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RIP: Sludge Bubble Bucket (RDWC)

7 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 6
18 hrs
Light Schedule
13+ conditions after
Commented by
MichaelMo MichaelMo
7 years ago
Website hasn't been super helpful but i had a request for an update. Pics are fresh-the other data here is whatever it preloaded for me.
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Grow Questions
MichaelMostarted grow question 7 years ago
My Sour Diesel just broke ground and looks uncharacteristically brown-none of my other seeds have done this. Not finding much info on this, specifically-is she ok?
Leaves. Color - Dark-brown
DudeGrowsWeedanswered grow question 7 years ago
It looks like she still has the shell of the seed attached. You could wait for it to fall off on its own or try removing it gently. Each have pros and cons... if the shell does not come off on its own the seedling will die (this just happened to me). Also removing the shell manually could damage the seedling, which could shock or kill it. I can’t really tell from the photos, but if you think you can gently remove the shell I’d go for it. Good luck!

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MichaelMocommentedweek 17 years ago
thanks! this is my first dwc besides a few proof of concept, 3d printable, desktop planters I've designed. I actually have my first soil grow along side this bin right now so I hope I can learn from these firsts. I'm having a blast!
BucketBrigadecommentedweek 37 years ago
@@MichaelMo, So far, with my limited experience in hydro, I have observed that the initial tap root tries to grow straight down as quickly as possible. That initial root can get very long. At some stage a lillte later, once the tap root is finding what it needs, other roots start to form on their own but depending on where they find nutrients. I have noticed that those additional roots formed where grow medium stayed moist or submirged in the liquid below. In some of my other plants (Kale and Basil) there are now very extensive root systems from the sides and bottom of the root cup easily holding the plant up as it bulks up. But they came later. In fact, I wanted to transplant those plants to bigger buckets. But I could not because the root system is so extensive, threre is no way to pull the root cup out of the lid without extensie damage to the plant. The kale roots have actually filled the 2 gal bucket. For my cannabis plant, I have a huge lid/root cup combo on a 5 gal bucket and roots are growing throughout the bottom and sides of the basket where the medium is moist. So given a few more weeks, I think you will start to see those additional roots form on their own. One more thing, I've noticed that when the seedlings are very young, it appears that plant growth slows down or pauses while the plant seems to concentrate effort on it's roots. I assume the plant that seems to be developing a little slower at the moment is doing just that. There is a major growth spurt on it's way any day now once the roots have expanded enough to support it. Your plants are looking good!
MichaelMocommented7 years ago
awesome! that makes sense now and follows what I'm seeing. I didn't notice for the first few days, but smaller hairs are growing off of, and throughout, so looks like growth is still where it should be. Thanks so much for the reply-ive been scouring my books and online to get the info I need but first hand experience is priceless :)
CannaReapercommentedweek 17 years ago
Looks like everything is going well so far!
BucketBrigadecommentedweek 67 years ago
They are looking nice!
BucketBrigadecommentedweek 47 years ago
Looking forward to an update!
BucketBrigadecommentedweek 17 years ago
I saw this and thought hey, someone is growing basil along with Mary just like me? It can't be. But, yes it can. Looks like I will need to post a photo that includes my basil. I'm growing Kale as well (just harvested my 1st and made kale chips). Good luck with this grow. They both look great!
DudeGrowsWeedcommentedweek 27 years ago
It looks like she still has the shell of the seed attached. You could wait for it to fall off on its own or try removing it gently. Each have pros and cons... if the shell does not come off on its own the seedling will die (this just happened to me). Also removing the shell manually could damage the seedling, which could shock or kill it. I can’t really tell from the photos, but if you think you can gently remove the shell I’d go for it. Good luck!
MichaelMocommentedweek 27 years ago
thanks both that commented-i had to go with the earliest since both of you said the same thing :) I will try misting it gently. I also have some very small, gentle, tweezers that i use when inserting germinated seeds in to rapid rooters so i'll at least see if it is something that may come off easily. Thanks for the info-i knew the seed covering needed to eventually come off-but never having one do this i wasn't sure here. Thanks again!
FlavoursUkcommented7 years ago
@@MichaelMo, The misting with water as I said will help encourage it to come off, hope it works out for you buddy!
MichaelMocommentedweek 17 years ago
would love to know more, I've read a bit that basil and a few others, specifically, do a good job of regulating nitrogen and also help break down other helpful dwc stuff. I honestly have never tied it so here's hoping!