Bloom  - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Soul Bloom 1.321 mll
Soul Infinity - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Soul Infinity 1.321 mll
Soul Grow-N - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Soul Grow-N 0.132 mll
Week 9 (Flower Week 4): not a whole lot to report-- buds are looking really nice, still doing a little bit of bending/LST to keep height even across canopy. At day F27, plants are ~36-38" high and I've got about 18" of room between the canopy and the light. Hoping I can maintain height control in the last few weeks. Plants are needing water about every 5th day-- starting to worry a little bit about high humidity in the room (it's a pretty small enclosed space when the door is closed-- been keeping it open and in/out of the tent has been hovering around 65% RH in the high 60s. Ideally would like it 5-10% lower-- might pick up a 30-pint humidifier to sort that out. Half-strength nutrients seem to be serving the girls super well-- don't really feel the need to dial it up any higher, given that the schedule is for hydro and I'm working in soil. Skipped Week 3 feeding just because of the 10-day water/water + nutrient cycle. Accidentally spaced out (dead sober, I swear-- just listening to podcasts) and forgot to pH before watering on F27. Knowing my tap water comes out super high (8.5ish), I pH'd the last 1/3 of the water down to about 5.5 to balance out somewhat. Minor panic but I imagine it's not going to be the end of the world, soil should have some buffering ability in there too. Will just get it right next time, when the Week 5 nutrients are on deck.
Week 10. Flowering
8 years ago
96.52 cm
12 hrs
22 °C
60 %
Nutrients 5
Mammoth P - Mammoth Microbes
Mammoth P 0.66 mll
Soul Bloom  - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Soul Bloom 1.321 mll
Soul Infinity - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Soul Infinity 1.321 mll
Still trucking along. Had a great time scoping out NECANN on 4/22. Got a sample of Mammoth P that I decided to throw in with the nutrients this week. Not exactly split testing, but figured it's not gonna hurt anything! Bonus picture of my calendar whiteboard, and various stickers obtained from breeders/seedbanks and NECANN over the weekend. Will be adding many more in the future, I hope.
Week 11. Flowering
8 years ago
101.6 cm
12 hrs
22 °C
60 %
No nutrients in this week, only because the watering schedule meant there was only one watering, and it was the one without a feeding. Everything continuing right along. Starting to fatten up!
1 like
Week 12. Flowering
8 years ago
101.6 cm
12 hrs
22 °C
60 %
Nutrients 6
Soul Peak 0.66 mll
Mammoth P - Mammoth Microbes
Mammoth P 1.057 mll
Soul Bloom  - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Soul Bloom 1.321 mll
A little bumpy this week. Checked in on the plants and noticed some very quick-onset deficiencies. Fan leaves on the two middle plants directly under the cMH (about 16" away from the reflector) developing brown spots on the fan leaves (a Liberty and Tangerine, respectively). They'd been stationary under the most intense light for a few weeks, and my guess is the light intensity caused enhanced growth but also nutrient uptake, and they started to starve. Switched them with the Gigabud and another of the Liberties-- so far the new center plants seem pretty happy, and while the fan leaves on the affected plants are really looking pretty patchy, the buds are far and away the fattest on those. Another lesson learned first time out-- rotate more (and ideally keep the plants shorter to avoid the intensity problem appearing in the first place. Other than that, things moving right along. Affected plants looking the further along, but pistils starting to brown on the other plants, with the exception of the Gigabud. Main cola there lookin' real pointy. Did some very minor pruning to take off some sickly leaves, and pulled a few leaves that had shed out from the mass of branches. I think they're happy girls overall-- starting to get antsy about harvest, though definitely want to see them fatten up some more before I do.
Week 13. Flowering
8 years ago
101.6 cm
12 hrs
22 °C
60 %
Nutrients 5
Soul Peak 2.642 mll
Soul Bloom  - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Soul Bloom 2.642 mll
Soul Grow-N - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Soul Grow-N 0.264 mll
Gave the girls a full dose of nutrients (as opposed to half) for the first time, they took to it great. I realized I'm a total moron and had at some point (likely during germ) swapped the labels on two of the plants-- so the plants I mentioned last week and feared were light-burned were not in fact one Liberty and one Tangerine. In my defense, the plants vegged very similarly and the early flowers looked pretty uniform. But at this stage of the game, when I stopped trusting myself and used my eyes it was hilariously clear that the two plants with fan leaf deficiencies are both Tangerine Dream. My rationale of "oh it's just two phenotypes of Liberty because LH and TD share G13 lineage" was absurdly wrong. So I fixed that labeling problem. Buds on them look great though, FWIW! Also, after putting a dehumidifier in the space to keep everything inside and outside the tent under control, I got tired of it filling the reservoir every day-- so I stacked it on top of a 20gal barrel, attached the hose, and wired up an Arduino with a float switch inside the barrel to shut the dehumidifier off if it gets too full. Will likely empty it frequently enough that it's never a problem, but I'd rather be safe than sorry and if I need to go out of town at any point, won't have to deal with too-humid conditions any time soon. Also circuits are fun! (Maybe next grow I'll set something up to monitor temps/humidity-- and after that perhaps look into automatic watering DIY? Who knows.)
