Hey guys!
Been trying to correct the ph runoff and I can see slow improvements, but the plant seems healthy so i'm not to worried.
LST been growing great and the plant is taking a very nice space and a well leveled canopy.
I've been doing some minor defoliation to open up some light to otherwise shaded places, and by day 35 I did a bigger one prepare for the flowering, which is starting, which brings me to say this is a pre-flower week. It's wierd though since the data sheet for RQS say she flowers in 7-8 weeks. But it is what it is and I roll with it :)
I also got some extra nutrients to better follow the feeding schedule im following, some Piranha for root expansion and sensyzime for clearing of the soil and dead roots.
Next investment is a tds and ph pen, got a cheap one but both dont seem to be working very accurately so gonna invest in higher quality ones, especially the tds pen.
Watering Schedule
23th April to 28th April (Day 30 to day 35)
1.5ml/L - Grow / Micro / Bloom
1ml/L - Voodoo Juice / Piranha / Bud Candy
Watered 3,5 l 26/04
Runoff of 20%
Watered 2.5 l 29/04
Runoff of 20%
@GMSgrows, Indeed! cannot complain. Bought a fancy bluelab ppm pen to nail the feeding also :). Im super curious how much im going to get. been checking yours also. Super nice mate!