1 like
Week 14. Flowering
8 years ago
101.6 cm
12 hrs
22 °C
60 %
Starting the flush! Planning on harvesting next week (or a few days later), trich-dependent. Lots of photos this week-- did some shuffling around and picking out fan leaves that had started to drop, so slightly different angle/light quality than usual, but photos of buds from every plant. Liberty Haze fan leaves starting to yellow/purple as they reach end of lifecycle. Really cool to look at! Will try to snap some photos highlighting that next week. Keeping an eye on pistils browning and will trim some sugar leaves to start inspecting trichs under the scope. Pretty excited to see this thing nearing the end. Gotta get ready for a trim party (load up the podcasts and go to town). Already lining up plans for next go-around.
Week 15. Harvest
8 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Chopped everything down. Really happy with the harvest. Had a minor panic over the drying/curing process. Initially thinking I left them drying too long and dropped rH past that 55% floor-- but a week in jar and they're springing back to life (less grassy/hay smell and more like the amazing bud I was sniffing while it was growing.) Been holding off on sampling until they're really ready. Will have to add in those sections later. Began the trimming process by separating the cola tops from the fluffier, pale under developed buds. Really affected two of the LH more than any other plant. So the tray photos/final weight for those two definitely smaller than the rest of the run. Liberty Haze Dried Weight (3 plants of 6): 78.6g Weighed after drying for a week. Definitely have a lot to improve on next time, but man I'm hooked. Lessons learned: 1.) Top earlier-- don't be afraid to go at them early on. 2.) Smaller containers and smaller plants. I got greedy and ambitious for my space with the 3gal pots, and led to some headache and a too-dense canopy. 2.) Related: veg less-- flip those lights as soon as the plants are about a foot high. 3.) Dial in the nutrients-- in my case, don't mix nutrients formulated for hydro with soil and expect there not to be a little burn. (Nutes were free though, so price was certainly right.) 4.) Flower time estimates are just that-- estimates. 5.) Harvesting is a time commitment! Set aside the weekend. 6.) Dry slower, longer. Trim less wet, to prolong the process. 7.) Breathe! It's all good, and there's always next time.
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Spent 101 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
31.37 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Citrus, Herbs

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Had a blast breaking myself in. Probably would have been wiser to pick something easier to grow out of the gate, but where's the fun in that?0
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Week 15. Harvest
8 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Wrote my notes up in the LH Harvest section. Check 'em out. This strain had some persistent light/nute burn issues, but as stated in the other harvest notes: almost certainly my fault. Trichs on these ladies looked absolutely perfect when they came down. This is the one I'm most excited to sample after a solid cure. Smelling like orange soda and hops. It rules. Tangerine Dream Dried Weight: 72.5g
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Spent 101 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
31.37 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Citrus, Herbs, Sweet

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Really looking forward to sampling this one. Definitely the strongest yield of the three varieties. Strong possibility of growing this one again, after learning some lessons to treat it better during the process next time.
1 like
Week 15. Harvest
8 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Most of my notes on this under the 'Liberty Haze Harvest section. Didn't give this strain enough time, so that's on me. Started chopping at F68, took this down at F70 when I absolutely had to hang in the tent or risk stinking up the whole neighborhood. Trichs weren't fully developed, so a little nervous about the smoke on this. Worst-case scenario I'll turn it into some bubble hash or infuse into oil/butter. Not a knock on the strain. In fact, this one was super promising the whole way through, smelled like bubble gum, and was excited to see how it wound up. Anything sub-optimal, totally on me. Big colas, foxtailed a little bit but were still looking great at the end. Gigabud Dried Weight (1 plant of 6): 37.1g
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Spent 101 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
31.37 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Fruity, Sweet, Tropical

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Fit right in with the rest of the grow. Got it as a freebie and it thrived. Probably the healthiest, most maintenance-free of all the plants. If it's less than stellar, I'll be kicking myself for not preparing enough ahead of time to give it the time it needed. Ah well, there's always next time!0


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Prince_Fattycommentedweek 18 years ago
Looking great firestarter ! Twisted firestarter aha what a set up for a first grow ! I remember my first grow all them year ago stuck in a cupboard with no in or out under CFL 😂 Good times... Anyways that's enough of that I'll be watching this one closely to see how it turns out ! Best of luck buddy peace
Prince_Fattycommented8 years ago
@firestarter, I think we all go over board with hobbies sometime (I'm guilty of buying a 1500 quid mtb :/) good thing I use it all the time aha
firestartercommented8 years ago
@Prince_Fatty, thanks! Yeah I get made fun of for uh, really getting into my hobbies. I would say this one is no exception!
Rippercommentedweek 58 years ago
Looking good.. she looks strong she should finish well.
Rippercommented8 years ago
@th_cz, my pleasure bud happy growing
firestartercommented8 years ago
@Ripper thanks!
Prince_Fattycommentedweek 98 years ago
Looking good man frosting up already !
firestartercommented8 years ago
@Prince_Fatty, thanks! Yeah pretty excited to see them really coming along
Rippercommentedweek 68 years ago
Looking very nice here keep it up.
firestartercommented8 years ago
@Ripper, thanks!
Bstonercommentedweek 58 years ago
@firestarter i can see you're growing your plants to be tall and narrow, any particular reason for that ? just interested here ;)
firestartercommented8 years ago
@Bstoner, mainly because I had no idea what I was doing or when was right to start training... and then they got so big I started pruning just so they wouldn't overrun each other's space. But I only vegged for 5 weeks-- they absolutely blew up in the last week. Will definitely flip earlier next time.
OldCoolSativacommentedweek 68 years ago
I also should have topped my plants much earlier, but us first time growers have to make a few mistakes along the way, right? You must be psyched to start making flowers.
firestartercommented8 years ago
@OldCoolSativa, heck yes
AVITAScommentedweek 58 years ago
Looking good! I was a High Times Cannabis Cup judge in Amsterdam 3 years straight (Cups 23-24-25) and the Liberty Haze and Tangerine Dream were contenders during that time. Both are excellent, but the TD is exceptional! 👌 Good luck!
firestartercommented8 years ago
@AVITAS thanks! I'm very excited to see how they turn out-- they're growing beautifully in the meantime!
OldCoolSativacommentedweek 58 years ago
Coming along very nicely! I'll be interested to hear what you think about the haze and the TG.
firestartercommented8 years ago
@OldCoolSativa thanks! Will definitely report back when it's time
BigDaddyKcommentedweek 58 years ago
Ticks all the right boxes 👍 Watch out for humidity 👌 Yellowing can be a sign of a deficiency,but I have the same issue at flowering with one of mine - if it's just one plant it's unlikely it's the nutrients or ph .
firestartercommented8 years ago
@BigDaddyK thanks for the tip-- yeah I'm thinking it's most likely sensitivity to chlorination-- none of the others are showing any signs, and it's otherwise looking pretty robust, so not gonna worry too too much about it. Got myself a 5gal bucket and letting the water sit out 24hrs from now on (also a little aquarium pump and some hose, 'cause I'm tired of using a pump sprayer)
beanbeancommentedweek 18 years ago
Hehe still think you shoulda threw that Green Crack down this run ;) The setup looks good, can't wait to see it up and running. GL on seed germing! -beanbean
firestartercommented8 years ago
@beanbean, Well, still got it so if a seed doesn't pop for some reason-- no reason not to use it as a replacement. And there's always next time!
BigDaddyKcommentedweek 58 years ago
Ps I have an olive packing drum that I bought for $15 that I thoroughly rinsed out , its 220 l and you can leave the water 💦 there while it dechlorinates for 24 hrs
BigDaddyKcommentedweek 58 years ago
Burnt tips is over nutrition- I do that but it's minor 🌱
BigDaddyKcommentedweek 158 years ago
Which is your favourite?
BigDaddyKcommented8 years ago
@firestarter,I like super silver haze 👍
firestartercommented8 years ago
@BigDaddyK, now that they've cure a while, Tangerine Dream the definite winner. My preferences lean indica anyway, and it's extremely relaxing but with a mild, manageable euphoria too. Love it.
nicogmcommentedweek 158 years ago
Congrats !! I love tangerine dream :D
firestartercommented8 years ago
@nicogm, thanks! Yeah it's definitely my favorite of the three.
Fun_Growincommentedweek 18 years ago
dam good first grow!!!
firestartercommented8 years ago
@Fun_Growin, thanks!
CANNASIMcommentedweek 158 years ago
Congrats on the harvest!!! 👏🏻👌🏻 One candy for each time if the day! 🙃
firestartercommented8 years ago
@CANNASIM thanks!
ElevatedThinkingcommentedweek 148 years ago
Looks good! Nice and frosty ... just got some Tangerine Dream and Acapulco Gold by Barney's ... will give those a go next run :-) I see you're rocking the CMH 315W ... how do you like them? I just switched a couple of weeks into my first grow and notice a huge difference from my last with the cheap LED I had.
firestartercommented8 years ago
@ElevatedThinking, absolutely love the cMH-- was originally planning on going with LED (had my eye on the Solar Flare), but was convinced otherwise at the last minute. Couldn't be happier with the result, and a few commercial growing friends agreed after the fact I made the right decision.
Euruscommentedweek 128 years ago
They're all looking gorgeus.My grow is quite like yours.Let's hope we both get some heavy buds!
firestartercommented8 years ago
@Eurus, Thanks! Getting close to peaking, pretty excited
OldCoolSativacommentedweek 128 years ago
The setbacks you speak of don't show in the pictures...plants look good to me!
firestartercommented8 years ago
@OldCoolSativa, Thanks! Pretty stoked to be nearing the end here
OldCoolSativacommentedweek 158 years ago
Nice job! I'll be interested in the smoke reports, especially for LH and TD.
the end.
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